C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.MobileServiceHttpClient.FeaturesHelper

Helper class to create the HTTP headers used for sending feature usage to the service.
Show file Open project: Azure/azure-mobile-apps-net-client

Public Methods

Method Description
AddFeaturesHeader ( string>.IDictionary requestHeaders, MobileServiceFeatures features ) : string>.IDictionary

Adds a header for features used in this request. Used for telemetry.

Private Methods

Method Description
FeaturesHelper ( ) : System
FeaturesToString ( MobileServiceFeatures features ) : string

Returns the value to be used in the HTTP header corresponding to the given features.

Method Details

AddFeaturesHeader() public static method

Adds a header for features used in this request. Used for telemetry.
public static AddFeaturesHeader ( string>.IDictionary requestHeaders, MobileServiceFeatures features ) : string>.IDictionary
requestHeaders string>.IDictionary /// Additional request headers to include with the request. ///
features MobileServiceFeatures /// Value indicating which features of the SDK are being used in this call. ///
return string>.IDictionary