C# Class MongoDB.GridFS.GridFile

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Public Methods

Method Description
Copy ( String src, String dest ) : void

Copies one file to another. The destination file must not exist or an IOException will be thrown.

Create ( String filename ) : GridFileStream
Create ( String filename, FileMode mode ) : GridFileStream
Create ( String filename, FileMode mode, FileAccess access ) : GridFileStream
Delete ( Document query ) : void

Permanently removes all files from the database that match the query.

Delete ( Object id ) : void

Permanently removes a file from the database.

Delete ( String filename ) : void

Permanently removes a file from the database.

Exists ( Object id ) : System.Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the file exists.

Exists ( string name ) : System.Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the file exists.

GridFile ( Database db ) : System
GridFile ( Database db, string bucket ) : System
ListFiles ( ) : ICursor
ListFiles ( Document query ) : ICursor
Move ( Object id, String dest ) : void
Move ( String src, String dest ) : void
Open ( string filename, FileMode mode, FileAccess access ) : GridFileStream
OpenRead ( String filename ) : GridFileStream
OpenWrite ( String filename ) : GridFileStream

Method Details

Copy() public method

Copies one file to another. The destination file must not exist or an IOException will be thrown.
Source file not found. Destination file already exists. A database error occurred executing the copy function.
public Copy ( String src, String dest ) : void
src String
dest String
return void

Create() public method

public Create ( String filename ) : GridFileStream
filename String
return GridFileStream

Create() public method

public Create ( String filename, FileMode mode ) : GridFileStream
filename String
mode FileMode
return GridFileStream

Create() public method

public Create ( String filename, FileMode mode, FileAccess access ) : GridFileStream
filename String
mode FileMode
access FileAccess
return GridFileStream

Delete() public method

Permanently removes all files from the database that match the query.
public Delete ( Document query ) : void
query Document
return void

Delete() public method

Permanently removes a file from the database.
public Delete ( Object id ) : void
id Object
return void

Delete() public method

Permanently removes a file from the database.
public Delete ( String filename ) : void
filename String
return void

Exists() public method

Gets a value indicating whether the file exists.
public Exists ( Object id ) : System.Boolean
id Object
return System.Boolean

Exists() public method

Gets a value indicating whether the file exists.
public Exists ( string name ) : System.Boolean
name string
return System.Boolean

GridFile() public method

public GridFile ( Database db ) : System
db MongoDB.Database
return System

GridFile() public method

public GridFile ( Database db, string bucket ) : System
db MongoDB.Database
bucket string
return System

ListFiles() public method

public ListFiles ( ) : ICursor
return ICursor

ListFiles() public method

public ListFiles ( Document query ) : ICursor
query Document
return ICursor

Move() public method

public Move ( Object id, String dest ) : void
id Object
dest String
return void

Move() public method

public Move ( String src, String dest ) : void
src String
dest String
return void

Open() public method

public Open ( string filename, FileMode mode, FileAccess access ) : GridFileStream
filename string
mode FileMode
access FileAccess
return GridFileStream

OpenRead() public method

public OpenRead ( String filename ) : GridFileStream
filename String
return GridFileStream

OpenWrite() public method

public OpenWrite ( String filename ) : GridFileStream
filename String
return GridFileStream