C# Class Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.CreateSampleData.MatterProvisionHelperUtility

This class provides meta data related information for matter provision.
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Private Methods

Method Description
AssignContentType ( ClientContext clientcontext, MatterMetadata matterMetadata ) : void

Assigns content type

AssignUserPermissions ( ClientContext clientcontext, string matterName, List users, string permission, string calendarName = null ) : string

Assigns permissions for user

BreakPermission ( ClientContext clientContext, string matterName, bool copyPermissionsFromParent, string calendarName = null ) : bool

Breaks permission for user

GetClientContext ( string siteURl, string>.Dictionary configVal ) : ClientContext

Get a client context

GetContentType ( ClientContext clientContext, IList contentTypeCollection, List matterList ) : FieldCollection

Retrieves the list of content types that are to be associated with the matter

GetContentTypeData ( ClientContext clientContext, IList contentTypeNames ) : IList

Gets content type data

GetEncodedValueForSearchIndexProperty ( List keys ) : string

Gets the encoded value for the search index property

GetWSSId ( ClientContext clientContext, MatterMetadata matterMetadata, FieldCollection fields ) : MatterMetadata

Function to get the WssID for the Practice group, Area of law and Subarea of law terms

ResolveUserNames ( string>.Dictionary configVal, string tempUserNames ) : IList

Resolve user names

SetDefaultContentType ( ClientContext clientContext, List list, string defaultContentType ) : void

Sets the default content type

UpdateUserPermission ( ClientContext clientcontext, string matterName, List users, List list, string rolename ) : void

Updates user permission