C# Class Microsoft.OneDrive.Sdk.ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

The type ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest.
Inheritance: BaseRequest, IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
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Public Methods

Method Description
AddAsync ( Permission permission ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Adds the specified Permission to the collection via POST.

AddAsync ( Permission permission, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Adds the specified Permission to the collection via POST.

Expand ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified expand value to the request.

Filter ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified filter value to the request.

GetAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Gets the collection page.

GetAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Gets the collection page.

ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest ( string requestUrl, IBaseClient client, IEnumerable options ) : System

Constructs a new ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest.

OrderBy ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified orderby value to the request.

Select ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified select value to the request.

Skip ( int value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified skip value to the request.

Top ( int value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Adds the specified top value to the request.

Method Details

AddAsync() public method

Adds the specified Permission to the collection via POST.
public AddAsync ( Permission permission ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
permission Permission The Permission to add.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

AddAsync() public method

Adds the specified Permission to the collection via POST.
public AddAsync ( Permission permission, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
permission Permission The Permission to add.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The for the request.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Expand() public method

Adds the specified expand value to the request.
public Expand ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value string The expand value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Filter() public method

Adds the specified filter value to the request.
public Filter ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value string The filter value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

GetAsync() public method

Gets the collection page.
public GetAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

GetAsync() public method

Gets the collection page.
public GetAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The for the request.
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest() public method

Constructs a new ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest.
public ItemPermissionsCollectionRequest ( string requestUrl, IBaseClient client, IEnumerable options ) : System
requestUrl string The URL for the built request.
client IBaseClient The for handling requests.
options IEnumerable Query and header option name value pairs for the request.
return System

OrderBy() public method

Adds the specified orderby value to the request.
public OrderBy ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value string The orderby value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Select() public method

Adds the specified select value to the request.
public Select ( string value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value string The select value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Skip() public method

Adds the specified skip value to the request.
public Skip ( int value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value int The skip value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest

Top() public method

Adds the specified top value to the request.
public Top ( int value ) : IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest
value int The top value.
return IItemPermissionsCollectionRequest