C# Class NLog.LayoutRenderers.Wrappers.JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper

Inheritance: NLog.LayoutRenderers.Wrappers.WrapperLayoutRendererBase
Show file Open project: NLog/NLog

Private Properties

Property Type Description
DoJsonEscape string
NeedsEscaping bool

Public Methods

Method Description
JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Transform ( string text ) : string

Post-processes the rendered message.

Private Methods

Method Description
DoJsonEscape ( string text ) : string
NeedsEscaping ( char ch ) : bool

Method Details

JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper() public method

Initializes a new instance of the JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper class.
public JsonEncodeLayoutRendererWrapper ( ) : System
return System

Transform() protected method

Post-processes the rendered message.
protected Transform ( string text ) : string
text string The text to be post-processed.
return string