C# Class PlayFab.ClientModels.CatalogItemConsumableInfo

Show file Open project: PlayFab/PlayFabGameServer

Public Properties

Property Type Description
UsageCount uint?
UsagePeriod uint?
UsagePeriodGroup string

Property Details

UsageCount public property

number of times this object can be used, after which it will be removed from the player inventory
public uint? UsageCount
return uint?

UsagePeriod public property

duration in seconds for how long the item will remain in the player inventory - once elapsed, the item will be removed (recommended minimum value is 5 seconds, as lower values can cause the item to expire before operations depending on this item's details have completed)
public uint? UsagePeriod
return uint?

UsagePeriodGroup public property

all inventory item instances in the player inventory sharing a non-null UsagePeriodGroup have their UsagePeriod values added together, and share the result - when that period has elapsed, all the items in the group will be removed
public string UsagePeriodGroup
return string