C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs

Inheritance: System.EventArgs
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
NewZoomFactor System.Drawing.SizeF
OldZoomFactor System.Drawing.SizeF

Public Methods

Method Description
ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs ( SizeF oldZoomFactor, SizeF newZoomFactor ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs class.

Method Details

ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs class.
public ZoomPercentageChangedEventArgs ( SizeF oldZoomFactor, SizeF newZoomFactor ) : System
oldZoomFactor System.Drawing.SizeF The previous zoom factor.
newZoomFactor System.Drawing.SizeF The new zoom factor.
return System

Property Details

NewZoomFactor public property

Gets the new zoom factor
public SizeF,System.Drawing NewZoomFactor
return System.Drawing.SizeF

OldZoomFactor public property

Gets the previous zoom factor
public SizeF,System.Drawing OldZoomFactor
return System.Drawing.SizeF