C# Class MonoSoftware.MonoX.Resources.SocialNetworkingResources

Show file Open project: MonoSoftware/MonoX-Localization-Resources

Private Properties

Property Type Description
SocialNetworkingResources System

Public Methods

Method Description
BlockUser_BlockConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been successfully added to your blocked users list.'.

BlockUser_BlockProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot block {0}. Please check if this user is already present in your blocked user list.'.

BlockUser_Button_BlockFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_Button_Block property value.

BlockUser_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_Button_ViewProfile property value.

BlockUser_NoUsersFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_NoUsers property value.

BlockUser_TipTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_TipText property value.

BlockedUserList_ClearFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_Clear property value.

BlockedUserList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_ConfirmDelete property value.

BlockedUserList_DeleteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from your list of blocked users'.

BlockedUserList_FilterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_Filter property value.

BlockedUserList_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_FriendListEmpty property value.

BlockedUserList_FriendListNoMatchFormatFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'No matches found for '{0}'.'.

BlockedUserList_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.

Comments_AuthenticationAlertFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_AuthenticationAlert property value.

Comments_Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Button_Save property value.

Comments_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_ConfirmDelete property value.

Comments_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Delete property value.

Comments_NotificationSubjectAlbumFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on your album image'.

Comments_NotificationSubjectFileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on file you uploaded'.

Comments_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on your wall post'.

Comments_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Validator_ErrorMessage property value.

Comments_WatermarkTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_WatermarkText property value.

Discussion_Add_New_BoardFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Add_New_Board property value.

Discussion_ApproveReportedPostFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ApproveReportedPost property value.

Discussion_ApproveReportedPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ApproveReportedPostToolTip property value.

Discussion_AttachmentsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Attachments property value.

Discussion_Back_To_BoardFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Back_To_Board property value.

Discussion_Back_To_TopicsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Back_To_Topics property value.

Discussion_BoardAuthorFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'by {0}.'.

Discussion_BoardClosedToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardClosedToolTip property value.

Discussion_BoardCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardCreatedDate property value.

Discussion_BoardDoesntExistFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardDoesntExist property value.

Discussion_BoardLastTopicAuthorFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardLastTopicAuthor property value.

Discussion_BoardLastTopicFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardLastTopic property value.

Discussion_BoardMembership_AccessNotAllowedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardMembership_AccessNotAllowed property value.

Discussion_BoardModeratorsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardModerators property value.

Discussion_BoardSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardSubscribe property value.

Discussion_BoardSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardSubscribeToolTip property value.

Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardUnSubscribe property value.

Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeToolTip property value.

Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModerators property value.

Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsToolTip property value.

Discussion_Board_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Description property value.

Discussion_Board_EmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Empty property value.

Discussion_Board_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Name property value.

Discussion_Board_RolesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Roles property value.

Discussion_Board_RolesToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_RolesToolTip property value.

Discussion_Button_PostFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Button_Post property value.

Discussion_CloseBoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_CloseBoardToolTip property value.

Discussion_CloseTopicToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_CloseTopicToolTip property value.

Discussion_ClosedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Closed property value.

Discussion_ClosedToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ClosedToolTip property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveTitle property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveToolTip property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_AttentionTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_AttentionTitle property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_BoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_BoardToolTip property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteRequestTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteRequestTitle property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteToolTip property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_FooterNotificationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'This message is to notify you that special attention from {0} team is needed for above items.'.

Discussion_DailyReport_NoApproveItemsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoApproveItems property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_NoAttentionItemsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoAttentionItems property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_NoDeleteRequestItemsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoDeleteRequestItems property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_NoSpamItemsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoSpamItems property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_SnMessage_CCFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SnMessage_CC property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_SpamTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SpamTitle property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_SpamToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SpamToolTip property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_TitleFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} discussion board daily report [{1}]'.

Discussion_DailyReport_TopicCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_TopicCaption property value.

Discussion_DailyReport_TopicMessageToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_TopicMessageToolTip property value.

Discussion_Delete_BoardFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Board property value.

Discussion_Delete_DeleteSpamFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_DeleteSpam property value.

Discussion_Delete_DeleteUnApprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_DeleteUnApproved property value.

Discussion_Delete_MessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Message property value.

Discussion_Delete_TopicFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Topic property value.

Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DisapproveReportedPost property value.

Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostToolTip property value.

Discussion_Disapprove_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Disapprove_Delete property value.

Discussion_Disapprove_Delete_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Disapprove_Delete_ToolTip property value.

Discussion_DiscussionBoardListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DiscussionBoardList property value.

Discussion_LastActiveTopicsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_LastActiveTopics property value.

Discussion_LastActiveTopicsToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_LastActiveTopicsToolTip property value.

Discussion_MarkAsAnswerFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MarkAsAnswer property value.

Discussion_MessageCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MessageCreatedDate property value.

Discussion_Message_ApproveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Approve property value.

Discussion_Message_ApprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Approved property value.

Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribe property value.

Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeToolTip property value.

Discussion_Message_DeletedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Deleted property value.

Discussion_Message_EditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Edit property value.

Discussion_Message_PostCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_PostCaption property value.

Discussion_Message_ReplyCaptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_ReplyCaption property value.

Discussion_Message_ReportedSpamFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_ReportedSpam property value.

Discussion_Message_SpamFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Spam property value.

Discussion_Message_UnapprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Unapproved property value.

Discussion_Message_ViewsFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Viewed {0} time(s)'.

Discussion_Messages_DeleteSpamFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Delete spam ({0})'.

Discussion_Messages_DeleteUnApprovedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Delete unapproved ({0})'.

Discussion_ModeratorsTooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ModeratorsTooltip property value.

Discussion_MyTopicsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MyTopics property value.

Discussion_MyTopicsToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MyTopicsToolTip property value.

Discussion_NewBoardAddedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardAdded property value.

Discussion_NewBoardClickToSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardClickToSubscribe property value.

Discussion_NewBoardCreatedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardCreated property value.

Discussion_NewMessageAddedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageAdded property value.

Discussion_NewMessageClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageClickToReply property value.

Discussion_NewMessageCreatedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageCreated property value.

Discussion_NewMessageNoReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageNoReply property value.

Discussion_NewTopicAddedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicAdded property value.

Discussion_NewTopicClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicClickToReply property value.

Discussion_NewTopicCreatedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicCreated property value.

Discussion_NewTopicNoReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicNoReply property value.

Discussion_PinItemFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_PinItem property value.

Discussion_Post_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Post_ApprovalAlert property value.

Discussion_Posts_EmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Posts_Empty property value.

Discussion_ReOpenBoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReOpenBoardToolTip property value.

Discussion_ReOpenTopicToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReOpenTopicToolTip property value.

Discussion_ReasonFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Reason property value.

Discussion_RepliesCountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RepliesCount property value.

Discussion_ReportPostFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPost property value.

Discussion_ReportPostReasonFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPostReason property value.

Discussion_ReportPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPostToolTip property value.

Discussion_RequestDeleteTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDeleteText property value.

Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcess property value.

Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessToolTip property value.

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved property value.

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedToolTip property value.

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved_ReasonNAFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved_ReasonNA property value.

Discussion_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicAnswerDescription property value.

Discussion_TopicAnswerFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicAnswer property value.

Discussion_TopicCountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicCount property value.

Discussion_TopicCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicCreatedDate property value.

Discussion_TopicDoesntExistsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicDoesntExists property value.

Discussion_TopicLastPostAuthorFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicLastPostAuthor property value.

Discussion_TopicLastPostFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicLastPost property value.

Discussion_TopicNoRatingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicNoRating property value.

Discussion_TopicNoRatingToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicNoRatingToolTip property value.

Discussion_TopicPost_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicPost_ApprovalAlert property value.

Discussion_TopicRatingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicRating property value.

Discussion_TopicRatingToolTipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Content is rated {0:f2} of {1} vote(s).'.

Discussion_TopicSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicSubscribe property value.

Discussion_TopicSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicSubscribeToolTip property value.

Discussion_TopicTagsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicTags property value.

Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicUnSubscribe property value.

Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeToolTip property value.

Discussion_Topic_Add_NewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Add_New property value.

Discussion_Topic_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_ApprovalAlert property value.

Discussion_Topic_ApprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Approved property value.

Discussion_Topic_BoardEditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_BoardEdit property value.

Discussion_Topic_DeletedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Deleted property value.

Discussion_Topic_EmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Empty property value.

Discussion_Topic_OptionsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Options property value.

Discussion_Topic_Options_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Options_ToolTip property value.

Discussion_Topic_RelatedContentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_RelatedContent property value.

Discussion_Topic_ReportedSpamFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_ReportedSpam property value.

Discussion_Topic_SortHotTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortHotTopicsOnTop property value.

Discussion_Topic_SortNewTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortNewTopicsOnTop property value.

Discussion_Topic_SortTopicsAlphabeticallyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortTopicsAlphabetically property value.

Discussion_Topic_SortUpdatedTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortUpdatedTopicsOnTop property value.

Discussion_Topic_SpamFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Spam property value.

Discussion_Topic_TitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Title property value.

Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerDescription property value.

Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswer property value.

Discussion_Topic_UnapprovedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Unapproved property value.

Discussion_UnPinItemFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_UnPinItem property value.

Discussion_UserTotalPostsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_UserTotalPosts property value.

Discussion_ViewsCountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ViewsCount property value.

Discussion_ViewsCountToolTipFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Topic viewed {0} times'.

FileGallery_AttachedFilesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileGallery_AttachedFiles property value.

FileGallery_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileGallery_ConfirmDelete property value.

FileView_Button_CommentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Button_Comment property value.

FileView_Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Button_Delete property value.

FileView_ChangeThumbnailFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ChangeThumbnail property value.

FileView_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ConfirmDelete property value.

FileView_CreatedOnFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Created on {0}'.

FileView_DescriptionDefaultTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_DescriptionDefaultText property value.

FileView_DownloadVideoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_DownloadVideo property value.

FileView_RelatedContentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_RelatedContent property value.

FileView_ReplaceExistingFileFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ReplaceExistingFile property value.

FileView_TagsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Tags property value.

FriendSuggestionList_AlreadyConnectedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_AlreadyConnected property value.

FriendSuggestionList_AlreadySentInvitationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_AlreadySentInvitation property value.

FriendSuggestionList_ButtonConnect_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_ButtonConnect_Text property value.

FriendSuggestionList_CancelRequestFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_CancelRequest property value.

FriendSuggestionList_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_FriendListEmpty property value.

FriendSuggestionList_PersonYouSelectedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_PersonYouSelected property value.

FriendSuggestionList_PersonalMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} will have to confirm your request. You may add a personal message:'.

FriendSuggestionList_RequestSentMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_RequestSentMessage property value.

FriendSuggestionList_SendRequestFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_SendRequest property value.

FriendSuggestionList_TextBox_RequestMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} would like you to join his/her network.'.

FriendSuggestionList_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.

FriendSuggestionList_WatermarkSearch_TextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_WatermarkSearch_Text property value.

Friends_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_ConfirmDelete property value.

Friends_DeleteFriendFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from your list of friends'.

Friends_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_FriendListEmpty property value.

Friends_RemoveFriendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_RemoveFriend property value.

Friends_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.

Global_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.

Groups_AllGroupsInCategoryTitleFormatStringFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} in {1} category.'.

Groups_AllGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_AllGroupsTitleFormatString property value.

Groups_CannotPostNotesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_CannotPostNotes property value.

Groups_CannotSeePrivateResourcesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_CannotSeePrivateResources property value.

Groups_CategoryFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Category property value.

Groups_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmDelete property value.

Groups_ConfirmJoinPrivateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmJoinPrivate property value.

Groups_ConfirmJoinPublicFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmJoinPublic property value.

Groups_ConfirmLeaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmLeave property value.

Groups_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Delete property value.

Groups_DeleteMemberFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from the group'.

Groups_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Description property value.

Groups_EditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Edit property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_AdminsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Admins property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_CategoriesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Categories property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_CategoryNoteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_CategoryNote property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Description property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_ErrorSaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_ErrorSave property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Name property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_NameRequired property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_PictureFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Picture property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Privacy property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyLegendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyLegend property value.

Groups_GroupEdit_UserAdmin_TipTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_UserAdmin_TipText property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_CategoryFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Category property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Description property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Name property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_OpenGroupFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_OpenGroup property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_PrivacyLevelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_PrivacyLevel property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_PrivateGroupFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_PrivateGroup property value.

Groups_GroupInfo_RequestWaitingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_RequestWaiting property value.

Groups_GroupList_AddNewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_AddNew property value.

Groups_GroupList_AllGroupsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_AllGroups property value.

Groups_GroupList_CategoryFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_Category property value.

Groups_GroupList_MemberCountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_MemberCount property value.

Groups_GroupList_MyGroupsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_MyGroups property value.

Groups_GroupView_LabelDiscussionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelDiscussion property value.

Groups_GroupView_LabelPhotosFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelPhotos property value.

Groups_GroupView_LabelWallFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelWall property value.

Groups_InvitationList_AddingUserFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_InvitationList_AddingUser property value.

Groups_InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Approve group membership for {0}'.

Groups_InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_InvitationList_ConfirmDelete property value.

Groups_InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove membership request for {0} from your list'.

Groups_JoinFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Join property value.

Groups_LeaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Leave property value.

Groups_LoginToJoinFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_LoginToJoin property value.

Groups_MemberListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_MemberListEmpty property value.

Groups_MyGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_MyGroupsTitleFormatString property value.

Groups_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Name property value.

Groups_NoDataWarningFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_NoDataWarning property value.

Groups_NoGroupsShowingAllGroupsFormatStringFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_NoGroupsShowingAllGroupsFormatString property value.

Groups_PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'An error occured while trying to add the user {0} to this group.'.

Groups_PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} was successfully added to the group.'.

Groups_PeopleSearch_AlreadyMemberFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} is already a member of thie group.'.

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_Add property value.

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_Send property value.

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfile property value.

Groups_PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_PersonalMessage property value.

Groups_PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_TipText property value.

Groups_SearchFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Search property value.

Groups_SearchGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Search results for '{0}''.

Groups_Search_TipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Search_Tip property value.

Groups_ViewFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'View group {0}'.

InvitationList_AddingFollowerFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_AddingFollower property value.

InvitationList_AddingUserFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_AddingUser property value.

InvitationList_ApproveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_Approve property value.

InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Approve invitation for {0}'.

InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_ConfirmDelete property value.

InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove invitation for {0} from your invitation list'.

InvitationList_ListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_ListEmpty property value.

Messaging_BackFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Back property value.

Messaging_CancelFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Cancel property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_BodyRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_BodyRequired property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorCannotSaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorCannotSave property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendGroupFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the group members: {0}.'.

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendMessageListFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the recipients of the message list: {0}.'.

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendRecipientFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the following recipient: {0}.'.

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Message property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingGroupFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingGroup property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingList property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_NoRecipientsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_NoRecipients property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_RecipeintsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Recipeints property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_SendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Send property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_SendMailCopyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_SendMailCopy property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Subject property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectRequired property value.

Messaging_CreateMessage_UploadFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Upload property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_AddListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_AddList property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_AddNewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_AddNew property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_DeleteConfirmation property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_HeaderText property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_ListMembersFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_ListMembers property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_Name property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_NameRequired property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_PageTitleFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_PageTitle property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_SaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_Save property value.

Messaging_ListAdmin_SubHeaderTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_SubHeaderText property value.

Messaging_MessageDetailsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorCannotSaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorCannotSave property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorSendReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorSendReply property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Reply property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyIsRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyIsRequired property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_SendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Send property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_SendMailCopyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_SendMailCopy property value.

Messaging_MessageDetails_UploadFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Upload property value.

Messaging_MessageList_Collapse_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Collapse_ToolTip property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnDateFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnDate property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnFromFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnFrom property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnSubjectFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnSubject property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnToFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnTo property value.

Messaging_MessageList_DragToGroupOrReorderFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DragToGroupOrReorder property value.

Messaging_MessageList_DragToResizeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DragToResize property value.

Messaging_MessageList_DropHereToReorderFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DropHereToReorder property value.

Messaging_MessageList_Expand_TooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Expand_Tooltip property value.

Messaging_MessageList_FilterFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Filter property value.

Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuedFormatStringFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuedFormatString property value.

Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuesFormatStringFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuesFormatString property value.

Messaging_MessageList_GroupPanelTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupPanelText property value.

Messaging_MessageList_LoadingFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Loading property value.

Messaging_MessageList_NextPageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NextPage property value.

Messaging_MessageList_NextPagesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NextPages property value.

Messaging_MessageList_NoRecordsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NoRecords property value.

Messaging_MessageList_OnSuffixFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_OnSuffix property value.

Messaging_MessageList_PagerTextFormatFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3, object arg4, object arg5 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Go to page: {4} Displaying page {0} of {1}, items {2} to {3} of {5}'.

Messaging_MessageList_PagerTooltipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'Page {0} of {1}'.

Messaging_MessageList_PrevPageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_PrevPage property value.

Messaging_MessageList_PrevPagesFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_PrevPages property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ReadyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Ready property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ReceivedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Received property value.

Messaging_MessageList_Search_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Search_ToolTip property value.

Messaging_MessageList_SentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Sent property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ShowAll_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ShowAll_ToolTip property value.

Messaging_MessageList_SortFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Sort property value.

Messaging_MessageList_SortedAscFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_SortedAsc property value.

Messaging_MessageList_SortedDescFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_SortedDesc property value.

Messaging_MessageList_ViewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_View property value.

Messaging_MessageSentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageSent property value.

Messaging_NewMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_NewMessage property value.

Messaging_ReceivedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Received property value.

Messaging_SentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Sent property value.

PeopleSearch_AddFriendConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been successfully added to your list.'.

PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot add {0} to your list of friends. Please check if this user is already present in your list.'.

PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You have successfully added {0} to your list of friends.'.

PeopleSearch_AlreadyConnectedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} is already added to your list of friends.'.

PeopleSearch_AlreadySentInvitationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_AlreadySentInvitation property value.

PeopleSearch_BlockProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot block {0}. Please check if this user is already present in your blocked user list.'.

PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Add property value.

PeopleSearch_Button_BlockFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Block property value.

PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Send property value.

PeopleSearch_Button_UnBlockFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_UnBlock property value.

PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfile property value.

PeopleSearch_InvitationsReceivedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_InvitationsReceived property value.

PeopleSearch_InvitationsSentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_InvitationsSent property value.

PeopleSearch_InviteFriendConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been invited to join your list.'.

PeopleSearch_MemberSinceFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_MemberSince property value.

PeopleSearch_NoUsersFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_NoUsers property value.

PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_PersonalMessage property value.

PeopleSearch_RequestMessage_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_RequestMessage_Validator_ErrorMessage property value.

PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_TipText property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_CreateAlbumFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_CreateAlbum property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Description property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_EditAlbumFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_EditAlbum property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Name property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameRequired property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Privacy property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteConfirmation property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_Delete property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_EditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_Edit property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_PhotoCountFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_PhotoCount property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_ViewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_View property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_AlbumsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_Albums property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_CreateAlbumFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_CreateAlbum property value.

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_MyAlbumsFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0}'s albums'.

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_NewAlbumsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_NewAlbums property value.

PhotoGallery_BackToAlbumListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_BackToAlbumList property value.

PhotoGallery_BackToPhotoListFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_BackToPhotoList property value.

PhotoGallery_FileDelete_TooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FileDelete_Tooltip property value.

PhotoGallery_FileEdit_TooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FileEdit_Tooltip property value.

PhotoGallery_FilePreview_TooltipFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FilePreview_Tooltip property value.

PhotoGallery_MyPhotos_ListEmptyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_MyPhotos_ListEmpty property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_AlbumCoverFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_AlbumCover property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Description property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_EditPhotoFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_EditPhoto property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_NameFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Name property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Privacy property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_AddMoreFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_AddMore property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_CommentsFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Comments property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteConfirmation property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Delete property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_EditFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Edit property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_OrganizeFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Organize property value.

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_ViewFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_View property value.

WallNotes_Button_CommentFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Comment property value.

WallNotes_Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Delete property value.

WallNotes_Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Save property value.

WallNotes_Button_UploadFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Upload property value.

WallNotes_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_ConfirmDelete property value.

WallNotes_NewCommentAddedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewCommentAdded property value.

WallNotes_NewCommentClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewCommentClickToReply property value.

WallNotes_NewNoteAddedFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewNoteAdded property value.

WallNotes_NoDataFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NoData property value.

WallNotes_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a note on your wall.'.

WallNotes_UploadButtonTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_UploadButtonText property value.

WallNotes_WatermarkTextFormat ( ) : string

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_WatermarkText property value.

Private Methods

Method Description
SocialNetworkingResources ( ) : System

Method Details

BlockUser_BlockConfirmationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been successfully added to your blocked users list.'.
public static BlockUser_BlockConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

BlockUser_BlockProblemFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot block {0}. Please check if this user is already present in your blocked user list.'.
public static BlockUser_BlockProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

BlockUser_Button_BlockFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_Button_Block property value.
public static BlockUser_Button_BlockFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockUser_Button_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_Button_ViewProfile property value.
public static BlockUser_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockUser_NoUsersFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_NoUsers property value.
public static BlockUser_NoUsersFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockUser_TipTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockUser_TipText property value.
public static BlockUser_TipTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockedUserList_ClearFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_Clear property value.
public static BlockedUserList_ClearFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockedUserList_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static BlockedUserList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockedUserList_DeleteFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from your list of blocked users'.
public static BlockedUserList_DeleteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

BlockedUserList_FilterFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_Filter property value.
public static BlockedUserList_FilterFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockedUserList_FriendListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the BlockedUserList_FriendListEmpty property value.
public static BlockedUserList_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

BlockedUserList_FriendListNoMatchFormatFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'No matches found for '{0}'.'.
public static BlockedUserList_FriendListNoMatchFormatFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

BlockedUserList_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.
public static BlockedUserList_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Comments_AuthenticationAlertFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_AuthenticationAlert property value.
public static Comments_AuthenticationAlertFormat ( ) : string
return string

Comments_Button_SaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Button_Save property value.
public static Comments_Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Comments_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static Comments_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Comments_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Delete property value.
public static Comments_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Comments_NotificationSubjectAlbumFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on your album image'.
public static Comments_NotificationSubjectAlbumFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Comments_NotificationSubjectFileFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on file you uploaded'.
public static Comments_NotificationSubjectFileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Comments_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a comment on your wall post'.
public static Comments_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Comments_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_Validator_ErrorMessage property value.
public static Comments_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Comments_WatermarkTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Comments_WatermarkText property value.
public static Comments_WatermarkTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Add_New_BoardFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Add_New_Board property value.
public static Discussion_Add_New_BoardFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ApproveReportedPostFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ApproveReportedPost property value.
public static Discussion_ApproveReportedPostFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ApproveReportedPostToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ApproveReportedPostToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_ApproveReportedPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_AttachmentsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Attachments property value.
public static Discussion_AttachmentsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Back_To_BoardFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Back_To_Board property value.
public static Discussion_Back_To_BoardFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Back_To_TopicsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Back_To_Topics property value.
public static Discussion_Back_To_TopicsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardAuthorFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'by {0}.'.
public static Discussion_BoardAuthorFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Discussion_BoardClosedToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardClosedToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_BoardClosedToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardCreatedDateFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardCreatedDate property value.
public static Discussion_BoardCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardDoesntExistFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardDoesntExist property value.
public static Discussion_BoardDoesntExistFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardLastTopicAuthorFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardLastTopicAuthor property value.
public static Discussion_BoardLastTopicAuthorFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardLastTopicFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardLastTopic property value.
public static Discussion_BoardLastTopicFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardMembership_AccessNotAllowedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardMembership_AccessNotAllowed property value.
public static Discussion_BoardMembership_AccessNotAllowedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardModeratorsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardModerators property value.
public static Discussion_BoardModeratorsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_BoardSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardSubscribeToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardSubscribeToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_BoardSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardUnSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_BoardUnSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModerators property value.
public static Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_Board_AutoSubscribeModeratorsToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Description property value.
public static Discussion_Board_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_EmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Empty property value.
public static Discussion_Board_EmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Name property value.
public static Discussion_Board_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_RolesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_Roles property value.
public static Discussion_Board_RolesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Board_RolesToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Board_RolesToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_Board_RolesToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Button_PostFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Button_Post property value.
public static Discussion_Button_PostFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_CloseBoardToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_CloseBoardToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_CloseBoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_CloseTopicToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_CloseTopicToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_CloseTopicToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ClosedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Closed property value.
public static Discussion_ClosedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ClosedToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ClosedToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_ClosedToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveTitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveTitle property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveTitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_ApproveToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_AttentionTitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_AttentionTitle property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_AttentionTitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_BoardToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_BoardToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_BoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteRequestTitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteRequestTitle property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteRequestTitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_DeleteToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_FooterNotificationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'This message is to notify you that special attention from {0} team is needed for above items.'.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_FooterNotificationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_NoApproveItemsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoApproveItems property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_NoApproveItemsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_NoAttentionItemsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoAttentionItems property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_NoAttentionItemsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_NoDeleteRequestItemsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoDeleteRequestItems property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_NoDeleteRequestItemsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_NoSpamItemsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_NoSpamItems property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_NoSpamItemsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_SnMessage_CCFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SnMessage_CC property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_SnMessage_CCFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_SpamTitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SpamTitle property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_SpamTitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_SpamToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_SpamToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_SpamToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_TitleFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} discussion board daily report [{1}]'.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_TitleFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_TopicCaptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_TopicCaption property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_TopicCaptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DailyReport_TopicMessageToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DailyReport_TopicMessageToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DailyReport_TopicMessageToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Delete_BoardFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Board property value.
public static Discussion_Delete_BoardFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Delete_DeleteSpamFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_DeleteSpam property value.
public static Discussion_Delete_DeleteSpamFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Delete_DeleteUnApprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_DeleteUnApproved property value.
public static Discussion_Delete_DeleteUnApprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Delete_MessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Message property value.
public static Discussion_Delete_MessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Delete_TopicFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Delete_Topic property value.
public static Discussion_Delete_TopicFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DisapproveReportedPost property value.
public static Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_DisapproveReportedPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Disapprove_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Disapprove_Delete property value.
public static Discussion_Disapprove_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Disapprove_Delete_ToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Disapprove_Delete_ToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_Disapprove_Delete_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_DiscussionBoardListFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_DiscussionBoardList property value.
public static Discussion_DiscussionBoardListFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_LastActiveTopicsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_LastActiveTopics property value.
public static Discussion_LastActiveTopicsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_LastActiveTopicsToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_LastActiveTopicsToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_LastActiveTopicsToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_MarkAsAnswerFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MarkAsAnswer property value.
public static Discussion_MarkAsAnswerFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_MessageCreatedDateFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MessageCreatedDate property value.
public static Discussion_MessageCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_ApproveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Approve property value.
public static Discussion_Message_ApproveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_ApprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Approved property value.
public static Discussion_Message_ApprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_Message_AutoSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_DeletedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Deleted property value.
public static Discussion_Message_DeletedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_EditFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Edit property value.
public static Discussion_Message_EditFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_PostCaptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_PostCaption property value.
public static Discussion_Message_PostCaptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_ReplyCaptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_ReplyCaption property value.
public static Discussion_Message_ReplyCaptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_ReportedSpamFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_ReportedSpam property value.
public static Discussion_Message_ReportedSpamFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_SpamFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Spam property value.
public static Discussion_Message_SpamFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_UnapprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Message_Unapproved property value.
public static Discussion_Message_UnapprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Message_ViewsFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Viewed {0} time(s)'.
public static Discussion_Message_ViewsFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Discussion_Messages_DeleteSpamFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Delete spam ({0})'.
public static Discussion_Messages_DeleteSpamFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Discussion_Messages_DeleteUnApprovedFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Delete unapproved ({0})'.
public static Discussion_Messages_DeleteUnApprovedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Discussion_ModeratorsTooltipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ModeratorsTooltip property value.
public static Discussion_ModeratorsTooltipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_MyTopicsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MyTopics property value.
public static Discussion_MyTopicsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_MyTopicsToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_MyTopicsToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_MyTopicsToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewBoardAddedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardAdded property value.
public static Discussion_NewBoardAddedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewBoardClickToSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardClickToSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_NewBoardClickToSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewBoardCreatedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewBoardCreated property value.
public static Discussion_NewBoardCreatedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewMessageAddedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageAdded property value.
public static Discussion_NewMessageAddedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewMessageClickToReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageClickToReply property value.
public static Discussion_NewMessageClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewMessageCreatedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageCreated property value.
public static Discussion_NewMessageCreatedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewMessageNoReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewMessageNoReply property value.
public static Discussion_NewMessageNoReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewTopicAddedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicAdded property value.
public static Discussion_NewTopicAddedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewTopicClickToReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicClickToReply property value.
public static Discussion_NewTopicClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewTopicCreatedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicCreated property value.
public static Discussion_NewTopicCreatedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_NewTopicNoReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_NewTopicNoReply property value.
public static Discussion_NewTopicNoReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_PinItemFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_PinItem property value.
public static Discussion_PinItemFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Post_ApprovalAlertFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Post_ApprovalAlert property value.
public static Discussion_Post_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Posts_EmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Posts_Empty property value.
public static Discussion_Posts_EmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReOpenBoardToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReOpenBoardToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_ReOpenBoardToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReOpenTopicToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReOpenTopicToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_ReOpenTopicToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReasonFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Reason property value.
public static Discussion_ReasonFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RepliesCountFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RepliesCount property value.
public static Discussion_RepliesCountFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReportPostFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPost property value.
public static Discussion_ReportPostFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReportPostReasonFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPostReason property value.
public static Discussion_ReportPostReasonFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ReportPostToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ReportPostToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_ReportPostToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDeleteTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDeleteText property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDeleteTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcess property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDelete_InProcessToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApprovedToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved_ReasonNAFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved_ReasonNA property value.
public static Discussion_RequestDelete_NotApproved_ReasonNAFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicAnswerDescription property value.
public static Discussion_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicAnswerFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicAnswer property value.
public static Discussion_TopicAnswerFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicCountFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicCount property value.
public static Discussion_TopicCountFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicCreatedDateFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicCreatedDate property value.
public static Discussion_TopicCreatedDateFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicDoesntExistsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicDoesntExists property value.
public static Discussion_TopicDoesntExistsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicLastPostAuthorFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicLastPostAuthor property value.
public static Discussion_TopicLastPostAuthorFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicLastPostFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicLastPost property value.
public static Discussion_TopicLastPostFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicNoRatingFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicNoRating property value.
public static Discussion_TopicNoRatingFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicNoRatingToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicNoRatingToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_TopicNoRatingToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicPost_ApprovalAlertFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicPost_ApprovalAlert property value.
public static Discussion_TopicPost_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicRatingFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicRating property value.
public static Discussion_TopicRatingFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicRatingToolTipFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Content is rated {0:f2} of {1} vote(s).'.
public static Discussion_TopicRatingToolTipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
return string

Discussion_TopicSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_TopicSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicSubscribeToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicSubscribeToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_TopicSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicTagsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicTags property value.
public static Discussion_TopicTagsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicUnSubscribe property value.
public static Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_TopicUnSubscribeToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_Add_NewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Add_New property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_Add_NewFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_ApprovalAlertFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_ApprovalAlert property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_ApprovalAlertFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_ApprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Approved property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_ApprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_BoardEditFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_BoardEdit property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_BoardEditFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_DeletedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Deleted property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_DeletedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_EmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Empty property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_EmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_OptionsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Options property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_OptionsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_Options_ToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Options_ToolTip property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_Options_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_RelatedContentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_RelatedContent property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_RelatedContentFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_ReportedSpamFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_ReportedSpam property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_ReportedSpamFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_SortHotTopicsOnTopFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortHotTopicsOnTop property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_SortHotTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_SortNewTopicsOnTopFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortNewTopicsOnTop property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_SortNewTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_SortTopicsAlphabeticallyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortTopicsAlphabetically property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_SortTopicsAlphabeticallyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_SortUpdatedTopicsOnTopFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_SortUpdatedTopicsOnTop property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_SortUpdatedTopicsOnTopFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_SpamFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Spam property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_SpamFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_TitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Title property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_TitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerDescription property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerDescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswer property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_TopicAnswerFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_Topic_UnapprovedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_Topic_Unapproved property value.
public static Discussion_Topic_UnapprovedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_UnPinItemFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_UnPinItem property value.
public static Discussion_UnPinItemFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_UserTotalPostsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_UserTotalPosts property value.
public static Discussion_UserTotalPostsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ViewsCountFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Discussion_ViewsCount property value.
public static Discussion_ViewsCountFormat ( ) : string
return string

Discussion_ViewsCountToolTipFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Topic viewed {0} times'.
public static Discussion_ViewsCountToolTipFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

FileGallery_AttachedFilesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileGallery_AttachedFiles property value.
public static FileGallery_AttachedFilesFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileGallery_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileGallery_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static FileGallery_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_Button_CommentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Button_Comment property value.
public static FileView_Button_CommentFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_Button_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Button_Delete property value.
public static FileView_Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_ChangeThumbnailFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ChangeThumbnail property value.
public static FileView_ChangeThumbnailFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static FileView_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_CreatedOnFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Created on {0}'.
public static FileView_CreatedOnFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

FileView_DescriptionDefaultTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_DescriptionDefaultText property value.
public static FileView_DescriptionDefaultTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_DownloadVideoFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_DownloadVideo property value.
public static FileView_DownloadVideoFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_RelatedContentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_RelatedContent property value.
public static FileView_RelatedContentFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_ReplaceExistingFileFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_ReplaceExistingFile property value.
public static FileView_ReplaceExistingFileFormat ( ) : string
return string

FileView_TagsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FileView_Tags property value.
public static FileView_TagsFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_AlreadyConnectedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_AlreadyConnected property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_AlreadyConnectedFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_AlreadySentInvitationFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_AlreadySentInvitation property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_AlreadySentInvitationFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_ButtonConnect_TextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_ButtonConnect_Text property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_ButtonConnect_TextFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_CancelRequestFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_CancelRequest property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_CancelRequestFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_FriendListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_FriendListEmpty property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_PersonYouSelectedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_PersonYouSelected property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_PersonYouSelectedFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_PersonalMessageFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} will have to confirm your request. You may add a personal message:'.
public static FriendSuggestionList_PersonalMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

FriendSuggestionList_RequestSentMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_RequestSentMessage property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_RequestSentMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_SendRequestFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_SendRequest property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_SendRequestFormat ( ) : string
return string

FriendSuggestionList_TextBox_RequestMessageFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} would like you to join his/her network.'.
public static FriendSuggestionList_TextBox_RequestMessageFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

FriendSuggestionList_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.
public static FriendSuggestionList_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

FriendSuggestionList_WatermarkSearch_TextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the FriendSuggestionList_WatermarkSearch_Text property value.
public static FriendSuggestionList_WatermarkSearch_TextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Friends_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static Friends_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Friends_DeleteFriendFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from your list of friends'.
public static Friends_DeleteFriendFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Friends_FriendListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_FriendListEmpty property value.
public static Friends_FriendListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Friends_RemoveFriendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Friends_RemoveFriend property value.
public static Friends_RemoveFriendFormat ( ) : string
return string

Friends_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.
public static Friends_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Global_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'View profile for {0}'.
public static Global_ViewProfileFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_AllGroupsInCategoryTitleFormatStringFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} in {1} category.'.
public static Groups_AllGroupsInCategoryTitleFormatStringFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
return string

Groups_AllGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_AllGroupsTitleFormatString property value.
public static Groups_AllGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_CannotPostNotesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_CannotPostNotes property value.
public static Groups_CannotPostNotesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_CannotSeePrivateResourcesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_CannotSeePrivateResources property value.
public static Groups_CannotSeePrivateResourcesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_CategoryFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Category property value.
public static Groups_CategoryFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static Groups_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_ConfirmJoinPrivateFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmJoinPrivate property value.
public static Groups_ConfirmJoinPrivateFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_ConfirmJoinPublicFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmJoinPublic property value.
public static Groups_ConfirmJoinPublicFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_ConfirmLeaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_ConfirmLeave property value.
public static Groups_ConfirmLeaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Delete property value.
public static Groups_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_DeleteMemberFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove {0} from the group'.
public static Groups_DeleteMemberFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Description property value.
public static Groups_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_EditFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Edit property value.
public static Groups_EditFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_AdminsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Admins property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_AdminsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_CategoriesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Categories property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_CategoriesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_CategoryNoteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_CategoryNote property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_CategoryNoteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Description property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_ErrorSaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_ErrorSave property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_ErrorSaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Name property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_NameRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_NameRequired property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_PictureFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Picture property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_PictureFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_Privacy property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyLegendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyLegend property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_PrivacyLegendFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupEdit_UserAdmin_TipTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupEdit_UserAdmin_TipText property value.
public static Groups_GroupEdit_UserAdmin_TipTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_CategoryFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Category property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_CategoryFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Description property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_Name property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_OpenGroupFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_OpenGroup property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_OpenGroupFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_PrivacyLevelFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_PrivacyLevel property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_PrivacyLevelFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_PrivateGroupFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_PrivateGroup property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_PrivateGroupFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupInfo_RequestWaitingFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupInfo_RequestWaiting property value.
public static Groups_GroupInfo_RequestWaitingFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupList_AddNewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_AddNew property value.
public static Groups_GroupList_AddNewFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupList_AllGroupsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_AllGroups property value.
public static Groups_GroupList_AllGroupsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupList_CategoryFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_Category property value.
public static Groups_GroupList_CategoryFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupList_MemberCountFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_MemberCount property value.
public static Groups_GroupList_MemberCountFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupList_MyGroupsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupList_MyGroups property value.
public static Groups_GroupList_MyGroupsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupView_LabelDiscussionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelDiscussion property value.
public static Groups_GroupView_LabelDiscussionFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupView_LabelPhotosFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelPhotos property value.
public static Groups_GroupView_LabelPhotosFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_GroupView_LabelWallFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_GroupView_LabelWall property value.
public static Groups_GroupView_LabelWallFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_InvitationList_AddingUserFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_InvitationList_AddingUser property value.
public static Groups_InvitationList_AddingUserFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Approve group membership for {0}'.
public static Groups_InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_InvitationList_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static Groups_InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove membership request for {0} from your list'.
public static Groups_InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_JoinFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Join property value.
public static Groups_JoinFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_LeaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Leave property value.
public static Groups_LeaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_LoginToJoinFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_LoginToJoin property value.
public static Groups_LoginToJoinFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_MemberListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_MemberListEmpty property value.
public static Groups_MemberListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_MyGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_MyGroupsTitleFormatString property value.
public static Groups_MyGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Name property value.
public static Groups_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_NoDataWarningFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_NoDataWarning property value.
public static Groups_NoDataWarningFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_NoGroupsShowingAllGroupsFormatStringFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_NoGroupsShowingAllGroupsFormatString property value.
public static Groups_NoGroupsShowingAllGroupsFormatStringFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'An error occured while trying to add the user {0} to this group.'.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} was successfully added to the group.'.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_AlreadyMemberFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} is already a member of thie group.'.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_AlreadyMemberFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_Add property value.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_Send property value.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfile property value.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_PersonalMessage property value.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_PeopleSearch_TipText property value.
public static Groups_PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_SearchFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Search property value.
public static Groups_SearchFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_SearchGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Search results for '{0}''.
public static Groups_SearchGroupsTitleFormatStringFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Groups_Search_TipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Groups_Search_Tip property value.
public static Groups_Search_TipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Groups_ViewFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'View group {0}'.
public static Groups_ViewFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

InvitationList_AddingFollowerFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_AddingFollower property value.
public static InvitationList_AddingFollowerFormat ( ) : string
return string

InvitationList_AddingUserFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_AddingUser property value.
public static InvitationList_AddingUserFormat ( ) : string
return string

InvitationList_ApproveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_Approve property value.
public static InvitationList_ApproveFormat ( ) : string
return string

InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Approve invitation for {0}'.
public static InvitationList_ApproveInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static InvitationList_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Remove invitation for {0} from your invitation list'.
public static InvitationList_DeleteInvitationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

InvitationList_ListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the InvitationList_ListEmpty property value.
public static InvitationList_ListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_BackFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Back property value.
public static Messaging_BackFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CancelFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Cancel property value.
public static Messaging_CancelFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_BodyRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_BodyRequired property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_BodyRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorCannotSaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorCannotSave property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorCannotSaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendGroupFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the group members: {0}.'.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendGroupFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendMessageListFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the recipients of the message list: {0}.'.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendMessageListFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendRecipientFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '<br />An error has occured while trying to send the message to the following recipient: {0}.'.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_ErrorSendRecipientFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Message property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_MessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingGroupFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingGroup property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingGroupFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingListFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingList property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_MessagingListFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_NoRecipientsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_NoRecipients property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_NoRecipientsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_RecipeintsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Recipeints property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_RecipeintsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_SendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Send property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_SendFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_SendMailCopyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_SendMailCopy property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_SendMailCopyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Subject property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectRequired property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_SubjectRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_CreateMessage_UploadFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_CreateMessage_Upload property value.
public static Messaging_CreateMessage_UploadFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_AddListFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_AddList property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_AddListFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_AddNewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_AddNew property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_AddNewFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_DeleteConfirmationFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_DeleteConfirmation property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_HeaderTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_HeaderText property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_HeaderTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_ListMembersFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_ListMembers property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_ListMembersFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_Name property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_NameRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_NameRequired property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_PageTitleFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_PageTitle property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_PageTitleFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_SaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_Save property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_SaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ListAdmin_SubHeaderTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_ListAdmin_SubHeaderText property value.
public static Messaging_ListAdmin_SubHeaderTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetailsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetailsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorCannotSaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorCannotSave property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorCannotSaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorSendReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorSendReply property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_ErrorSendReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Reply property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyIsRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyIsRequired property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_ReplyIsRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_SendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Send property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_SendFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_SendMailCopyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_SendMailCopy property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_SendMailCopyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageDetails_UploadFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageDetails_Upload property value.
public static Messaging_MessageDetails_UploadFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_Collapse_ToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Collapse_ToolTip property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_Collapse_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnDateFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnDate property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ColumnDateFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnFromFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnFrom property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ColumnFromFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnSubjectFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnSubject property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ColumnSubjectFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ColumnToFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ColumnTo property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ColumnToFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_DragToGroupOrReorderFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DragToGroupOrReorder property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_DragToGroupOrReorderFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_DragToResizeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DragToResize property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_DragToResizeFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_DropHereToReorderFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_DropHereToReorder property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_DropHereToReorderFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_Expand_TooltipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Expand_Tooltip property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_Expand_TooltipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_FilterFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Filter property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_FilterFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuedFormatStringFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuedFormatString property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuedFormatStringFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuesFormatStringFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuesFormatString property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_GroupContinuesFormatStringFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_GroupPanelTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_GroupPanelText property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_GroupPanelTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_LoadingFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Loading property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_LoadingFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_NextPageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NextPage property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_NextPageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_NextPagesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NextPages property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_NextPagesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_NoRecordsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_NoRecords property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_NoRecordsFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_OnSuffixFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_OnSuffix property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_OnSuffixFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_PagerTextFormatFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Go to page: {4} Displaying page {0} of {1}, items {2} to {3} of {5}'.
public static Messaging_MessageList_PagerTextFormatFormat ( object arg0, object arg1, object arg2, object arg3, object arg4, object arg5 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
arg2 object An object (2) to format.
arg3 object An object (3) to format.
arg4 object An object (4) to format.
arg5 object An object (5) to format.
return string

Messaging_MessageList_PagerTooltipFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'Page {0} of {1}'.
public static Messaging_MessageList_PagerTooltipFormat ( object arg0, object arg1 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
arg1 object An object (1) to format.
return string

Messaging_MessageList_PrevPageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_PrevPage property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_PrevPageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_PrevPagesFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_PrevPages property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_PrevPagesFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ReadyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Ready property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ReadyFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ReceivedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Received property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ReceivedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_Search_ToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Search_ToolTip property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_Search_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_SentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Sent property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_SentFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ShowAll_ToolTipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_ShowAll_ToolTip property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ShowAll_ToolTipFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_SortFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_Sort property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_SortFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_SortedAscFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_SortedAsc property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_SortedAscFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_SortedDescFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_SortedDesc property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_SortedDescFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageList_ViewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageList_View property value.
public static Messaging_MessageList_ViewFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_MessageSentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_MessageSent property value.
public static Messaging_MessageSentFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_NewMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_NewMessage property value.
public static Messaging_NewMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_ReceivedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Received property value.
public static Messaging_ReceivedFormat ( ) : string
return string

Messaging_SentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the Messaging_Sent property value.
public static Messaging_SentFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_AddFriendConfirmationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been successfully added to your list.'.
public static PeopleSearch_AddFriendConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot add {0} to your list of friends. Please check if this user is already present in your list.'.
public static PeopleSearch_AddProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'You have successfully added {0} to your list of friends.'.
public static PeopleSearch_AddSuccessFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_AlreadyConnectedFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} is already added to your list of friends.'.
public static PeopleSearch_AlreadyConnectedFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_AlreadySentInvitationFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_AlreadySentInvitation property value.
public static PeopleSearch_AlreadySentInvitationFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_BlockProblemFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'You cannot block {0}. Please check if this user is already present in your blocked user list.'.
public static PeopleSearch_BlockProblemFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Add property value.
public static PeopleSearch_Button_AddFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_Button_BlockFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Block property value.
public static PeopleSearch_Button_BlockFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_Send property value.
public static PeopleSearch_Button_SendFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_Button_UnBlockFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_UnBlock property value.
public static PeopleSearch_Button_UnBlockFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfile property value.
public static PeopleSearch_Button_ViewProfileFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_InvitationsReceivedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_InvitationsReceived property value.
public static PeopleSearch_InvitationsReceivedFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_InvitationsSentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_InvitationsSent property value.
public static PeopleSearch_InvitationsSentFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_InviteFriendConfirmationFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to 'User {0} has been invited to join your list.'.
public static PeopleSearch_InviteFriendConfirmationFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PeopleSearch_MemberSinceFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_MemberSince property value.
public static PeopleSearch_MemberSinceFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_NoUsersFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_NoUsers property value.
public static PeopleSearch_NoUsersFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_PersonalMessage property value.
public static PeopleSearch_PersonalMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_RequestMessage_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_RequestMessage_Validator_ErrorMessage property value.
public static PeopleSearch_RequestMessage_Validator_ErrorMessageFormat ( ) : string
return string

PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PeopleSearch_TipText property value.
public static PeopleSearch_TipTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_CreateAlbumFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_CreateAlbum property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_CreateAlbumFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Description property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_EditAlbumFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_EditAlbum property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_EditAlbumFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Name property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameRequiredFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameRequired property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_NameRequiredFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_PrivacyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_Privacy property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumEditView_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteConfirmationFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteConfirmation property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_Delete property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumList_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_EditFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_Edit property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumList_EditFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_PhotoCountFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_PhotoCount property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumList_PhotoCountFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumList_ViewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumList_View property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumList_ViewFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_AlbumsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_Albums property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumView_AlbumsFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_CreateAlbumFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_CreateAlbum property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumView_CreateAlbumFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_MyAlbumsFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0}'s albums'.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumView_MyAlbumsFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

PhotoGallery_AlbumView_NewAlbumsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_AlbumView_NewAlbums property value.
public static PhotoGallery_AlbumView_NewAlbumsFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_BackToAlbumListFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_BackToAlbumList property value.
public static PhotoGallery_BackToAlbumListFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_BackToPhotoListFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_BackToPhotoList property value.
public static PhotoGallery_BackToPhotoListFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_FileDelete_TooltipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FileDelete_Tooltip property value.
public static PhotoGallery_FileDelete_TooltipFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_FileEdit_TooltipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FileEdit_Tooltip property value.
public static PhotoGallery_FileEdit_TooltipFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_FilePreview_TooltipFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_FilePreview_Tooltip property value.
public static PhotoGallery_FilePreview_TooltipFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_MyPhotos_ListEmptyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_MyPhotos_ListEmpty property value.
public static PhotoGallery_MyPhotos_ListEmptyFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_AlbumCoverFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_AlbumCover property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_AlbumCoverFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_DescriptionFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Description property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_DescriptionFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_EditPhotoFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_EditPhoto property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_EditPhotoFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_NameFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Name property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_NameFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_PrivacyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_Privacy property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoEditView_PrivacyFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_AddMoreFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_AddMore property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_AddMoreFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_CommentsFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Comments property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_CommentsFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteConfirmationFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteConfirmation property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteConfirmationFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Delete property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_EditFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Edit property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_EditFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_OrganizeFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_Organize property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_OrganizeFormat ( ) : string
return string

PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_ViewFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_View property value.
public static PhotoGallery_PhotoListView_ViewFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_Button_CommentFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Comment property value.
public static WallNotes_Button_CommentFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_Button_DeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Delete property value.
public static WallNotes_Button_DeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_Button_SaveFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Save property value.
public static WallNotes_Button_SaveFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_Button_UploadFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_Button_Upload property value.
public static WallNotes_Button_UploadFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_ConfirmDeleteFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_ConfirmDelete property value.
public static WallNotes_ConfirmDeleteFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_NewCommentAddedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewCommentAdded property value.
public static WallNotes_NewCommentAddedFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_NewCommentClickToReplyFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewCommentClickToReply property value.
public static WallNotes_NewCommentClickToReplyFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_NewNoteAddedFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NewNoteAdded property value.
public static WallNotes_NewNoteAddedFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_NoDataFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_NoData property value.
public static WallNotes_NoDataFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat() public static method

Formats a localized string similar to '{0} posted a note on your wall.'.
public static WallNotes_NotificationSubjectNoteFormat ( object arg0 ) : string
arg0 object An object (0) to format.
return string

WallNotes_UploadButtonTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_UploadButtonText property value.
public static WallNotes_UploadButtonTextFormat ( ) : string
return string

WallNotes_WatermarkTextFormat() public static method

The stub formatting method returning the WallNotes_WatermarkText property value.
public static WallNotes_WatermarkTextFormat ( ) : string
return string