C# Class RGWConnector.RHandler

Searches GUI Windows of R and send keys.
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Public Methods

Method Description
RHandler ( ) : System
checkMDIChildWindow ( IntPtr hWdn, int lParam ) : bool
checkSDIWindow ( IntPtr hWdn, int lParam ) : bool
connect ( ) : void
sendPasteClipboard ( ) : void
submit ( string text ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
EnumChildWindows ( IntPtr hWndParent, WndEnumProc callback, int lParam ) : bool
EnumWindows ( WndEnumProc callback, int lParam ) : bool
FindWindow ( string lpClassName, string lpWindowName ) : IntPtr
GetWindowText ( IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount ) : int
InternalGetWindowText ( IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount ) : int
IsIconic ( IntPtr hWnd ) : bool
OpenIcon ( IntPtr hWnd ) : bool
RealGetWindowClass ( IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder pszType, uint cchType ) : uint
SetForegroundWindow ( IntPtr hWnd ) : bool
debugWindowClass ( IntPtr window ) : void
focusWindow ( IntPtr window ) : void
getPrefix ( ) : string
getProcess ( string name ) : Process
prepareText ( string text ) : string
sendKeys ( String keys ) : void

Method Details

RHandler() public method

public RHandler ( ) : System
return System

checkMDIChildWindow() public method

public checkMDIChildWindow ( IntPtr hWdn, int lParam ) : bool
hWdn System.IntPtr
lParam int
return bool

checkSDIWindow() public method

public checkSDIWindow ( IntPtr hWdn, int lParam ) : bool
hWdn System.IntPtr
lParam int
return bool

connect() public method

public connect ( ) : void
return void

sendPasteClipboard() public method

public sendPasteClipboard ( ) : void
return void

submit() public method

public submit ( string text ) : void
text string
return void