C# Class Octokit.ApiUrls

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Public Methods

Method Description
AllOrganizations ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations.

AllOrganizations ( long since ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations.

AllPublicRepositories ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all public repositories in response to a GET request.

AllPublicRepositories ( long since ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all public repositories in response to a GET request.

Asset ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the assets specified by the asset id.

Asset ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the assets specified by the asset id.

Assignees ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the assignees to which issues may be assigned.

Assignees ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the assignees to which issues may be assigned.

Blob ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.

Blob ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.

Blobs ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.

Blobs ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.

CheckAssignee ( long repositoryId, string login ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the login belongs to an assignee of the repository. Otherwire returns a 404.

CheckAssignee ( string owner, string name, string login ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the login belongs to an assignee of the repository. Otherwire returns a 404.

CheckMember ( string org, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if requester is an organization member and the user is, publicly or privately a member of the organization. Returns a 404 if the requester is an organization member and the user is not a member or the requester is not an organization member and is inquiring about themselves. Returns a 302 if the requester is not an organization member.

CheckMemberPublic ( string org, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the user is a public member of the organization. Otherwise returns a 404.

CombinedCommitStatus ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a combined view of commit statuses for the specified reference.

CombinedCommitStatus ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a combined view of commit statuses for the specified reference.

Commit ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified commit.

Commit ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified commit.

CommitComment ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.

CommitComment ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.

CommitCommentReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified commit comment.

CommitCommentReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified commit comment.

CommitComments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.

CommitComments ( long repositoryId, string sha ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.

CommitComments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.

CommitComments ( string owner, string name, string sha ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.

CommitStatuses ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the commit statuses for the specified reference.

CommitStatuses ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the commit statuses for the specified reference.

CreateCommit ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a commit object.

CreateCommit ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a commit object.

CreateCommitStatus ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to use when creating a commit status for the specified reference.

CreateCommitStatus ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to use when creating a commit status for the specified reference.

CreateMerge ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a merge object.

CreateMerge ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a merge object.

CreateTag ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a tag object.

CreateTag ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for creating a tag object.

DeploymentStatuses ( long repositoryId, int deploymentId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the Deployment Statuses API for the given deployment.

DeploymentStatuses ( string owner, string name, int deploymentId ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the Deployment Statuses API for the given deployment.

Deployments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the Deployments API for the given repository.

Deployments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the Deployments API for the given repository.

Emails ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the email addresses for the currently logged in user.

EnterpriseAdminStatsAll ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsComments ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsGists ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsHooks ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsIssues ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsMilestones ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsOrgs ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsPages ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsPulls ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsRepos ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseAdminStatsUsers ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseLdapTeamMapping ( int teamId ) : Uri
EnterpriseLdapTeamSync ( int teamId ) : Uri
EnterpriseLdapUserMapping ( string userName ) : Uri
EnterpriseLdapUserSync ( string userName ) : Uri
EnterpriseLicense ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseMigrationArchive ( string org, int id ) : Uri
EnterpriseMigrationById ( string org, int id ) : Uri
EnterpriseMigrationUnlockRepository ( string org, int id, string repo ) : Uri
EnterpriseMigrations ( string org ) : Uri
EnterpriseOrganization ( ) : Uri
EnterpriseSearchIndexing ( ) : Uri
Events ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the list of public events.

Events ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.

Events ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.

Feeds ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the feeds available to the authenticating user.

Followers ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the current users followers

Followers ( string login ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the followers for the specified user

Following ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the users the current user follows

Following ( string login ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the users the specified user follows

ForkGist ( string id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the forks for the specified gist.

Gist ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the list of public gists.

Gist ( string id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified gist.

GistComment ( string gistId, int commentId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a spesific comment for the specified commit.

GistComments ( string gistId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments for the specified gist.

GistCommits ( string id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the commits for the specified gist.

IsFollowing ( string following ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for checking is the current user is following another user

IsFollowing ( string login, string following ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for checking if a user is following another user

Issue ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified issue.

Issue ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified issue.

IssueComment ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.

IssueComment ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.

IssueCommentReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue comment.

IssueCommentReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue comment.

IssueComments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments for all issues in a specific repo.

IssueComments ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified issue.

IssueComments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments for all issues in a specific repo.

IssueComments ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified issue.

IssueLabel ( long repositoryId, int number, string labelName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the named label for the specified issue.

IssueLabel ( string owner, string name, int number, string labelName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the named label for the specified issue.

IssueLabels ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified issue.

IssueLabels ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified issue.

IssueLock ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified issue to be locked/unlocked.

IssueLock ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified issue to be locked/unlocked.

IssueReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue.

IssueReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue.

IssueTimeline ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the timeline of a specified issue.

IssueTimeline ( string owner, string repo, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the timeline of a specified issue.

Issues ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues across all the authenticated user’s visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories:

Issues ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.

Issues ( string organization ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the specified organization for the currently logged in user.

Issues ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.

IssuesEvent ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified event.

IssuesEvent ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified event.

IssuesEvents ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.

IssuesEvents ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event info for the specified issue.

IssuesEvents ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.

IssuesEvents ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event info for the specified issue.

IssuesForOwnedAndMember ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues across owned and member repositories for the authenticated user:

Keys ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to retrieve keys for the current user.

Keys ( int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to retrieve a given key.

Keys ( string userName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to retrieve keys for a given user.

Label ( long repositoryId, string labelName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified label.

Label ( string owner, string name, string labelName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified label.

Labels ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified repository.

Labels ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified repository.

LatestRelease ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the latest release for the specified repository

LatestRelease ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the latest release for the specified repository

Members ( string org ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization

Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersFilter filter ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization

Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersFilter filter, OrganizationMembersRole role ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization

Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersRole role ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization

MergePullRequest ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the pull request merge state.

MergePullRequest ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the pull request merge state.

Milestone ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified milestone.

Milestone ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified milestone.

MilestoneLabels ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for all issues in the specified milestone.

MilestoneLabels ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for all issues in the specified milestone.

Milestones ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the milestones for the specified repository.

Milestones ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the milestones for the specified repository.

NetworkEvents ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the network of repositories.

Notification ( int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified notification.

NotificationSubscription ( int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified notification's subscription status.

Notifications ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user.

Notifications ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.

Notifications ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.

OauthAccessToken ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri to request an OAuth access token.

OauthAuthorize ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for initiating the OAuth Web login Flow

Organization ( string organizationName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the organization for the specified organization name

OrganizationEvents ( string organization ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the organization.

OrganizationEvents ( string user, string organization ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for events associated with an organization.

OrganizationMember ( string org, string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns member of organization

OrganizationMembership ( string org, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the user is publicizing, or concealing their membership in an organization.

OrganizationRepositories ( string organization ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the specified organization in response to a GET request. A POST to this URL creates a new repository for the organization.

OrganizationTeams ( string organization ) : Uri

returns the Uri for org teams use for both Get and Create methods

PerformedEvents ( string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for events performed by a user.

PerformedEvents ( string user, bool isPublic ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for events performed by a user.

PublicGists ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for all public gists.

PublicMembers ( string org ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the public members of the organization

PullRequest ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified pull request.

PullRequest ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the specified pull request.

PullRequestCommits ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the commits on a pull request.

PullRequestCommits ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the commits on a pull request.

PullRequestFiles ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the files on a pull request.

PullRequestFiles ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns the files on a pull request.

PullRequestReviewComment ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified pull request review comment.

PullRequestReviewComment ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified pull request review comment.

PullRequestReviewCommentReaction ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified pull request review comment.

PullRequestReviewCommentReaction ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified pull request review comment.

PullRequestReviewComments ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified pull request review.

PullRequestReviewComments ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified pull request review.

PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the pull request review comments on a specified repository.

PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the pull request review comments on a specified repository.

PullRequests ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the pull requests for a repository.

PullRequests ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the pull requests for a repository.

Reactions ( int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for deleting a reaction.

ReceivedEvents ( string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the received events for a user.

ReceivedEvents ( string user, bool isPublic ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the received events for a user.

Reference ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.

Reference ( long repositoryId, string referenceName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.

Reference ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.

Reference ( string owner, string name, string referenceName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.

ReleaseAssets ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all the assets for the specified release for the specified repository.

ReleaseAssets ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all the assets for the specified release for the specified repository.

Releases ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the releases for the specified repository.

Releases ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a single release for the specified repository

Releases ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the releases for the specified repository.

Releases ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns a single release for the specified repository

RepoBranch ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository branch.

RepoBranch ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository branch.

RepoBranchProtection ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository branches protection.

RepoBranchProtection ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository branches protection.

RepoBranches ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the branches for the specified repository.

RepoBranches ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

returns the Uri for branches

RepoCollaborator ( long repositoryId, string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to check user is collaborator

RepoCollaborator ( string owner, string repo, string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to check user is collaborator

RepoCollaborators ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the collaborators for the specified repository.

RepoCollaborators ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

returns the Uri for teams use for update or deleting a team

RepoCompare ( long repositoryId, string @base, string head ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for comparing two commits.

RepoCompare ( string owner, string name, string @base, string head ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for comparing two commits.

RepoRequiredStatusChecks ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.

RepoRequiredStatusChecks ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.

RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.

RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictions ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for restrictions for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictions ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for restrictions for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictionsTeams ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for team restrictions for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictionsTeams ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for team restrictions for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictionsUsers ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for user restrictions for a protected branch.

RepoRestrictionsUsers ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for user restrictions for a protected branch.

Repositories ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the currently logged in user in response to a GET request. A POST to this URL creates a new repository.

Repositories ( string login ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the specified login.

Repository ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository.

Repository ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a repository.

RepositoryArchiveLink ( long repositoryId, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting an archive of a given repository's contents, in a specific format

RepositoryArchiveLink ( string owner, string name, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string reference ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting an archive of a given repository's contents, in a specific format

RepositoryCommit ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository commits.

RepositoryCommit ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository commits.

RepositoryCommits ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository commits.

RepositoryCommits ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository commits.

RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository's root

RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId, string path ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path

RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId, string path, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path

RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository's root

RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name, string path ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path

RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name, string path, string reference ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path

RepositoryContributors ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository contributors.

RepositoryContributors ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository contributors.

RepositoryDeployKey ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a deploy key for a repository

RepositoryDeployKey ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a deploy key for a repository

RepositoryDeployKeys ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for deploy keys for a repository.

RepositoryDeployKeys ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for deploy keys for a repository.

RepositoryForks ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the repository forks for the specified reference.

RepositoryForks ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the repository forks for the specified reference.

RepositoryHookById ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that gets the repository hook for the specified reference.

RepositoryHookById ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that gets the repository hook for the specified reference.

RepositoryHookPing ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that can ping a specified repository hook

RepositoryHookPing ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that can ping a specified repository hook

RepositoryHookTest ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that can tests a specified repository hook

RepositoryHookTest ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that can tests a specified repository hook

RepositoryHooks ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the repository hooks for the specified reference.

RepositoryHooks ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the repository hooks for the specified reference.

RepositoryInvitations ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository invitations.

RepositoryInvitations ( long repositoryId, int invitationId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a single repository invitation.

RepositoryLanguages ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository languages.

RepositoryLanguages ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository languages.

RepositoryPage ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the page metadata for a given repository

RepositoryPage ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the page metadata for a given repository

RepositoryPageBuilds ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting all build metadata for a given repository

RepositoryPageBuilds ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting all build metadata for a given repository

RepositoryPageBuildsLatest ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the build metadata for the last build for a given repository

RepositoryPageBuildsLatest ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the build metadata for the last build for a given repository

RepositoryReadme ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for getting the README of the specified repository

RepositoryReadme ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for getting the README of the specified repository

RepositoryTags ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository tags.

RepositoryTags ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository tags.

RepositoryTeams ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository teams.

RepositoryTeams ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository teams.

RepositoryTrafficClones ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice clones.

RepositoryTrafficClones ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice clones.

RepositoryTrafficPaths ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice paths.

RepositoryTrafficPaths ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice paths.

RepositoryTrafficReferrers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice referrers.

RepositoryTrafficReferrers ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice referrers.

RepositoryTrafficViews ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice views.

RepositoryTrafficViews ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for repository traffice views.

SearchCode ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for searching code

SearchIssues ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for searching issues

SearchRepositories ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for searching repositories

SearchUsers ( ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for searching users

SshKeys ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the SSH keys for the currently logged in user.

SshKeys ( string login ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the SSH keys for the specified user.

StarGist ( string id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to star a given gist.

Stargazers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.

Stargazers ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.

Starred ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.

Starred ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.

StarredByUser ( string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the specified user.

StarredGists ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for all started public gists.

StatsCodeFrequency ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the code frequency for the given repository

StatsCodeFrequency ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the code frequency for the given repository

StatsCommitActivity ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the commit activity for the given repository

StatsCommitActivity ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the commit activity for the given repository

StatsContributors ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the contributors for the given repository

StatsContributors ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the contributors for the given repository

StatsParticipation ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the participation for the given repository

StatsParticipation ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the participation for the given repository

StatsPunchCard ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the punch card for the given repository

StatsPunchCard ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the punch card for the given repository

Tag ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tag.

Tag ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tag.

TeamMember ( int id, string login ) : Uri

returns the Uri for team member

TeamMembers ( int id ) : Uri

returns the Uri for team members list

TeamRepositories ( int id ) : Uri

returns the Uri for the repositories

TeamRepository ( int id, string organization, string repoName ) : Uri

returns the Uri for a team repository

Teams ( int id ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for teams use for getting, updating, or deleting a Team.

Tree ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

Tree ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

Tree ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

Tree ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

TreeRecursive ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

TreeRecursive ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.

User ( string login ) : Uri

Returns the System.Uri for the user for the given login

UserAdministration ( ) : Uri
UserAdministration ( string login ) : Uri
UserAdministrationAuthorization ( string login ) : Uri
UserAdministrationPublicKeys ( ) : Uri
UserAdministrationPublicKeys ( int keyId ) : Uri
UserAdministrationSiteAdmin ( string login ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for altering administration status of a user.

UserAdministrationSuspension ( string login ) : Uri

Creates the relative Uri for altering suspension status of a user.

UserInvitations ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for invitations for the current user.

UserInvitations ( int invitationId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for a single invitation of the current user.

UserOrganizations ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations for the currently logged in user.

UserOrganizations ( string login ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations for the specified login.

UserTeams ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri to discover teams for the current user

UsersGists ( string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri for all gists for a given user.

Watched ( ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.

Watched ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.

Watched ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.

WatchedByUser ( string user ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the specified user.

Watchers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.

Watchers ( string owner, string name ) : Uri

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.

Private Methods

Method Description
EnterpriseAdminStats ( string type ) : Uri
GpgKeys ( ) : Uri
GpgKeys ( int id ) : Uri
Organizations ( ) : Uri
Organizations ( string login ) : Uri

Method Details

AllOrganizations() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations.
public static AllOrganizations ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

AllOrganizations() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations.
public static AllOrganizations ( long since ) : Uri
since long The integer Id of the last Organization that you’ve seen.
return System.Uri

AllPublicRepositories() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all public repositories in response to a GET request.
public static AllPublicRepositories ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

AllPublicRepositories() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all public repositories in response to a GET request.
public static AllPublicRepositories ( long since ) : Uri
since long The integer Id of the last Repository that you’ve seen.
return System.Uri

Asset() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the assets specified by the asset id.
public static Asset ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The id of the release asset
return System.Uri

Asset() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the assets specified by the asset id.
public static Asset ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
id int The id of the release asset
return System.Uri

Assignees() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the assignees to which issues may be assigned.
public static Assignees ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Assignees() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the assignees to which issues may be assigned.
public static Assignees ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Blob() public static method

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.
public static Blob ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The SHA of the blob
return System.Uri

Blob() public static method

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.
public static Blob ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the blob
name string The name of the organization
reference string The SHA of the blob
return System.Uri

Blobs() public static method

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.
public static Blobs ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Blobs() public static method

Returns the Uri for a specific blob.
public static Blobs ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the blob
name string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

CheckAssignee() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the login belongs to an assignee of the repository. Otherwire returns a 404.
public static CheckAssignee ( long repositoryId, string login ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
login string The login for the user
return System.Uri

CheckAssignee() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the login belongs to an assignee of the repository. Otherwire returns a 404.
public static CheckAssignee ( string owner, string name, string login ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
login string The login for the user
return System.Uri

CheckMember() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if requester is an organization member and the user is, publicly or privately a member of the organization. Returns a 404 if the requester is an organization member and the user is not a member or the requester is not an organization member and is inquiring about themselves. Returns a 302 if the requester is not an organization member.
public static CheckMember ( string org, string name ) : Uri
org string The organization being inquired about
name string The user being inquired about
return System.Uri

CheckMemberPublic() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the user is a public member of the organization. Otherwise returns a 404.
public static CheckMemberPublic ( string org, string name ) : Uri
org string The organization being inquired about
name string The user being inquired about
return System.Uri

CombinedCommitStatus() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a combined view of commit statuses for the specified reference.
public static CombinedCommitStatus ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

CombinedCommitStatus() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a combined view of commit statuses for the specified reference.
public static CombinedCommitStatus ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

Commit() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified commit.
public static Commit ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The commit reference (SHA)
return System.Uri

Commit() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified commit.
public static Commit ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The commit reference (SHA)
return System.Uri

CommitComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.
public static CommitComment ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

CommitComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.
public static CommitComment ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

CommitCommentReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified commit comment.
public static CommitCommentReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

CommitCommentReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified commit comment.
public static CommitCommentReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

CommitComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.
public static CommitComments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

CommitComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.
public static CommitComments ( long repositoryId, string sha ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
sha string The sha of the commit
return System.Uri

CommitComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.
public static CommitComments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

CommitComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified commit.
public static CommitComments ( string owner, string name, string sha ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
sha string The sha of the commit
return System.Uri

CommitStatuses() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the commit statuses for the specified reference.
public static CommitStatuses ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

CommitStatuses() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the commit statuses for the specified reference.
public static CommitStatuses ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

CreateCommit() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a commit object.
public static CreateCommit ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

CreateCommit() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a commit object.
public static CreateCommit ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

CreateCommitStatus() public static method

Returns the Uri to use when creating a commit status for the specified reference.
public static CreateCommitStatus ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

CreateCommitStatus() public static method

Returns the Uri to use when creating a commit status for the specified reference.
public static CreateCommitStatus ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The reference (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to list commits for
return System.Uri

CreateMerge() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a merge object.
public static CreateMerge ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

CreateMerge() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a merge object.
public static CreateMerge ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

CreateTag() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a tag object.
public static CreateTag ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

CreateTag() public static method

Returns the Uri for creating a tag object.
public static CreateTag ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

DeploymentStatuses() public static method

Returns the Uri for the Deployment Statuses API for the given deployment.
public static DeploymentStatuses ( long repositoryId, int deploymentId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
deploymentId int Id of the deployment
return System.Uri

DeploymentStatuses() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the Deployment Statuses API for the given deployment.
public static DeploymentStatuses ( string owner, string name, int deploymentId ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
deploymentId int Id of the deployment
return System.Uri

Deployments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the Deployments API for the given repository.
public static Deployments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Deployments() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the Deployments API for the given repository.
public static Deployments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return System.Uri

Emails() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the email addresses for the currently logged in user.
public static Emails ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsAll() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsAll ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsComments() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsComments ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsGists() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsGists ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsHooks() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsHooks ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsIssues() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsIssues ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsMilestones() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsMilestones ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsOrgs() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsOrgs ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsPages() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsPages ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsPulls() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsPulls ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsRepos() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsRepos ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseAdminStatsUsers() public static method

public static EnterpriseAdminStatsUsers ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseLdapTeamMapping() public static method

public static EnterpriseLdapTeamMapping ( int teamId ) : Uri
teamId int
return System.Uri

EnterpriseLdapTeamSync() public static method

public static EnterpriseLdapTeamSync ( int teamId ) : Uri
teamId int
return System.Uri

EnterpriseLdapUserMapping() public static method

public static EnterpriseLdapUserMapping ( string userName ) : Uri
userName string
return System.Uri

EnterpriseLdapUserSync() public static method

public static EnterpriseLdapUserSync ( string userName ) : Uri
userName string
return System.Uri

EnterpriseLicense() public static method

public static EnterpriseLicense ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseMigrationArchive() public static method

public static EnterpriseMigrationArchive ( string org, int id ) : Uri
org string
id int
return System.Uri

EnterpriseMigrationById() public static method

public static EnterpriseMigrationById ( string org, int id ) : Uri
org string
id int
return System.Uri

EnterpriseMigrationUnlockRepository() public static method

public static EnterpriseMigrationUnlockRepository ( string org, int id, string repo ) : Uri
org string
id int
repo string
return System.Uri

EnterpriseMigrations() public static method

public static EnterpriseMigrations ( string org ) : Uri
org string
return System.Uri

EnterpriseOrganization() public static method

public static EnterpriseOrganization ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

EnterpriseSearchIndexing() public static method

public static EnterpriseSearchIndexing ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Events() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the list of public events.
public static Events ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Events() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.
public static Events ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Events() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.
public static Events ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Feeds() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the feeds available to the authenticating user.
public static Feeds ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Followers() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the current users followers
public static Followers ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Followers() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the followers for the specified user
public static Followers ( string login ) : Uri
login string name of the user
return System.Uri

Following() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the users the current user follows
public static Following ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Following() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for retrieving the users the specified user follows
public static Following ( string login ) : Uri
login string name of the user
return System.Uri

ForkGist() public static method

Returns the Uri for the forks for the specified gist.
public static ForkGist ( string id ) : Uri
id string The id of the gist
return System.Uri

Gist() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the list of public gists.
public static Gist ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Gist() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified gist.
public static Gist ( string id ) : Uri
id string The id of the gist
return System.Uri

GistComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for a spesific comment for the specified commit.
public static GistComment ( string gistId, int commentId ) : Uri
gistId string The id of the gist
commentId int The id of the comment
return System.Uri

GistComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments for the specified gist.
public static GistComments ( string gistId ) : Uri
gistId string The id of the gist
return System.Uri

GistCommits() public static method

Returns the Uri for the commits for the specified gist.
public static GistCommits ( string id ) : Uri
id string The id of the gist
return System.Uri

IsFollowing() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for checking is the current user is following another user
public static IsFollowing ( string following ) : Uri
following string name of the user followed
return System.Uri

IsFollowing() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for checking if a user is following another user
public static IsFollowing ( string login, string following ) : Uri
login string name of the user following
following string name of the user followed
return System.Uri

Issue() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified issue.
public static Issue ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

Issue() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified issue.
public static Issue ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.
public static IssueComment ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The comment id
return System.Uri

IssueComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified comment.
public static IssueComment ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
id int The comment id
return System.Uri

IssueCommentReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue comment.
public static IssueCommentReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The owner of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

IssueCommentReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue comment.
public static IssueCommentReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

IssueComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments for all issues in a specific repo.
public static IssueComments ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

IssueComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified issue.
public static IssueComments ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments for all issues in a specific repo.
public static IssueComments ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

IssueComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified issue.
public static IssueComments ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueLabel() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the named label for the specified issue.
public static IssueLabel ( long repositoryId, int number, string labelName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
labelName string The name of the label
return System.Uri

IssueLabel() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the named label for the specified issue.
public static IssueLabel ( string owner, string name, int number, string labelName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
labelName string The name of the label
return System.Uri

IssueLabels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified issue.
public static IssueLabels ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueLabels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified issue.
public static IssueLabels ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueLock() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified issue to be locked/unlocked.
public static IssueLock ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueLock() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified issue to be locked/unlocked.
public static IssueLock ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue.
public static IssueReactions ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueReactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified issue.
public static IssueReactions ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueTimeline() public static method

Returns the Uri for the timeline of a specified issue.
public static IssueTimeline ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssueTimeline() public static method

Returns the Uri for the timeline of a specified issue.
public static IssueTimeline ( string owner, string repo, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
repo string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

Issues() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues across all the authenticated user’s visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories:
public static Issues ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Issues() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.
public static Issues ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Issues() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the specified organization for the currently logged in user.
public static Issues ( string organization ) : Uri
organization string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

Issues() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.
public static Issues ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

IssuesEvent() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified event.
public static IssuesEvent ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The event id
return System.Uri

IssuesEvent() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified event.
public static IssuesEvent ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
id int The event id
return System.Uri

IssuesEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.
public static IssuesEvents ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

IssuesEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event info for the specified issue.
public static IssuesEvents ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssuesEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event and issue info for the specified repository.
public static IssuesEvents ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

IssuesEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the issue/pull request event info for the specified issue.
public static IssuesEvents ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The issue number
return System.Uri

IssuesForOwnedAndMember() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the issues across owned and member repositories for the authenticated user:
public static IssuesForOwnedAndMember ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Keys() public static method

Returns the Uri to retrieve keys for the current user.
public static Keys ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Keys() public static method

Returns the Uri to retrieve a given key.
public static Keys ( int id ) : Uri
id int The Key Id to retrieve
return System.Uri

Keys() public static method

Returns the Uri to retrieve keys for a given user.
public static Keys ( string userName ) : Uri
userName string The user to search on
return System.Uri

Label() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified label.
public static Label ( long repositoryId, string labelName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
labelName string The name of label
return System.Uri

Label() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified label.
public static Label ( string owner, string name, string labelName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
labelName string The name of label
return System.Uri

Labels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified repository.
public static Labels ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Labels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for the specified repository.
public static Labels ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

LatestRelease() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the latest release for the specified repository
public static LatestRelease ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

LatestRelease() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the latest release for the specified repository
public static LatestRelease ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Members() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization
public static Members ( string org ) : Uri
org string The organization
return System.Uri

Members() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization
public static Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersFilter filter ) : Uri
org string The organization
filter OrganizationMembersFilter The member filter,
return System.Uri

Members() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization
public static Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersFilter filter, OrganizationMembersRole role ) : Uri
org string The organization
filter OrganizationMembersFilter The member filter,
role OrganizationMembersRole The role filter,
return System.Uri

Members() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the members of the organization
public static Members ( string org, OrganizationMembersRole role ) : Uri
org string The organization
role OrganizationMembersRole The role filter,
return System.Uri

MergePullRequest() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the pull request merge state.
public static MergePullRequest ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

MergePullRequest() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the pull request merge state.
public static MergePullRequest ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

Milestone() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified milestone.
public static Milestone ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The milestone number
return System.Uri

Milestone() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified milestone.
public static Milestone ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The milestone number
return System.Uri

MilestoneLabels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for all issues in the specified milestone.
public static MilestoneLabels ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The milestone number
return System.Uri

MilestoneLabels() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the labels for all issues in the specified milestone.
public static MilestoneLabels ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The milestone number
return System.Uri

Milestones() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the milestones for the specified repository.
public static Milestones ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Milestones() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the milestones for the specified repository.
public static Milestones ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

NetworkEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for the network of repositories.
public static NetworkEvents ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Notification() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified notification.
public static Notification ( int id ) : Uri
id int The Id of the notification.
return System.Uri

NotificationSubscription() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified notification's subscription status.
public static NotificationSubscription ( int id ) : Uri
id int The Id of the notification.
return System.Uri

Notifications() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user.
public static Notifications ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Notifications() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.
public static Notifications ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Notifications() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the notifications for the currently logged in user specific to the repository.
public static Notifications ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

OauthAccessToken() public static method

Creates the relative Uri to request an OAuth access token.
public static OauthAccessToken ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

OauthAuthorize() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for initiating the OAuth Web login Flow
public static OauthAuthorize ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

Organization() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the organization for the specified organization name
public static Organization ( string organizationName ) : Uri
organizationName string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

OrganizationEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for the organization.
public static OrganizationEvents ( string organization ) : Uri
organization string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

OrganizationEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for events associated with an organization.
public static OrganizationEvents ( string user, string organization ) : Uri
user string The login of the user
organization string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

OrganizationMember() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns member of organization
public static OrganizationMember ( string org, string user ) : Uri
org string The organization being inquired about
user string The user being inquired about
return System.Uri

OrganizationMembership() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a 204 if the user is publicizing, or concealing their membership in an organization.
public static OrganizationMembership ( string org, string name ) : Uri
org string The organization to publicize, or conceal their membership of
name string The user publicizing, or concealing their membership of the organization
return System.Uri

OrganizationRepositories() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the specified organization in response to a GET request. A POST to this URL creates a new repository for the organization.
public static OrganizationRepositories ( string organization ) : Uri
organization string The name of the organization
return System.Uri

OrganizationTeams() public static method

returns the Uri for org teams use for both Get and Create methods
public static OrganizationTeams ( string organization ) : Uri
organization string
return System.Uri

PerformedEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for events performed by a user.
public static PerformedEvents ( string user ) : Uri
user string The login of the user
return System.Uri

PerformedEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for events performed by a user.
public static PerformedEvents ( string user, bool isPublic ) : Uri
user string The login of the user
isPublic bool Whether to return public events or not
return System.Uri

PublicGists() public static method

Returns the Uri for all public gists.
public static PublicGists ( ) : Uri
return System.Uri

PublicMembers() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the public members of the organization
public static PublicMembers ( string org ) : Uri
org string Organization
return System.Uri

PullRequest() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified pull request.
public static PullRequest ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequest() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the specified pull request.
public static PullRequest ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestCommits() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the commits on a pull request.
public static PullRequestCommits ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestCommits() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the commits on a pull request.
public static PullRequestCommits ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestFiles() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the files on a pull request.
public static PullRequestFiles ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestFiles() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns the files on a pull request.
public static PullRequestFiles ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified pull request review comment.
public static PullRequestReviewComment ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewComment() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified pull request review comment.
public static PullRequestReviewComment ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewCommentReaction() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified pull request review comment.
public static PullRequestReviewCommentReaction ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewCommentReaction() public static method

Returns the Uri for the reaction of a specified pull request review comment.
public static PullRequestReviewCommentReaction ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The comment number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified pull request review.
public static PullRequestReviewComments ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewComments() public static method

Returns the Uri for the comments of a specified pull request review.
public static PullRequestReviewComments ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The pull request number
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository() public static method

Returns the Uri for the pull request review comments on a specified repository.
public static PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository() public static method

Returns the Uri for the pull request review comments on a specified repository.
public static PullRequestReviewCommentsRepository ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

PullRequests() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the pull requests for a repository.
public static PullRequests ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

PullRequests() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the pull requests for a repository.
public static PullRequests ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Reactions() public static method

Returns the Uri for deleting a reaction.
public static Reactions ( int number ) : Uri
number int The reaction number
return System.Uri

ReceivedEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for the received events for a user.
public static ReceivedEvents ( string user ) : Uri
user string The login of the user
return System.Uri

ReceivedEvents() public static method

Returns the Uri for the received events for a user.
public static ReceivedEvents ( string user, bool isPublic ) : Uri
user string The login of the user
isPublic bool Whether to return public events or not
return System.Uri

Reference() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.
public static Reference ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Reference() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.
public static Reference ( long repositoryId, string referenceName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
referenceName string The reference name
return System.Uri

Reference() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.
public static Reference ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Reference() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified reference.
public static Reference ( string owner, string name, string referenceName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
referenceName string The reference name
return System.Uri

ReleaseAssets() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all the assets for the specified release for the specified repository.
public static ReleaseAssets ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The id of the release
return System.Uri

ReleaseAssets() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all the assets for the specified release for the specified repository.
public static ReleaseAssets ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
id int The id of the release
return System.Uri

Releases() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the releases for the specified repository.
public static Releases ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

Releases() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a single release for the specified repository
public static Releases ( long repositoryId, int id ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
id int The id of the release
return System.Uri

Releases() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the releases for the specified repository.
public static Releases ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return System.Uri

Releases() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns a single release for the specified repository
public static Releases ( string owner, string name, int id ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
id int The id of the release
return System.Uri

RepoBranch() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository branch.
public static RepoBranch ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoBranch() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository branch.
public static RepoBranch ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoBranchProtection() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository branches protection.
public static RepoBranchProtection ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoBranchProtection() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository branches protection.
public static RepoBranchProtection ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoBranches() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the branches for the specified repository.
public static RepoBranches ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

RepoBranches() public static method

returns the Uri for branches
public static RepoBranches ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string owner of repo
name string name of repo
return System.Uri

RepoCollaborator() public static method

Returns the Uri to check user is collaborator
public static RepoCollaborator ( long repositoryId, string user ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
user string The name of the user
return System.Uri

RepoCollaborator() public static method

Returns the Uri to check user is collaborator
public static RepoCollaborator ( string owner, string repo, string user ) : Uri
owner string The owner of repo
repo string The name of repo
user string The name of user
return System.Uri

RepoCollaborators() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the collaborators for the specified repository.
public static RepoCollaborators ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return System.Uri

RepoCollaborators() public static method

returns the Uri for teams use for update or deleting a team
public static RepoCollaborators ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string owner of repo
name string name of repo
return System.Uri

RepoCompare() public static method

Returns the Uri for comparing two commits.
public static RepoCompare ( long repositoryId, string @base, string head ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
@base string
head string The head commit
return System.Uri

RepoCompare() public static method

Returns the Uri for comparing two commits.
public static RepoCompare ( string owner, string name, string @base, string head ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
@base string
head string The head commit
return System.Uri

RepoRequiredStatusChecks() public static method

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.
public static RepoRequiredStatusChecks ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRequiredStatusChecks() public static method

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.
public static RepoRequiredStatusChecks ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts() public static method

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.
public static RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts() public static method

Returns the Uri for required status checks for a protected branch.
public static RepoRequiredStatusChecksContexts ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictions() public static method

Returns the Uri for restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictions ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictions() public static method

Returns the Uri for restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictions ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictionsTeams() public static method

Returns the Uri for team restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictionsTeams ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictionsTeams() public static method

Returns the Uri for team restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictionsTeams ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictionsUsers() public static method

Returns the Uri for user restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictionsUsers ( long repositoryId, string branchName ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

RepoRestrictionsUsers() public static method

Returns the Uri for user restrictions for a protected branch.
public static RepoRestrictionsUsers ( string owner, string name, string branchName ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
branchName string The name of the branch
return System.Uri

Repositories() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the currently logged in user in response to a GET request. A POST to this URL creates a new repository.
public static Repositories ( ) : Uri
return Uri

Repositories() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the repositories for the specified login.
public static Repositories ( string login ) : Uri
login string The login for the user
return Uri

Repository() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository.
public static Repository ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

Repository() public static method

Returns the Uri for a repository.
public static Repository ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryArchiveLink() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting an archive of a given repository's contents, in a specific format
public static RepositoryArchiveLink ( long repositoryId, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
archiveFormat ArchiveFormat The format of the archive. Can be either tarball or zipball
reference string A valid Git reference.
return Uri

RepositoryArchiveLink() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting an archive of a given repository's contents, in a specific format
public static RepositoryArchiveLink ( string owner, string name, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
archiveFormat ArchiveFormat The format of the archive. Can be either tarball or zipball
reference string A valid Git reference.
return Uri

RepositoryCommit() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository commits.
public static RepositoryCommit ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The commit reference (SHA)
return Uri

RepositoryCommit() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository commits.
public static RepositoryCommit ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The commit reference (SHA)
return Uri

RepositoryCommits() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository commits.
public static RepositoryCommits ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryCommits() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository commits.
public static RepositoryCommits ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository's root
public static RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path
public static RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId, string path ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
path string The path of the contents to get
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path
public static RepositoryContent ( long repositoryId, string path, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
path string The path of the contents to get
reference string The name of the commit/branch/tag. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master)
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository's root
public static RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path
public static RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name, string path ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
path string The path of the contents to get
return Uri

RepositoryContent() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the contents of the specified repository and path
public static RepositoryContent ( string owner, string name, string path, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
path string The path of the contents to get
reference string The name of the commit/branch/tag. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually master)
return Uri

RepositoryContributors() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository contributors.
public static RepositoryContributors ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryContributors() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository contributors.
public static RepositoryContributors ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryDeployKey() public static method

Returns the Uri for a deploy key for a repository
public static RepositoryDeployKey ( long repositoryId, int number ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The id of the deploy key of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryDeployKey() public static method

Returns the Uri for a deploy key for a repository
public static RepositoryDeployKey ( string owner, string name, int number ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
number int The id of the deploy key of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryDeployKeys() public static method

Returns the Uri for deploy keys for a repository.
public static RepositoryDeployKeys ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryDeployKeys() public static method

Returns the Uri for deploy keys for a repository.
public static RepositoryDeployKeys ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryForks() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the repository forks for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryForks ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryForks() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the repository forks for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryForks ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryHookById() public static method

Returns the Uri that gets the repository hook for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryHookById ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHookById() public static method

Returns the Uri that gets the repository hook for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryHookById ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHookPing() public static method

Returns the Uri that can ping a specified repository hook
public static RepositoryHookPing ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHookPing() public static method

Returns the Uri that can ping a specified repository hook
public static RepositoryHookPing ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHookTest() public static method

Returns the Uri that can tests a specified repository hook
public static RepositoryHookTest ( long repositoryId, int hookId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHookTest() public static method

Returns the Uri that can tests a specified repository hook
public static RepositoryHookTest ( string owner, string name, int hookId ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
hookId int The identifier of the repository hook
return Uri

RepositoryHooks() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the repository hooks for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryHooks ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryHooks() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the repository hooks for the specified reference.
public static RepositoryHooks ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryInvitations() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository invitations.
public static RepositoryInvitations ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryInvitations() public static method

Returns the Uri for a single repository invitation.
public static RepositoryInvitations ( long repositoryId, int invitationId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
invitationId int The id of the invitation
return Uri

RepositoryLanguages() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository languages.
public static RepositoryLanguages ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryLanguages() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository languages.
public static RepositoryLanguages ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPage() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the page metadata for a given repository
public static RepositoryPage ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPage() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the page metadata for a given repository
public static RepositoryPage ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPageBuilds() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting all build metadata for a given repository
public static RepositoryPageBuilds ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPageBuilds() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting all build metadata for a given repository
public static RepositoryPageBuilds ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPageBuildsLatest() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the build metadata for the last build for a given repository
public static RepositoryPageBuildsLatest ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryPageBuildsLatest() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the build metadata for the last build for a given repository
public static RepositoryPageBuildsLatest ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryReadme() public static method

Returns the Uri for getting the README of the specified repository
public static RepositoryReadme ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryReadme() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for getting the README of the specified repository
public static RepositoryReadme ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTags() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository tags.
public static RepositoryTags ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTags() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository tags.
public static RepositoryTags ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTeams() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository teams.
public static RepositoryTeams ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTeams() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository teams.
public static RepositoryTeams ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficClones() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice clones.
public static RepositoryTrafficClones ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficClones() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice clones.
public static RepositoryTrafficClones ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri
owner string The owner of repo
repo string The name of repo
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficPaths() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice paths.
public static RepositoryTrafficPaths ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficPaths() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice paths.
public static RepositoryTrafficPaths ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri
owner string The owner of repo
repo string The name of repo
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficReferrers() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice referrers.
public static RepositoryTrafficReferrers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficReferrers() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice referrers.
public static RepositoryTrafficReferrers ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri
owner string The owner of repo
repo string The name of repo
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficViews() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice views.
public static RepositoryTrafficViews ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The id of the repository
return Uri

RepositoryTrafficViews() public static method

Returns the Uri for repository traffice views.
public static RepositoryTrafficViews ( string owner, string repo ) : Uri
owner string The owner of repo
repo string The name of repo
return Uri

SearchCode() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for searching code
public static SearchCode ( ) : Uri
return Uri

SearchIssues() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for searching issues
public static SearchIssues ( ) : Uri
return Uri

SearchRepositories() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for searching repositories
public static SearchRepositories ( ) : Uri
return Uri

SearchUsers() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for searching users
public static SearchUsers ( ) : Uri
return Uri

SshKeys() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the SSH keys for the currently logged in user.
public static SshKeys ( ) : Uri
return Uri

SshKeys() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the SSH keys for the specified user.
public static SshKeys ( string login ) : Uri
login string The login for the user
return Uri

StarGist() public static method

Returns the Uri to star a given gist.
public static StarGist ( string id ) : Uri
id string The id of the gist
return Uri

Stargazers() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Stargazers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

Stargazers() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Stargazers ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

Starred() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Starred ( ) : Uri
return Uri

Starred() public static method

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.
public static Starred ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

StarredByUser() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the starred repositories for the specified user.
public static StarredByUser ( string user ) : Uri
user string The user that has the stars
return Uri

StarredGists() public static method

Returns the Uri for all started public gists.
public static StarredGists ( ) : Uri
return Uri

StatsCodeFrequency() public static method

Returns the Uri for the code frequency for the given repository
public static StatsCodeFrequency ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

StatsCodeFrequency() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the code frequency for the given repository
public static StatsCodeFrequency ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return Uri

StatsCommitActivity() public static method

Returns the Uri for the commit activity for the given repository
public static StatsCommitActivity ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

StatsCommitActivity() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the commit activity for the given repository
public static StatsCommitActivity ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return Uri

StatsContributors() public static method

Returns the Uri for the contributors for the given repository
public static StatsContributors ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

StatsContributors() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the contributors for the given repository
public static StatsContributors ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return Uri

StatsParticipation() public static method

Returns the Uri for the participation for the given repository
public static StatsParticipation ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

StatsParticipation() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the participation for the given repository
public static StatsParticipation ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return Uri

StatsPunchCard() public static method

Returns the Uri for the punch card for the given repository
public static StatsPunchCard ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

StatsPunchCard() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the punch card for the given repository
public static StatsPunchCard ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string Owner of the repository
name string Name of the repository
return Uri

Tag() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tag.
public static Tag ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The tag reference (SHA)
return Uri

Tag() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tag.
public static Tag ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The tag reference (SHA)
return Uri

TeamMember() public static method

returns the Uri for team member
public static TeamMember ( int id, string login ) : Uri
id int The team id
login string The user login.
return Uri

TeamMembers() public static method

returns the Uri for team members list
public static TeamMembers ( int id ) : Uri
id int The team id
return Uri

TeamRepositories() public static method

returns the Uri for the repositories
public static TeamRepositories ( int id ) : Uri
id int The team id
return Uri

TeamRepository() public static method

returns the Uri for a team repository
public static TeamRepository ( int id, string organization, string repoName ) : Uri
id int The team id
organization string The organization id
repoName string The repository name
return Uri

Teams() public static method

Returns the Uri for teams use for getting, updating, or deleting a Team.
public static Teams ( int id ) : Uri
id int The id of the .
return Uri

Tree() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static Tree ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

Tree() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static Tree ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The tree reference (SHA)
return Uri

Tree() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static Tree ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

Tree() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static Tree ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The tree reference (SHA)
return Uri

TreeRecursive() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static TreeRecursive ( long repositoryId, string reference ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
reference string The tree reference (SHA)
return Uri

TreeRecursive() public static method

Returns the Uri for the specified tree.
public static TreeRecursive ( string owner, string name, string reference ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
reference string The tree reference (SHA)
return Uri

User() public static method

Returns the System.Uri for the user for the given login
public static User ( string login ) : Uri
login string Name of the user
return Uri

UserAdministration() public static method

public static UserAdministration ( ) : Uri
return Uri

UserAdministration() public static method

public static UserAdministration ( string login ) : Uri
login string
return Uri

UserAdministrationAuthorization() public static method

public static UserAdministrationAuthorization ( string login ) : Uri
login string
return Uri

UserAdministrationPublicKeys() public static method

public static UserAdministrationPublicKeys ( ) : Uri
return Uri

UserAdministrationPublicKeys() public static method

public static UserAdministrationPublicKeys ( int keyId ) : Uri
keyId int
return Uri

UserAdministrationSiteAdmin() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for altering administration status of a user.
public static UserAdministrationSiteAdmin ( string login ) : Uri
login string The login for the intended user.
return Uri

UserAdministrationSuspension() public static method

Creates the relative Uri for altering suspension status of a user.
public static UserAdministrationSuspension ( string login ) : Uri
login string The login for the intended user.
return Uri

UserInvitations() public static method

Returns the Uri for invitations for the current user.
public static UserInvitations ( ) : Uri
return Uri

UserInvitations() public static method

Returns the Uri for a single invitation of the current user.
public static UserInvitations ( int invitationId ) : Uri
invitationId int The id of the invitation
return Uri

UserOrganizations() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations for the currently logged in user.
public static UserOrganizations ( ) : Uri
return Uri

UserOrganizations() public static method

Returns the Uri that returns all of the organizations for the specified login.
public static UserOrganizations ( string login ) : Uri
login string The login for the user
return Uri

UserTeams() public static method

Returns the Uri to discover teams for the current user
public static UserTeams ( ) : Uri
return Uri

UsersGists() public static method

Returns the Uri for all gists for a given user.
public static UsersGists ( string user ) : Uri
user string The user to search for
return Uri

Watched() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Watched ( ) : Uri
return Uri

Watched() public static method

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.
public static Watched ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

Watched() public static method

Returns the Uri that shows whether the repo is starred by the current user.
public static Watched ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri

WatchedByUser() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the specified user.
public static WatchedByUser ( string user ) : Uri
user string The user that has the watches
return Uri

Watchers() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Watchers ( long repositoryId ) : Uri
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
return Uri

Watchers() public static method

Returns the Uri that lists the watched repositories for the authenticated user.
public static Watchers ( string owner, string name ) : Uri
owner string The owner of the repository
name string The name of the repository
return Uri