C# Class LibwebpSharp.WebPDecoder

Show file Open project: NKnusperer/libwebp-sharp

Public Methods

Method Description
DecodeBGR ( string path ) : Bitmap

Decode the WebP image into a BGR Bitmap

DecodeBGR ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]

Decode the WebP image file into raw BGR image data

DecodeBGRA ( string path ) : Bitmap

Decode the WebP image into a BGRA Bitmap

DecodeBGRA ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]

Decode the WebP image file into raw BGRA image data

DecodeRGB ( string path ) : Bitmap

Decode the WebP image into a RGB Bitmap

DecodeRGB ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]

Decode the WebP image file into raw RGB image data

DecodeRGBA ( string path ) : Bitmap

Decode the WebP image into a RGBA Bitmap

DecodeRGBA ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]

Decode the WebP image file into raw RGBA image data

GetDecoderVersion ( ) : string

The decoder's version number

GetInfo ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : bool

Validate the WebP image header and retrieve the image height and width

Private Methods

Method Description
decode ( string path, decodeType type, PixelFormat format ) : Bitmap

Internal convert method to get a Bitmap from a WebP image file

decode ( string path, decodeType type, PixelFormat format, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]

Internal convert method to get a byte array from a WebP image file

Method Details

DecodeBGR() public method

Decode the WebP image into a BGR Bitmap
public DecodeBGR ( string path ) : Bitmap
path string The path to the WebP image file
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

DecodeBGR() public method

Decode the WebP image file into raw BGR image data
public DecodeBGR ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]
path string The path to the WebP image file
imgWidth int Returns the width of the WebP image
imgHeight int Returns the height of the WebP image
return byte[]

DecodeBGRA() public method

Decode the WebP image into a BGRA Bitmap
public DecodeBGRA ( string path ) : Bitmap
path string The path to the WebP image file
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

DecodeBGRA() public method

Decode the WebP image file into raw BGRA image data
public DecodeBGRA ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]
path string The path to the WebP image file
imgWidth int Returns the width of the WebP image
imgHeight int Returns the height of the WebP image
return byte[]

DecodeRGB() public method

Decode the WebP image into a RGB Bitmap
public DecodeRGB ( string path ) : Bitmap
path string The path to the WebP image file
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

DecodeRGB() public method

Decode the WebP image file into raw RGB image data
public DecodeRGB ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]
path string The path to the WebP image file
imgWidth int Returns the width of the WebP image
imgHeight int Returns the height of the WebP image
return byte[]

DecodeRGBA() public method

Decode the WebP image into a RGBA Bitmap
public DecodeRGBA ( string path ) : Bitmap
path string The path to the WebP image file
return System.Drawing.Bitmap

DecodeRGBA() public method

Decode the WebP image file into raw RGBA image data
public DecodeRGBA ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : byte[]
path string The path to the WebP image file
imgWidth int Returns the width of the WebP image
imgHeight int Returns the height of the WebP image
return byte[]

GetDecoderVersion() public method

The decoder's version number
public GetDecoderVersion ( ) : string
return string

GetInfo() public method

Validate the WebP image header and retrieve the image height and width
public GetInfo ( string path, int &imgWidth, int &imgHeight ) : bool
path string The path to the WebP image file
imgWidth int Returns the width of the WebP image
imgHeight int Returnsthe height of the WebP image
return bool