C# Class RevitLookup.GeomUtils

Summary description for GeomUtils.
Show file Open project: jeremytammik/RevitLookup

Public Properties

Property Type Description
kOrigin XYZ
kXAxis XYZ
kYAxis XYZ
kZAxis XYZ

Public Methods

Method Description
DegreesToRadians ( double degrees ) : double
GeomUtils ( ) : System
GetClosestPt ( XYZ pt, System pts ) : XYZ

given an array of pts, find the closest pt to a given pt

Greater ( XYZ pt1, XYZ pt2, XYZ axis ) : XYZ

Given two points and an axis, returns the point with the greater value along the axis

Midpoint ( XYZ pt1, XYZ pt2 ) : XYZ
RadiansToDegrees ( double rads ) : double

Method Details

DegreesToRadians() public static method

public static DegreesToRadians ( double degrees ) : double
degrees double
return double

GeomUtils() public method

public GeomUtils ( ) : System
return System

GetClosestPt() public static method

given an array of pts, find the closest pt to a given pt
public static GetClosestPt ( XYZ pt, System pts ) : XYZ
pt XYZ
pts System
return XYZ

Greater() public static method

Given two points and an axis, returns the point with the greater value along the axis
public static Greater ( XYZ pt1, XYZ pt2, XYZ axis ) : XYZ
pt1 XYZ point 1 to compare
pt2 XYZ point 2 to compare
axis XYZ axis to compare along
return XYZ

Midpoint() public static method

public static Midpoint ( XYZ pt1, XYZ pt2 ) : XYZ
pt1 XYZ
pt2 XYZ
return XYZ

RadiansToDegrees() public static method

public static RadiansToDegrees ( double rads ) : double
rads double
return double

Property Details

kOrigin public static property

public static XYZ kOrigin
return XYZ

kXAxis public static property

public static XYZ kXAxis
return XYZ

kYAxis public static property

public static XYZ kYAxis
return XYZ

kZAxis public static property

public static XYZ kZAxis
return XYZ