C# Class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstancePool

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Private Properties

Property Type Description
Add void
GetInstance SoundEffectInstance
Remove void
SoundEffectInstancePool System.Collections.Generic
Update void
UpdateMasterVolume void

Private Methods

Method Description
Add ( SoundEffectInstance inst ) : void

Add the specified instance to the pool if it is a pooled instance and removes it from the list of playing instances.

GetInstance ( bool forXAct ) : SoundEffectInstance

Returns a pooled SoundEffectInstance if one is available, or allocates a new SoundEffectInstance if the pool is empty.

Remove ( SoundEffectInstance inst ) : void

Adds the SoundEffectInstance to the list of playing instances.

SoundEffectInstancePool ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
Update ( ) : void

Iterates the list of playing instances, returning them to the pool if they have stopped playing.

UpdateMasterVolume ( ) : void