C# Class Lousy.Mon.AbstractAnimator

Inheritance: IAnimator
Show file Open project: ThatLousyGuy/Monolith

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_animation Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline
_duration Duration
_durationDefined bool
_ease Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingFunctionBase
_elem Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement
_eventToken EventToken
_fromDefined bool
_reverse bool
_storyboard Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Storyboard
_toDefined bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AbstractAnimator ( UIElement elem ) : System
After ( EventToken token ) : EventToken

Executes the animation after the animation represented by the specified token.

After ( EventToken token, double duration, OrSo timeType ) : EventToken

Executes the animation after a specified duration after the animation represented by the specified token.

After ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : EventToken

Executes the animation after a specified duration.

AndReverseIt ( ) : IAnimator

Sets whether to reverse the animation.

For ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : IAnimator

Sets the duration of the animation.

Now ( ) : EventToken

Executes the animation immediately.

With ( EasingFunctionBase ease ) : IAnimator

Sets the easing function to use for the animation. Easing function objects can be reused between animations.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ApplyAnimationParams ( Timeline animation ) : void
CreateAnimation ( ) : Timeline
CreateStoryboard ( ) : void
GetTimeSpan ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : System.TimeSpan

Method Details

AbstractAnimator() public method

public AbstractAnimator ( UIElement elem ) : System
elem Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement
return System

After() public method

Executes the animation after the animation represented by the specified token.
public After ( EventToken token ) : EventToken
token EventToken
return EventToken

After() public method

Executes the animation after a specified duration after the animation represented by the specified token.
public After ( EventToken token, double duration, OrSo timeType ) : EventToken
token EventToken
duration double
timeType OrSo
return EventToken

After() public method

Executes the animation after a specified duration.
public After ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : EventToken
duration double
timeType OrSo
return EventToken

AndReverseIt() public method

Sets whether to reverse the animation.
public AndReverseIt ( ) : IAnimator
return IAnimator

ApplyAnimationParams() protected abstract method

protected abstract ApplyAnimationParams ( Timeline animation ) : void
animation Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline
return void

CreateAnimation() protected abstract method

protected abstract CreateAnimation ( ) : Timeline
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline

CreateStoryboard() protected method

protected CreateStoryboard ( ) : void
return void

For() public method

Sets the duration of the animation.
public For ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : IAnimator
duration double
timeType OrSo
return IAnimator

GetTimeSpan() protected method

protected GetTimeSpan ( double duration, OrSo timeType ) : System.TimeSpan
duration double
timeType OrSo
return System.TimeSpan

Now() public method

Executes the animation immediately.
public Now ( ) : EventToken
return EventToken

With() public method

Sets the easing function to use for the animation. Easing function objects can be reused between animations.
public With ( EasingFunctionBase ease ) : IAnimator
ease Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingFunctionBase
return IAnimator

Property Details

_animation protected property

protected Timeline,Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation _animation
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Timeline

_duration protected property

protected Duration _duration
return Duration

_durationDefined protected property

protected bool _durationDefined
return bool

_ease protected property

protected EasingFunctionBase,Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation _ease
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingFunctionBase

_elem protected property

protected UIElement,Windows.UI.Xaml _elem
return Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement

_eventToken protected property

protected EventToken,Lousy.Mon _eventToken
return EventToken

_fromDefined protected property

protected bool _fromDefined
return bool

_reverse protected property

protected bool _reverse
return bool

_storyboard protected property

protected Storyboard,Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation _storyboard
return Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.Storyboard

_toDefined protected property

protected bool _toDefined
return bool