C# Class NHibernate.JetDriver.JetDialect

Dialect for Jet database engine.
Inheritance: Dialect.Dialect
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Public Methods

Method Description
CreateCaseFragment ( ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.CaseFragment

Create an CaseFragment for this dialect

CreateOuterJoinFragment ( ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinFragment
GetIdentitySelectString ( string identityColumn, string tableName, DbType type ) : string

GetLimitString ( NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString querySqlString, int offset, int limit ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString

MS Access and SQL Server support limit. This implementation has been made according the MS Access syntax

JetDialect ( ) : System

ToBooleanValueString ( bool value ) : string

The SQL literal value to which this database maps boolean values.

UnQuote ( string quoted ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
Quote ( string name ) : string

MsSql does not require the OpenQuote to be escaped as long as the first char is an OpenQuote.

Method Details

CreateCaseFragment() public method

Create an CaseFragment for this dialect
public CreateCaseFragment ( ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.CaseFragment
return NHibernate.SqlCommand.CaseFragment

CreateOuterJoinFragment() public method

public CreateOuterJoinFragment ( ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinFragment
return NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinFragment

GetIdentitySelectString() public method

public GetIdentitySelectString ( string identityColumn, string tableName, DbType type ) : string
identityColumn string
tableName string
type DbType
return string

GetLimitString() public method

MS Access and SQL Server support limit. This implementation has been made according the MS Access syntax
public GetLimitString ( NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString querySqlString, int offset, int limit ) : NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString
querySqlString NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString The original query
offset int Specifies the number of rows to skip, before starting to return rows from the query expression.
limit int Is used to limit the number of results returned in a SQL statement
return NHibernate.SqlCommand.SqlString

JetDialect() public method

public JetDialect ( ) : System
return System

Quote() protected method

MsSql does not require the OpenQuote to be escaped as long as the first char is an OpenQuote.
protected Quote ( string name ) : string
name string
return string

ToBooleanValueString() public method

The SQL literal value to which this database maps boolean values.
public ToBooleanValueString ( bool value ) : string
value bool The boolean value
return string

UnQuote() public method

public UnQuote ( string quoted ) : string
quoted string
return string