C# Class Microsoft.Phone.Controls.LongListSelectorExtensions

Provides helper methods to work with LongListSelector.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetItemsInViewPort ( this list, IList items ) : void

Gets the items that are currently in the viewport of a T:LongListSelector and adds them into a list of weak references.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddVisibileContainers ( LongListSelector list, System.Windows.Controls.Canvas itemsPanel, FrameworkElement>.List items, bool selectContent ) : void

Retrieves the visible containers in a LongListSelector and adds them to items.

Method Details

GetItemsInViewPort() public static method

Gets the items that are currently in the viewport of a T:LongListSelector and adds them into a list of weak references.
public static GetItemsInViewPort ( this list, IList items ) : void
list this /// The LongListSelector instance to search on. ///
items IList /// The list of weak references where the items in /// the viewport will be added. ///
return void