C# Class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaPlayer

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Public Methods

Method Description
MoveNext ( ) : void
MovePrevious ( ) : void
Pause ( ) : void
Play ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void

Play clears the current playback queue, and then queues up the specified song for playback. Playback starts immediately at the beginning of the song.

Play ( SongCollection collection, int index ) : void
Resume ( ) : void
Stop ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
MediaPlayer ( ) : System
NextSong ( int direction ) : void
OnSessionStopped ( ) : void
OnSongFinishedPlaying ( object sender, EventArgs args ) : void
OnTopologyReady ( ) : void
PlatformGetGameHasControl ( ) : bool
PlatformGetIsMuted ( ) : bool
PlatformGetIsRepeating ( ) : bool
PlatformGetIsShuffled ( ) : bool
PlatformGetPlayPosition ( ) : System.TimeSpan
PlatformGetState ( ) : MediaState
PlatformGetVolume ( ) : float
PlatformInitialize ( ) : void
PlatformPause ( ) : void
PlatformPlaySong ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
PlatformResume ( ) : void
PlatformSetIsMuted ( bool muted ) : void
PlatformSetIsRepeating ( bool repeating ) : void
PlatformSetIsShuffled ( bool shuffled ) : void
PlatformSetVolume ( float volume ) : void
PlatformStop ( ) : void
PlayNewSong ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
PlaySong ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
ReplayCurrentSong ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
SetChannelVolumes ( ) : void
StartNewSong ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
StartSession ( Variant startPosition ) : void

Method Details

MoveNext() public static method

public static MoveNext ( ) : void
return void

MovePrevious() public static method

public static MovePrevious ( ) : void
return void

Pause() public static method

public static Pause ( ) : void
return void

Play() public static method

Play clears the current playback queue, and then queues up the specified song for playback. Playback starts immediately at the beginning of the song.
public static Play ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song song ) : void
song Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.Song
return void

Play() public static method

public static Play ( SongCollection collection, int index ) : void
collection SongCollection
index int
return void

Resume() public static method

public static Resume ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public static method

public static Stop ( ) : void
return void