C# Class Project2.GameObjects.LevelPieces.TerrainEndZone

End zone piece contains a end zone object in the centre of a flat plane
Inheritance: Project2.GameObjects.Abstract.LevelPiece
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
endGoal Project2.GameObjects.Abstract.ModelPhysicsObject

Public Methods

Method Description
TerrainEndZone ( Project2Game game, Level level, System.Vector3 position ) : System

Method Details

TerrainEndZone() public method

public TerrainEndZone ( Project2Game game, Level level, System.Vector3 position ) : System
game Project2Game
level Level
position System.Vector3
return System

Property Details

endGoal public property

public ModelPhysicsObject,Project2.GameObjects.Abstract endGoal
return Project2.GameObjects.Abstract.ModelPhysicsObject