C# Class NuGetGallery.FunctionalTests.NuspecHelper

This class provides the helper methods to create and update the nuspec file.
Inheritance: NuGetGallery.FunctionalTests.HelperBase
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Public Methods

Method Description
CreateDefaultNuspecFile ( string packageName, string version = "1.0.0", string minClientVersion = null, string title = null, string tags = null, string description = null, string licenseUrl = null, string dependencies = null ) : Task

Creates a Nuspec file given the Package Name.

NuspecHelper ( ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
AddMinClientVersionAttribute ( string nuspecFilePath, string minclientVersion ) : void

Given a nupsec file path, adds min client version tag to it.

AddWebMatrixTag ( string nuspecFilePath ) : void

Given a nupsec file path, add the Webmatrix tag to it.

AddWindows8Tag ( string nuspecFilePath ) : void

Given a nupsec file path, add the windows 8 tag to it.

RemoveSampleNuspecValues ( string nuspecFilePath ) : void

Given a nuspec file, this removes the default sample nuspec values.

UpdateNuspecFile ( string nuspecFilepath, string searchString, string replacementString ) : void

Given a nuspec file, this method will replace the search string with the replacement string.

Method Details

CreateDefaultNuspecFile() public method

Creates a Nuspec file given the Package Name.
public CreateDefaultNuspecFile ( string packageName, string version = "1.0.0", string minClientVersion = null, string title = null, string tags = null, string description = null, string licenseUrl = null, string dependencies = null ) : Task
packageName string
version string
minClientVersion string
title string
tags string
description string
licenseUrl string
dependencies string
return Task

NuspecHelper() public method

public NuspecHelper ( ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper ) : System
testOutputHelper ITestOutputHelper
return System