C# Class Rock.Field.Types.SelectMultiFieldType

Inheritance: FieldType
Show file Open project: NewSpring/Rock

Public Methods

Method Description
AttributeFilterExpression ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, List filterValues, System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression parameterExpression ) : Expression

Gets a filter expression for an attribute value.

ConfigurationControls ( ) : List

Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field

ConfigurationKeys ( ) : List

Returns a list of the configuration keys

ConfigurationValues ( List controls ) : ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary

Gets the configuration value.

EditControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id ) : Control

Creates the control(s) necessary for prompting user for a new value

FilterValueControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id, bool required, FilterMode filterMode ) : Control

Gets the filter value control.

FormatValue ( System parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed ) : string

Returns the field's current value(s)

GetEditValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : string

Reads new values entered by the user for the field

GetFilterValueValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : string

Gets the filter value value.

HasFilterControl ( ) : bool

Determines whether this filter has a filter control

PropertyFilterExpression ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, List filterValues, Expression parameterExpression, string propertyName, Type propertyType ) : Expression

Gets a filter expression for an entity property value.

SetConfigurationValues ( List controls, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : void

Sets the configuration value.

SetEditValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string value ) : void

Sets the value.

SetFilterValueValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string value ) : void

Sets the filter value value.

Method Details

AttributeFilterExpression() public method

Gets a filter expression for an attribute value.
public AttributeFilterExpression ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, List filterValues, System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression parameterExpression ) : Expression
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
filterValues List The filter values.
parameterExpression System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression The parameter expression.
return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression

ConfigurationControls() public method

Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field
public ConfigurationControls ( ) : List
return List

ConfigurationKeys() public method

Returns a list of the configuration keys
public ConfigurationKeys ( ) : List
return List

ConfigurationValues() public method

Gets the configuration value.
public ConfigurationValues ( List controls ) : ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
controls List The controls.
return ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary

EditControl() public method

Creates the control(s) necessary for prompting user for a new value
public EditControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id ) : Control
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
id string
return System.Web.UI.Control

FilterValueControl() public method

Gets the filter value control.
public FilterValueControl ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string id, bool required, FilterMode filterMode ) : Control
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
id string The identifier.
required bool if set to true [required].
filterMode FilterMode The filter mode.
return System.Web.UI.Control

FormatValue() public method

Returns the field's current value(s)
public FormatValue ( System parentControl, string value, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, bool condensed ) : string
parentControl System The parent control.
value string Information about the value
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
condensed bool Flag indicating if the value should be condensed (i.e. for use in a grid column)
return string

GetEditValue() public method

Reads new values entered by the user for the field
public GetEditValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : string
control System.Web.UI.Control Parent control that controls were added to in the CreateEditControl() method
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
return string

GetFilterValueValue() public method

Gets the filter value value.
public GetFilterValueValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : string
control System.Web.UI.Control The control.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
return string

HasFilterControl() public method

Determines whether this filter has a filter control
public HasFilterControl ( ) : bool
return bool

PropertyFilterExpression() public method

Gets a filter expression for an entity property value.
public PropertyFilterExpression ( ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, List filterValues, Expression parameterExpression, string propertyName, Type propertyType ) : Expression
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
filterValues List The filter values.
parameterExpression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression The parameter expression.
propertyName string Name of the property.
propertyType System.Type Type of the property.
return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression

SetConfigurationValues() public method

Sets the configuration value.
public SetConfigurationValues ( List controls, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues ) : void
controls List
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
return void

SetEditValue() public method

Sets the value.
public SetEditValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string value ) : void
control System.Web.UI.Control The control.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary
value string The value.
return void

SetFilterValueValue() public method

Sets the filter value value.
public SetFilterValueValue ( Control control, ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary configurationValues, string value ) : void
control System.Web.UI.Control The control.
configurationValues ConfigurationValue>.Dictionary The configuration values.
value string The value.
return void