C# Class Landis.Extension.BaseHarvest.StandSpreading

A site-selection method that spreads to neighboring stands based on their rankings.
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Public Methods

Method Description
AddUnharvestedNeighbors ( Stand stand, List neighborRankings ) : void

Adds a stand's unharvested neighbors and their rankings to a sorted list of stand rankings.

The stand rankings are in highest to lowest order. A neighbor is only added to the list if its rank is > 0 and it isn't already in the list.

GetRanking ( Stand stand ) : StandRanking

Gets the ranking for an unharvested stand from among the whole set of stand rankings.

ValidateTargetSize ( InputValue targetSize ) : void
ValidateTargetSizes ( InputValue minTargetSize, InputValue maxTargetSize ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
StandSpreading ( ) : Edu.Wisc.Forest.Flel.Util

Method Details

AddUnharvestedNeighbors() public method

Adds a stand's unharvested neighbors and their rankings to a sorted list of stand rankings.
The stand rankings are in highest to lowest order. A neighbor is only added to the list if its rank is > 0 and it isn't already in the list.
public AddUnharvestedNeighbors ( Stand stand, List neighborRankings ) : void
stand Stand
neighborRankings List
return void

GetRanking() public method

Gets the ranking for an unharvested stand from among the whole set of stand rankings.
public GetRanking ( Stand stand ) : StandRanking
stand Stand
return StandRanking

StandSpreading() protected method

protected StandSpreading ( ) : Edu.Wisc.Forest.Flel.Util
return Edu.Wisc.Forest.Flel.Util

ValidateTargetSize() public static method

public static ValidateTargetSize ( InputValue targetSize ) : void
targetSize InputValue
return void

ValidateTargetSizes() public static method

public static ValidateTargetSizes ( InputValue minTargetSize, InputValue maxTargetSize ) : void
minTargetSize InputValue
maxTargetSize InputValue
return void