C# Class RemoteLedMatrix.Lpd8806Matrix

Implementation of ILedMatrix for LPD8806/WS2801 based RGB leds, arranged into a single long serial strand. The first pixel is in the bottom left hand corner with the strand running upwards. The second strand starts at the top and runs downwards. Functionally, this means we need to flip every other column of color data to display properly.
Inheritance: ILedMatrix
Show file Open project: ms-iot/LEDMatrix

Public Methods

Method Description
DisplayImage ( WriteableBitmap image ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Displays an image on the LED matrix

Initialize ( ) : void

Sends a command to initialize the LED matrix

Lpd8806Matrix ( int width, int height ) : System.Collections.Generic

Initializes a new instance of the Lpd8806Matrix class.

Method Details

DisplayImage() public method

Displays an image on the LED matrix
public DisplayImage ( WriteableBitmap image ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
image Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap Bitmap to display on the LED matrix
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Initialize() public method

Sends a command to initialize the LED matrix
public Initialize ( ) : void
return void

Lpd8806Matrix() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Lpd8806Matrix class.
public Lpd8806Matrix ( int width, int height ) : System.Collections.Generic
width int Width in pixels of the LED Matrix
height int Height in pixels of the LED Matrix
return System.Collections.Generic