C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr.TS_PLAY_SOUND_PDU_DATA

The TS_PLAY_SOUND_PDU_DATA structure contains the contents of the Play Sound PDU, which is a Share Data Header and two fields.
file:///C:/ts_dev/TestSuites/MS-RDPBCGR/TestSuite/Src/TD/latest_XMLS_16may/RDPBCGR/ _rfc_ms-rdpbcgr2_1_8_2_1_1.xml
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
duration uint
frequency uint

Property Details

duration public property

A 32-bit unsigned integer. Duration of the beep the client should play.
public uint duration
return uint

frequency public property

A 32-bit unsigned integer. Frequency of the beep the client should play.
public uint frequency
return uint

shareDataHeader public property

Share Data Header containing information about the packet. The type subfield of the pduType field of the Share Control Header MUST be set to PDUTYPE_DATAPDU (7). The pduType2 field of the Share Data Header MUST be set to PDUTYPE2_PLAY_SOUND (34).
public TS_SHAREDATAHEADER,Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.RemoteDesktop.Rdpbcgr shareDataHeader