C# Class MapAround.DataProviders.SqlSpatialDataProvider

Maparound.DataProviders.SqlSpatialDataProvider is the base class for the spatial data providers from SQL servers which hasn't native spatial data types and functions.
Inheritance: SpatialDataProviderBase
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Public Methods

Method Description
FillDataTable ( IEnumerable features ) : void

Fills a data table with features.

QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver ) : int

Adds features retrieved from the data source to the receiver.

QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver, BoundingRectangle bounds ) : int

Adds features retrieved from the data source to the receiver.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetCommand ( ) : DbCommand

Gets a DbCommand corresponding to the sql server with assighed connection.

InternalQueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver fr, string commandText ) : int

Adds features from the command to the receiver.

Private Methods

Method Description
addFeatureToReceiver ( IFeatureReceiver fr, string uniqKey, string title, byte spatialData ) : bool
addParameter ( DbCommand command, string paramName, object paramValue ) : void
getBoundsConditionString ( BoundingRectangle bounds ) : string
getSelectString ( ) : string
getSelectString ( BoundingRectangle bounds ) : string
insertFeatureIntoDataTable ( Feature feature, DbCommand command ) : void

Method Details

FillDataTable() public method

Fills a data table with features.
public FillDataTable ( IEnumerable features ) : void
features IEnumerable Enumarator of features
return void

GetCommand() protected abstract method

Gets a DbCommand corresponding to the sql server with assighed connection.
protected abstract GetCommand ( ) : DbCommand
return System.Data.Common.DbCommand

InternalQueryFeatures() protected method

Adds features from the command to the receiver.
protected InternalQueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver fr, string commandText ) : int
fr IFeatureReceiver Object that receives features
commandText string Sql command text
return int

QueryFeatures() public method

Adds features retrieved from the data source to the receiver.
public QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver ) : int
receiver IFeatureReceiver An object that receives features
return int

QueryFeatures() public method

Adds features retrieved from the data source to the receiver.
public QueryFeatures ( IFeatureReceiver receiver, BoundingRectangle bounds ) : int
receiver IFeatureReceiver An object that receives features
bounds BoundingRectangle Rectangular region you want to fill with the objects
return int