C# Class Ovr.DistortionMesh

Describes a full set of distortion mesh data, filled in by ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMesh. Contents of this data structure, if not null, should be freed by ovrHmd_DestroyDistortionMesh.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
IndexCount uint
VertexCount uint
pIndexData short[]
pVertexData Ovr.DistortionVertex[]

Private Methods

Method Description
DistortionMesh ( DistortionMesh_Raw raw ) : System

Property Details

IndexCount public property

The number of indices in the mesh.
public uint IndexCount
return uint

VertexCount public property

The number of vertices in the mesh.
public uint VertexCount
return uint

pIndexData public property

Indices for connecting the mesh vertices into polygons.
public short[] pIndexData
return short[]

pVertexData public property

The distortion vertices representing each point in the mesh.
public DistortionVertex[],Ovr pVertexData
return Ovr.DistortionVertex[]