C# Class OptionsHelper.Options.OptionsControlBase

Ru: Базовый класс для отображения опций с помощью формы OptionsForm En: Base class to display options using the form OptionsForm
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
controlledOption OptionsBase

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyChanges ( ) : bool

Apply changes. Calls from OptionsControl when user click Ok or Apply buttons

Initialize ( ) : void

Initialize method. Calls from OptionsControl.

OnApplyChanges ( ) : bool

Apply changes

SetOption ( OptionsBase ModifiedOption ) : void

Set Option, which will be managed by this control

Protected Methods

Method Description
ModifiedChange ( ) : void

Ru: Устанавливает свойство _modified в true и вызывет соответствующее событие Необходимо вызывать в наследнике при изменении опции En: Sets _modified to true and fires event Must be called from inherit classes when changing options

OnInitialized ( ) : void

Initialize control

Private Methods

Method Description
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Method Details

ApplyChanges() public method

Apply changes. Calls from OptionsControl when user click Ok or Apply buttons
public ApplyChanges ( ) : bool
return bool

Initialize() public method

Initialize method. Calls from OptionsControl.
public Initialize ( ) : void
return void

ModifiedChange() protected method

Ru: Устанавливает свойство _modified в true и вызывет соответствующее событие Необходимо вызывать в наследнике при изменении опции En: Sets _modified to true and fires event Must be called from inherit classes when changing options
protected ModifiedChange ( ) : void
return void

OnApplyChanges() public method

Apply changes
public OnApplyChanges ( ) : bool
return bool

OnInitialized() protected method

Initialize control
protected OnInitialized ( ) : void
return void

SetOption() public method

Set Option, which will be managed by this control
public SetOption ( OptionsBase ModifiedOption ) : void
ModifiedOption OptionsBase
return void

Property Details

controlledOption protected property

Ru: Настройка, которой управляет этот контрол En: Option, which is managed by this control
protected OptionsBase,OptionsHelper.Options controlledOption
return OptionsBase