C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.WebsitesClient

Inheritance: IWebsitesClient
Show file Open project: Azure/azure-powershell

Public Properties

Property Type Description
SlotFormat string

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildWebProject ( string projectFile, string configuration, string logFile ) : string

Build a Visual Studio web project and generate a WebDeploy package.

CheckWebsiteNameAvailability ( string name ) : bool

Checks whether a website name is available or not.

CreateWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType, string jobFile ) : IPSWebJob

Creates new web job for a website

CreateWebsite ( string webspaceName, Utilities siteToCreate, string slot ) : Utilities.Site

Create a new website.

CreateWebsiteRepository ( string webspaceName, string websiteName ) : void

Create a git repository for the web site.

DeleteWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void

Deletes a web job for a website.

DeleteWebsite ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, bool deleteMetrics = false, bool deleteEmptyServerFarm = false ) : void

Delete a website.

DeleteWebsite ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, string slot ) : void

Delete a website slot.

DisableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output ) : void

Disables application diagnostic.

DisableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, string slot ) : void

Disables application diagnostic.

DisableSiteDiagnostic ( string name, bool webServerLogging, bool detailedErrorMessages, bool failedRequestTracing ) : void

Disables site diagnostic.

EnableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, object>.Dictionary properties ) : void

Enables application diagnostic on website slot.

EnableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, object>.Dictionary properties, string slot ) : void

Enables application diagnostic on website slot.

EnableSiteDiagnostic ( string name, bool webServerLogging, bool detailedErrorMessages, bool failedRequestTracing ) : void

Enables website diagnostic.

FilterWebJobHistory ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobHistoryFilterOptions options ) : List

Filters a web job history.

FilterWebJobs ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobFilterOptions options ) : List

Filters the web jobs.

GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings ( string name ) : DiagnosticsSettings

Gets the application diagnostics settings

GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings ( string name, string slot ) : DiagnosticsSettings

Gets the application diagnostics settings

GetDefaultLocation ( ) : string

Gets the default location for websites.

GetHistoricalUsageMetrics ( string siteName, string slot, IList metricNames, System.DateTime starTime, System.DateTime endTime, string timeGrain, bool instanceDetails, bool slotView ) : IList

Get a list of historic metrics for the site.

GetHostName ( string name, string slot ) : string

Gets the hostname of the website

GetPlanHistoricalUsageMetrics ( string webSpaceName, string planName, IList metricNames, System.DateTime starTime, System.DateTime endTime, string timeGrain, bool instanceDetails ) : IList

Get a list of historic metrics for the web hosting plan.

GetSlotDnsName ( string name, string slot ) : string

Gets a website slot DNS name.

GetSlotName ( string name ) : string

Gets the slot name from the website name.

GetWebDeployPublishProfile ( string websiteName, string slot = null ) : WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.PublishProfile

Gets the website WebDeploy publish profile.

GetWebHostingPlan ( string webSpaceName, string planName ) : Utilities.WebHostingPlan

Get web hosting plan by name

GetWebsite ( string name ) : Utilities.Site

Gets a website instance.

GetWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : Utilities.Site

Gets a website slot instance.

GetWebsiteConfiguration ( string name ) : Utilities.SiteConfig

Gets the website configuration.

GetWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, string slot ) : Utilities.SiteConfig

Gets a website slot configuration

GetWebsiteDnsSuffix ( ) : string

Gets the default website DNS suffix for the current environment.

GetWebsiteNameFromFullName ( string name ) : string

Gets the website name without slot part

GetWebsiteSlots ( string name ) : List

Gets all slots for a website

ListAvailableLocations ( ) : List

Lists available website locations.

ListLogPaths ( string name ) : List

List log paths for a given website.

ListLogPaths ( string name, string slot ) : List

List log paths for a given website.

ListPublishingUserNames ( ) : IList

Get a list of the user names configured to publish to the space.

ListSitesInWebSpace ( string spaceName ) : IList

Get the sites in the given webspace

ListWebHostingPlans ( ) : List

Return web hosting plans in the subscription

ListWebHostingPlans ( string webSpaceName ) : List

Return web hosting plans in the subscription

ListWebSpaces ( ) : IList

Get the WebSpaces.

ListWebsiteInstances ( string webSpace, string fullName ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.WebsiteInstance[]
ListWebsites ( ) : List

Lists all websites under the current subscription

ListWebsites ( string slot ) : List

Lists all websites with the provided slot name.

ParseConnectionStringNamesFromWebConfig ( string defaultWebConfigFile, string overwriteWebConfigFile ) : string[]

Parse the Web.config files to get the connection string names.

PublishWebProject ( string websiteName, string slot, string package, string setParametersFile, Hashtable connectionStrings, bool skipAppData, bool doNotDelete ) : DeploymentChangeSummary

Publish a WebDeploy package folder to a web site.

RestartWebsite ( string name ) : void

Restarts a website.

RestartWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void

Restarts a website.

SaveWebJobLog ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void

Saves a web job logs to file.

SaveWebJobLog ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType, string output, string runId ) : void

Saves a web job logs to file.

SetAppSetting ( string name, string key, string value ) : void

Sets an AppSetting of a website.

SetConnectionString ( string name, string key, string value, Utilities connectionStringType ) : void

Sets a connection string for a website.

StartLogStreaming ( string name, string path, string message, Predicate endStreaming, int waitInterval ) : IEnumerable

Starts log streaming for the given website.

StartLogStreaming ( string name, string slot, string path, string message, Predicate endStreaming, int waitInternal ) : IEnumerable

Starts log streaming for the given website.

StartWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void

Starts a web job in a website.

StartWebsite ( string name ) : void

Starts a website.

StartWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void

Starts a website.

StopWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void

Stops a web job in a website.

StopWebsite ( string name ) : void

Stops a website.

StopWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void

Stops a website.

SwitchSlots ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, string slot1, string slot2 ) : void

Switches the given website slot with the production slot

UpdateWebsiteComputeMode ( Utilities websiteToUpdate ) : void

Updates a website compute mode.

UpdateWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, Utilities newConfiguration ) : void

Update the website configuration

UpdateWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, Utilities newConfiguration, string slot ) : void

Update the website slot configuration

UpdateWebsiteHostNames ( Utilities site, IEnumerable hostNames ) : void

Update the set of host names for a website.

UpdateWebsiteHostNames ( Utilities site, IEnumerable hostNames, string slot ) : void

Update the set of host names for a website slot.

WebsiteExists ( string name ) : bool

Checks if a website exists or not.

WebsiteExists ( string name, string slot ) : bool

Checks if a website slot exists or not.

WebsitesClient ( AzureSMProfile profile, AzureSubscription subscription, Action logger ) : System

Creates new WebsitesClient

Private Methods

Method Description
AddConnectionString ( DeploymentObject deployment, string name, string value ) : void

Add a connection string parameter to the deployment.

ChangeWebsiteState ( string name, string webspace, WebsiteState state ) : void
CreateDeploymentHttpClient ( string websiteName ) : HttpClient
CreateRemoteDeploymentBaseOptions ( string websiteName, string slot ) : DeploymentBaseOptions

Create remote deployment base options using the web site publish profile.

CreateWebsite ( string webspaceName, Utilities siteToCreate ) : Utilities.Site

Create a new website in production.

GetDeploymentBaseOptionsUserAgent ( ) : string

Gets remote deployment base options useragent using AzureSession/WebSiteManagementClient.

GetRepository ( string websiteName ) : Repository
GetWebSiteExtensionsClient ( string websiteName ) : IWebSiteExtensionsClient
GetWebSiteExtensionsCredentials ( string name ) : BasicAuthenticationCloudCredentials
GetWebsiteDeploymentHttpConfiguration ( string name, Repository &repository, ICredentials &credentials ) : string
GetWebsiteFromCurrentDirectory ( ) : string

Gets website name in the current directory.

GetWebsiteName ( string name ) : string
IsProductionSlot ( string slot ) : bool
PublishWebProjectFromPackageFile ( string websiteName, string slot, string package, string setParametersFile, Hashtable connectionStrings, bool skipAppData, bool doNotDelete ) : DeploymentChangeSummary

Publish a WebDeploy package zip file to a web site.

PublishWebProjectFromPackagePath ( string websiteName, string slot, string package, Hashtable connectionStrings, bool skipAppData, bool doNotDelete ) : DeploymentChangeSummary

Publish a WebDeploy package zip file to a web site.

ReplaceConnectionStrings ( DeploymentObject deployment, Hashtable connectionStrings ) : void

Replace all the connection strings in the deployment.

SetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, bool setFlag, object>.Dictionary properties = null ) : void
SetSiteDiagnosticsSettings ( string name, bool webServerLogging, bool detailedErrorMessages, bool failedRequestTracing, bool setFlag ) : void
SetWebDeployToSkipAppData ( bool skipAppData, DeploymentBaseOptions localBaseOptions, DeploymentBaseOptions remoteBaseOptions ) : void
SetWebsiteName ( string name, string slot ) : string

Get the real website name.

SetWebsiteNameForWebDeploy ( string name, string slot ) : string

Method Details

BuildWebProject() public method

Build a Visual Studio web project and generate a WebDeploy package.
public BuildWebProject ( string projectFile, string configuration, string logFile ) : string
projectFile string The project file.
configuration string The configuration of the build, like Release or Debug.
logFile string The build log file if there is any error.
return string

CheckWebsiteNameAvailability() public method

Checks whether a website name is available or not.
public CheckWebsiteNameAvailability ( string name ) : bool
name string The website name
return bool

CreateWebJob() public method

Creates new web job for a website
public CreateWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType, string jobFile ) : IPSWebJob
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
jobFile string The web job file name
return IPSWebJob

CreateWebsite() public method

Create a new website.
public CreateWebsite ( string webspaceName, Utilities siteToCreate, string slot ) : Utilities.Site
webspaceName string Web space to create site in.
siteToCreate Utilities Details about the site to create.
slot string The slot name.
return Utilities.Site

CreateWebsiteRepository() public method

Create a git repository for the web site.
public CreateWebsiteRepository ( string webspaceName, string websiteName ) : void
webspaceName string Webspace that site is in.
websiteName string The site name.
return void

DeleteWebJob() public method

Deletes a web job for a website.
public DeleteWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
return void

DeleteWebsite() public method

Delete a website.
public DeleteWebsite ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, bool deleteMetrics = false, bool deleteEmptyServerFarm = false ) : void
webspaceName string webspace the site is in.
websiteName string website name.
deleteMetrics bool pass true to delete stored metrics as part of removing site.
deleteEmptyServerFarm bool Pass true to delete server farm is this was the last website in it.
return void

DeleteWebsite() public method

Delete a website slot.
public DeleteWebsite ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, string slot ) : void
webspaceName string webspace the site is in.
websiteName string website name.
slot string The website slot name
return void

DisableApplicationDiagnostic() public method

Disables application diagnostic.
public DisableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output ) : void
name string The website name
output WebsiteDiagnosticOutput The application log output, FileSystem or StorageTable
return void

DisableApplicationDiagnostic() public method

Disables application diagnostic.
public DisableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
output WebsiteDiagnosticOutput The application log output, FileSystem or StorageTable
slot string The website slot name
return void

DisableSiteDiagnostic() public method

Disables site diagnostic.
public DisableSiteDiagnostic ( string name, bool webServerLogging, bool detailedErrorMessages, bool failedRequestTracing ) : void
name string The website name
webServerLogging bool Flag for webServerLogging
detailedErrorMessages bool Flag for detailedErrorMessages
failedRequestTracing bool Flag for failedRequestTracing
return void

EnableApplicationDiagnostic() public method

Enables application diagnostic on website slot.
public EnableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, object>.Dictionary properties ) : void
name string The website name
output WebsiteDiagnosticOutput The application log output, FileSystem or StorageTable
properties object>.Dictionary The diagnostic setting properties
return void

EnableApplicationDiagnostic() public method

Enables application diagnostic on website slot.
public EnableApplicationDiagnostic ( string name, WebsiteDiagnosticOutput output, object>.Dictionary properties, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
output WebsiteDiagnosticOutput The application log output, FileSystem or StorageTable
properties object>.Dictionary The diagnostic setting properties
slot string The website slot name
return void

EnableSiteDiagnostic() public method

Enables website diagnostic.
public EnableSiteDiagnostic ( string name, bool webServerLogging, bool detailedErrorMessages, bool failedRequestTracing ) : void
name string The website name
webServerLogging bool Flag for webServerLogging
detailedErrorMessages bool Flag for detailedErrorMessages
failedRequestTracing bool Flag for failedRequestTracing
return void

FilterWebJobHistory() public method

Filters a web job history.
public FilterWebJobHistory ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobHistoryFilterOptions options ) : List
options Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobHistoryFilterOptions The web job filter options
return List

FilterWebJobs() public method

Filters the web jobs.
public FilterWebJobs ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobFilterOptions options ) : List
options Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.Services.WebJobs.WebJobFilterOptions The web job filter options
return List

GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings() public method

Gets the application diagnostics settings
public GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings ( string name ) : DiagnosticsSettings
name string The website name
return DiagnosticsSettings

GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings() public method

Gets the application diagnostics settings
public GetApplicationDiagnosticsSettings ( string name, string slot ) : DiagnosticsSettings
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return DiagnosticsSettings

GetDefaultLocation() public method

Gets the default location for websites.
public GetDefaultLocation ( ) : string
return string

GetHistoricalUsageMetrics() public method

Get a list of historic metrics for the site.
public GetHistoricalUsageMetrics ( string siteName, string slot, IList metricNames, System.DateTime starTime, System.DateTime endTime, string timeGrain, bool instanceDetails, bool slotView ) : IList
siteName string The website name
slot string Slot name
metricNames IList List of metrics names to retrieve. See metric definitions for supported names
starTime System.DateTime Start date of the requested period
endTime System.DateTime End date of the requested period
timeGrain string Time grains for the metrics.
instanceDetails bool Include details for the server instances in which the site is running.
slotView bool Represent the metrics for the hostnames that receive the traffic at the current slot. /// If swap occurred in the middle of the period metrics will be merged
return IList

GetHostName() public method

Gets the hostname of the website
public GetHostName ( string name, string slot ) : string
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return string

GetPlanHistoricalUsageMetrics() public method

Get a list of historic metrics for the web hosting plan.
public GetPlanHistoricalUsageMetrics ( string webSpaceName, string planName, IList metricNames, System.DateTime starTime, System.DateTime endTime, string timeGrain, bool instanceDetails ) : IList
webSpaceName string web space name where plan belongs
planName string The web hosting plan name
metricNames IList List of metrics names to retrieve. See metric definitions for supported names
starTime System.DateTime Start date of the requested period
endTime System.DateTime End date of the requested period
timeGrain string Time grains for the metrics.
instanceDetails bool Include details for the server instances in which the site is running.
return IList

GetSlotDnsName() public method

Gets a website slot DNS name.
public GetSlotDnsName ( string name, string slot ) : string
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
return string

GetSlotName() public method

Gets the slot name from the website name.
public GetSlotName ( string name ) : string
name string The website name
return string

GetWebDeployPublishProfile() public method

Gets the website WebDeploy publish profile.
public GetWebDeployPublishProfile ( string websiteName, string slot = null ) : WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.PublishProfile
websiteName string Website name.
slot string Slot name. By default is null.
return WebSiteGetPublishProfileResponse.PublishProfile

GetWebHostingPlan() public method

Get web hosting plan by name
public GetWebHostingPlan ( string webSpaceName, string planName ) : Utilities.WebHostingPlan
webSpaceName string web space name where plan belongs
planName string web hosting plan name
return Utilities.WebHostingPlan

GetWebsite() public method

Gets a website instance.
public GetWebsite ( string name ) : Utilities.Site
name string The website name
return Utilities.Site

GetWebsite() public method

Gets a website slot instance.
public GetWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : Utilities.Site
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
return Utilities.Site

GetWebsiteConfiguration() public method

Gets the website configuration.
public GetWebsiteConfiguration ( string name ) : Utilities.SiteConfig
name string The website name
return Utilities.SiteConfig

GetWebsiteConfiguration() public method

Gets a website slot configuration
public GetWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, string slot ) : Utilities.SiteConfig
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return Utilities.SiteConfig

GetWebsiteDnsSuffix() public method

Gets the default website DNS suffix for the current environment.
public GetWebsiteDnsSuffix ( ) : string
return string

GetWebsiteNameFromFullName() public method

Gets the website name without slot part
public GetWebsiteNameFromFullName ( string name ) : string
name string The website full name which may include slot name
return string

GetWebsiteSlots() public method

Gets all slots for a website
public GetWebsiteSlots ( string name ) : List
name string The website name
return List

ListAvailableLocations() public method

Lists available website locations.
public ListAvailableLocations ( ) : List
return List

ListLogPaths() public method

List log paths for a given website.
public ListLogPaths ( string name ) : List
name string
return List

ListLogPaths() public method

List log paths for a given website.
public ListLogPaths ( string name, string slot ) : List
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return List

ListPublishingUserNames() public method

Get a list of the user names configured to publish to the space.
public ListPublishingUserNames ( ) : IList
return IList

ListSitesInWebSpace() public method

Get the sites in the given webspace
public ListSitesInWebSpace ( string spaceName ) : IList
spaceName string Name of webspace
return IList

ListWebHostingPlans() public method

Return web hosting plans in the subscription
public ListWebHostingPlans ( ) : List
return List

ListWebHostingPlans() public method

Return web hosting plans in the subscription
public ListWebHostingPlans ( string webSpaceName ) : List
webSpaceName string
return List

ListWebSpaces() public method

Get the WebSpaces.
public ListWebSpaces ( ) : IList
return IList

ListWebsiteInstances() public method

public ListWebsiteInstances ( string webSpace, string fullName ) : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.WebsiteInstance[]
webSpace string
fullName string
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Websites.WebsiteInstance[]

ListWebsites() public method

Lists all websites under the current subscription
public ListWebsites ( ) : List
return List

ListWebsites() public method

Lists all websites with the provided slot name.
public ListWebsites ( string slot ) : List
slot string The slot name
return List

ParseConnectionStringNamesFromWebConfig() public method

Parse the Web.config files to get the connection string names.
public ParseConnectionStringNamesFromWebConfig ( string defaultWebConfigFile, string overwriteWebConfigFile ) : string[]
defaultWebConfigFile string The default Web.config file.
overwriteWebConfigFile string The additional Web.config file for the specified configuration, like Web.Release.Config file.
return string[]

PublishWebProject() public method

Publish a WebDeploy package folder to a web site.
public PublishWebProject ( string websiteName, string slot, string package, string setParametersFile, Hashtable connectionStrings, bool skipAppData, bool doNotDelete ) : DeploymentChangeSummary
websiteName string The name of the web site.
slot string The name of the slot.
package string The WebDeploy package.
setParametersFile string The SetParametersFile.xml used to override internal package configuration.
connectionStrings System.Collections.Hashtable The connection strings to overwrite the ones in the Web.config file.
skipAppData bool Skip app data
doNotDelete bool Do not delete files at destination
return DeploymentChangeSummary

RestartWebsite() public method

Restarts a website.
public RestartWebsite ( string name ) : void
name string The website name
return void

RestartWebsite() public method

Restarts a website.
public RestartWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return void

SaveWebJobLog() public method

Saves a web job logs to file.
public SaveWebJobLog ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
return void

SaveWebJobLog() public method

Saves a web job logs to file.
public SaveWebJobLog ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType, string output, string runId ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
output string The output file name
runId string The job run id
return void

SetAppSetting() public method

Sets an AppSetting of a website.
public SetAppSetting ( string name, string key, string value ) : void
name string The website name
key string The app setting name
value string The app setting value
return void

SetConnectionString() public method

Sets a connection string for a website.
public SetConnectionString ( string name, string key, string value, Utilities connectionStringType ) : void
name string Name of the website.
key string Connection string key.
value string Value for the connection string.
connectionStringType Utilities Type of connection string.
return void

StartLogStreaming() public method

Starts log streaming for the given website.
public StartLogStreaming ( string name, string path, string message, Predicate endStreaming, int waitInterval ) : IEnumerable
name string The website name
path string The log path, by default root
message string The substring message
endStreaming Predicate Predicate to end streaming
waitInterval int The fetch wait interval
return IEnumerable

StartLogStreaming() public method

Starts log streaming for the given website.
public StartLogStreaming ( string name, string slot, string path, string message, Predicate endStreaming, int waitInternal ) : IEnumerable
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
path string The log path, by default root
message string The substring message
endStreaming Predicate Predicate to end streaming
waitInternal int The fetch wait interval
return IEnumerable

StartWebJob() public method

Starts a web job in a website.
public StartWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
return void

StartWebsite() public method

Starts a website.
public StartWebsite ( string name ) : void
name string The website name
return void

StartWebsite() public method

Starts a website.
public StartWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return void

StopWebJob() public method

Stops a web job in a website.
public StopWebJob ( string name, string slot, string jobName, WebJobType jobType ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The slot name
jobName string The web job name
jobType WebJobType The web job type
return void

StopWebsite() public method

Stops a website.
public StopWebsite ( string name ) : void
name string The website name
return void

StopWebsite() public method

Stops a website.
public StopWebsite ( string name, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return void

SwitchSlots() public method

Switches the given website slot with the production slot
public SwitchSlots ( string webspaceName, string websiteName, string slot1, string slot2 ) : void
webspaceName string The webspace name
websiteName string The website name
slot1 string The website's first slot name
slot2 string The website's second slot name
return void

UpdateWebsiteComputeMode() public method

Updates a website compute mode.
public UpdateWebsiteComputeMode ( Utilities websiteToUpdate ) : void
websiteToUpdate Utilities The website to update
return void

UpdateWebsiteConfiguration() public method

Update the website configuration
public UpdateWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, Utilities newConfiguration ) : void
name string The website name
newConfiguration Utilities The website configuration object containing updates.
return void

UpdateWebsiteConfiguration() public method

Update the website slot configuration
public UpdateWebsiteConfiguration ( string name, Utilities newConfiguration, string slot ) : void
name string The website name
newConfiguration Utilities The website configuration object containing updates.
slot string The website slot name
return void

UpdateWebsiteHostNames() public method

Update the set of host names for a website.
public UpdateWebsiteHostNames ( Utilities site, IEnumerable hostNames ) : void
site Utilities The site name.
hostNames IEnumerable The new host names.
return void

UpdateWebsiteHostNames() public method

Update the set of host names for a website slot.
public UpdateWebsiteHostNames ( Utilities site, IEnumerable hostNames, string slot ) : void
site Utilities The website name.
hostNames IEnumerable The new host names.
slot string The website slot name.
return void

WebsiteExists() public method

Checks if a website exists or not.
public WebsiteExists ( string name ) : bool
name string The website name
return bool

WebsiteExists() public method

Checks if a website slot exists or not.
public WebsiteExists ( string name, string slot ) : bool
name string The website name
slot string The website slot name
return bool

WebsitesClient() public method

Creates new WebsitesClient
public WebsitesClient ( AzureSMProfile profile, AzureSubscription subscription, Action logger ) : System
profile AzureSMProfile
subscription AzureSubscription Subscription containing websites to manipulate
logger Action The logger action
return System

Property Details

SlotFormat public static property

public static string SlotFormat
return string