C# Class Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Core.Utilities.ColorUtilities

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
KnownColors Color>.Dictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
ConvertHsvToRgb ( double h, double s, double v ) : Color

Converts an HSV color to an RGB color.

ConvertRgbToHsv ( int r, int b, int g ) : Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Primitives.HsvColor

Converts an RGB color to an HSV color.

GenerateHsvSpectrum ( ) : List

Generates a list of colors with hues ranging from 0 360 and a saturation and value of 1.

GetColorName ( this color ) : string

Private Methods

Method Description
GetKnownColors ( ) : Color>.Dictionary

Method Details

ConvertHsvToRgb() public static method

Converts an HSV color to an RGB color.
public static ConvertHsvToRgb ( double h, double s, double v ) : Color
h double
s double
v double
return Color

ConvertRgbToHsv() public static method

Converts an RGB color to an HSV color.
public static ConvertRgbToHsv ( int r, int b, int g ) : Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Primitives.HsvColor
r int
b int
g int
return Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Primitives.HsvColor

GenerateHsvSpectrum() public static method

Generates a list of colors with hues ranging from 0 360 and a saturation and value of 1.
public static GenerateHsvSpectrum ( ) : List
return List

GetColorName() public static method

public static GetColorName ( this color ) : string
color this
return string

Property Details

KnownColors public static property

public static Dictionary KnownColors
return Color>.Dictionary