C# Class Otp.OtpMsg

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
from Otp.Erlang.Pid
paybuf OtpInputStream
payload Otp.Erlang.Object
tag int
to Otp.Erlang.Pid
toName System.String

Public Methods

Method Description
getMsg ( ) : Otp.Erlang.Object
getRecipient ( ) : Object
getRecipientName ( ) : System.String
getRecipientPid ( ) : Pid
getSenderPid ( ) : Pid
type ( ) : int

Private Methods

Method Description
OtpMsg ( Erlang to, Erlang payload ) : System
OtpMsg ( Erlang to, OtpInputStream paybuf ) : System
OtpMsg ( Erlang from, System toName, Erlang payload ) : System
OtpMsg ( Erlang from, System toName, OtpInputStream paybuf ) : System
OtpMsg ( int tag, Erlang from, Erlang to ) : System
OtpMsg ( int tag, Erlang from, Erlang to, Erlang reason ) : System
OtpMsg ( int tag, Erlang from, Erlang to, System reason ) : System
getMsgBuf ( ) : OtpInputStream

Method Details

getMsg() public method

public getMsg ( ) : Otp.Erlang.Object
return Otp.Erlang.Object

getRecipient() public method

public getRecipient ( ) : Object
return System.Object

getRecipientName() public method

public getRecipientName ( ) : System.String
return System.String

getRecipientPid() public method

public getRecipientPid ( ) : Pid
return Otp.Erlang.Pid

getSenderPid() public method

public getSenderPid ( ) : Pid
return Otp.Erlang.Pid

type() public method

public type ( ) : int
return int

Property Details

from protected property

protected Pid,Otp.Erlang from
return Otp.Erlang.Pid

paybuf protected property

protected OtpInputStream,Otp paybuf
return OtpInputStream

payload protected property

protected Object,Otp.Erlang payload
return Otp.Erlang.Object

tag protected property

protected int tag
return int

to protected property

protected Pid,Otp.Erlang to
return Otp.Erlang.Pid

toName protected property

protected String,System toName
return System.String