C# Class NHibernate.Persister.Entity.JoinedSubclassEntityPersister

A IEntityPersister implementing the normalized "table-per-subclass" mapping strategy
Inheritance: AbstractEntityPersister
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Public Methods

Method Description
FilterFragment ( string alias ) : string
FromTableFragment ( string alias ) : string
GenerateFilterConditionAlias ( string rootAlias ) : string
GetPropertyTableName ( string propertyName ) : string
GetRootTableAlias ( string drivingAlias ) : string
GetSubclassForDiscriminatorValue ( object value ) : string
GetSubclassPropertyDeclarer ( string propertyPath ) : Declarer
GetSubclassPropertyTableName ( int i ) : string
GetSubclassTableName ( int j ) : string
JoinedSubclassEntityPersister ( NHibernate.Mapping.PersistentClass persistentClass, ICacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory, IMapping mapping ) : System

Constructs the NormalizedEntityPerister for the PersistentClass.

ToColumns ( string alias, string propertyName ) : string[]

Protected Methods

Method Description
AddDiscriminatorToSelect ( NHibernate.SqlCommand.SelectFragment select, string name, string suffix ) : void
GetKeyColumns ( int table ) : string[]
GetPropertiesToUpdate ( int dirtyProperties, bool hasDirtyCollection ) : bool[]
GetSubclassPropertyTableNumber ( int i ) : int
GetSubclassTableKeyColumns ( int j ) : string[]
GetTableName ( int table ) : string
GetTableUpdateNeeded ( int dirtyProperties, bool hasDirtyCollection ) : bool[]
IsClassOrSuperclassTable ( int j ) : bool
IsPropertyOfTable ( int property, int table ) : bool
IsTableCascadeDeleteEnabled ( int j ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
DiscriminatorFragment ( string alias ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.CaseFragment
GetTableId ( string tableName, string tables ) : int

Find the Index of the table name from a list of table names.

Reverse ( string objects ) : string[]
Reverse ( string objects ) : string[][]
Reverse ( object objects, int len ) : void

Method Details

AddDiscriminatorToSelect() protected method

protected AddDiscriminatorToSelect ( NHibernate.SqlCommand.SelectFragment select, string name, string suffix ) : void
select NHibernate.SqlCommand.SelectFragment
name string
suffix string
return void

FilterFragment() public method

public FilterFragment ( string alias ) : string
alias string
return string

FromTableFragment() public method

public FromTableFragment ( string alias ) : string
alias string
return string

GenerateFilterConditionAlias() public method

public GenerateFilterConditionAlias ( string rootAlias ) : string
rootAlias string
return string

GetKeyColumns() protected method

protected GetKeyColumns ( int table ) : string[]
table int
return string[]

GetPropertiesToUpdate() protected method

protected GetPropertiesToUpdate ( int dirtyProperties, bool hasDirtyCollection ) : bool[]
dirtyProperties int
hasDirtyCollection bool
return bool[]

GetPropertyTableName() public method

public GetPropertyTableName ( string propertyName ) : string
propertyName string
return string

GetRootTableAlias() public method

public GetRootTableAlias ( string drivingAlias ) : string
drivingAlias string
return string

GetSubclassForDiscriminatorValue() public method

public GetSubclassForDiscriminatorValue ( object value ) : string
value object
return string

GetSubclassPropertyDeclarer() public method

public GetSubclassPropertyDeclarer ( string propertyPath ) : Declarer
propertyPath string
return Declarer

GetSubclassPropertyTableName() public method

public GetSubclassPropertyTableName ( int i ) : string
i int
return string

GetSubclassPropertyTableNumber() protected method

protected GetSubclassPropertyTableNumber ( int i ) : int
i int
return int

GetSubclassTableKeyColumns() protected method

protected GetSubclassTableKeyColumns ( int j ) : string[]
j int
return string[]

GetSubclassTableName() public method

public GetSubclassTableName ( int j ) : string
j int
return string

GetTableName() protected method

protected GetTableName ( int table ) : string
table int
return string

GetTableUpdateNeeded() protected method

protected GetTableUpdateNeeded ( int dirtyProperties, bool hasDirtyCollection ) : bool[]
dirtyProperties int
hasDirtyCollection bool
return bool[]

IsClassOrSuperclassTable() protected method

protected IsClassOrSuperclassTable ( int j ) : bool
j int
return bool

IsPropertyOfTable() protected method

protected IsPropertyOfTable ( int property, int table ) : bool
property int
table int
return bool

IsTableCascadeDeleteEnabled() protected method

protected IsTableCascadeDeleteEnabled ( int j ) : bool
j int
return bool

JoinedSubclassEntityPersister() public method

Constructs the NormalizedEntityPerister for the PersistentClass.
public JoinedSubclassEntityPersister ( NHibernate.Mapping.PersistentClass persistentClass, ICacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, ISessionFactoryImplementor factory, IMapping mapping ) : System
persistentClass NHibernate.Mapping.PersistentClass The PersistentClass to create the EntityPersister for.
cache ICacheConcurrencyStrategy The configured .
factory ISessionFactoryImplementor The SessionFactory that this EntityPersister will be stored in.
mapping IMapping The mapping used to retrieve type information.
return System

ToColumns() public method

public ToColumns ( string alias, string propertyName ) : string[]
alias string
propertyName string
return string[]