C# Class OAuth2.Client.Impl.TodoistClient

Todoist authentication client.
Inheritance: OAuth2Client
Show file Open project: titarenko/OAuth2

Public Methods

Method Description
TodoistClient ( IRequestFactory factory, IClientConfiguration configuration ) : Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Initializes a new instance of the TodoistClient class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
BeforeGetUserInfo ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void
ParseUserInfo ( string content ) : OAuth2.Models.UserInfo

Should return parsed UserInfo from content received from third-party service.

Method Details

BeforeGetUserInfo() protected method

protected BeforeGetUserInfo ( BeforeAfterRequestArgs args ) : void
args BeforeAfterRequestArgs
return void

ParseUserInfo() protected method

Should return parsed UserInfo from content received from third-party service.
protected ParseUserInfo ( string content ) : OAuth2.Models.UserInfo
content string The content which is received from third-party service.
return OAuth2.Models.UserInfo

TodoistClient() public method

Initializes a new instance of the TodoistClient class.
public TodoistClient ( IRequestFactory factory, IClientConfiguration configuration ) : Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
factory IRequestFactory The factory.
configuration IClientConfiguration The configuration.
return Newtonsoft.Json.Linq