C# Class HtmlParserSharp.Core.ElementName

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
A ElementName
ABBR ElementName
ABS ElementName
ACRONYM ElementName
ADDRESS ElementName
ALTGLYPH ElementName
AND ElementName
ANIMATE ElementName
APPLET ElementName
APPLY ElementName
APPROX ElementName
ARCCOS ElementName
ARCCOSH ElementName
ARCCOT ElementName
ARCCOTH ElementName
ARCCSC ElementName
ARCCSCH ElementName
ARCSEC ElementName
ARCSECH ElementName
ARCSIN ElementName
ARCSINH ElementName
ARCTAN ElementName
ARCTANH ElementName
AREA ElementName
ARG ElementName
ARTICLE ElementName
ASIDE ElementName
AUDIO ElementName
B ElementName
BASE ElementName
BASEFONT ElementName
BDO ElementName
BGSOUND ElementName
BIG ElementName
BODY ElementName
BR ElementName
BUTTON ElementName
BVAR ElementName
CANVAS ElementName
CAPTION ElementName
CARD ElementName
CEILING ElementName
CENTER ElementName
CI ElementName
CIRCLE ElementName
CITE ElementName
CLIPPATH ElementName
CN ElementName
CODE ElementName
CODOMAIN ElementName
COL ElementName
COLGROUP ElementName
COMMAND ElementName
COMPOSE ElementName
COS ElementName
COSH ElementName
COT ElementName
COTH ElementName
CSC ElementName
CSCH ElementName
CSYMBOL ElementName
CURL ElementName
CURSOR ElementName
DD ElementName
DECLARE ElementName
DEFS ElementName
DEGREE ElementName
DEL ElementName
DESC ElementName
DETAILS ElementName
DFN ElementName
DIFF ElementName
DIR ElementName
DISCARD ElementName
DIV ElementName
DIVIDE ElementName
DL ElementName
DOMAIN ElementName
DT ElementName
ELLIPSE ElementName
EM ElementName
EMBED ElementName
EMPTYSET ElementName
EQ ElementName
EXISTS ElementName
EXP ElementName
FACTOROF ElementName
FALSE ElementName
FEBLEND ElementName
FEFLOOD ElementName
FEFUNCA ElementName
FEFUNCB ElementName
FEFUNCG ElementName
FEFUNCR ElementName
FEIMAGE ElementName
FEMERGE ElementName
FEOFFSET ElementName
FETILE ElementName
FIELDSET ElementName
FIGURE ElementName
FILTER ElementName
FLOOR ElementName
FN ElementName
FONT ElementName
FONT_FACE ElementName
FOOTER ElementName
FORALL ElementName
FORM ElementName
FRAME ElementName
FRAMESET ElementName
G ElementName
GCD ElementName
GEQ ElementName
GLYPH ElementName
GLYPHREF ElementName
GRAD ElementName
GT ElementName
H1 ElementName
H2 ElementName
H3 ElementName
H4 ElementName
H5 ElementName
H6 ElementName
HANDLER ElementName
HEAD ElementName
HEADER ElementName
HGROUP ElementName
HKERN ElementName
HR ElementName
HTML ElementName
I ElementName
IDENT ElementName
IFRAME ElementName
IMAGE ElementName
IMG ElementName
IMPLIES ElementName
IN ElementName
INFINITY ElementName
INPUT ElementName
INS ElementName
INT ElementName
INTEGERS ElementName
INTERVAL ElementName
INVERSE ElementName
ISINDEX ElementName
KBD ElementName
KEYGEN ElementName
LABEL ElementName
LAMBDA ElementName
LCM ElementName
LEGEND ElementName
LEQ ElementName
LI ElementName
LIMIT ElementName
LINE ElementName
LINK ElementName
LIST ElementName
LISTENER ElementName
LISTING ElementName
LN ElementName
LOG ElementName
LOGBASE ElementName
LOWLIMIT ElementName
LT ElementName
MACTION ElementName
MAP ElementName
MARK ElementName
MARKER ElementName
MARQUEE ElementName
MASK ElementName
MATH ElementName
MATRIX ElementName
MAX ElementName
MEAN ElementName
MEDIAN ElementName
MENCLOSE ElementName
MENU ElementName
MENUITEM ElementName
MERROR ElementName
META ElementName
METADATA ElementName
METER ElementName
MFENCED ElementName
MFRAC ElementName
MGLYPH ElementName
MI ElementName
MIN ElementName
MINUS ElementName
MN ElementName
MO ElementName
MODE ElementName
MOMENT ElementName
MOVER ElementName
MPADDED ElementName
MPATH ElementName
MPHANTOM ElementName
MROOT ElementName
MROW ElementName
MS ElementName
MSPACE ElementName
MSQRT ElementName
MSTYLE ElementName
MSUB ElementName
MSUBSUP ElementName
MSUP ElementName
MTABLE ElementName
MTD ElementName
MTEXT ElementName
MTR ElementName
MUNDER ElementName
NAV ElementName
NEQ ElementName
NEST ElementName
NOBR ElementName
NOEMBED ElementName
NOFRAMES ElementName
NONE ElementName
NOSCRIPT ElementName
NOT ElementName
NOTIN ElementName
OBJECT ElementName
OL ElementName
OPTGROUP ElementName
OPTION ElementName
OR ElementName
OUTPUT ElementName
P ElementName
PARAM ElementName
PATH ElementName
PATTERN ElementName
PI ElementName
PIECE ElementName
PLUS ElementName
POLYGON ElementName
POLYLINE ElementName
POWER ElementName
PRE ElementName
PREFETCH ElementName
PRIMES ElementName
PRODUCT ElementName
PROGRESS ElementName
PRSUBSET ElementName
Q ElementName
QUOTIENT ElementName
REAL ElementName
REALS ElementName
RECT ElementName
RELN ElementName
REM ElementName
ROOT ElementName
RP ElementName
RT ElementName
RUBY ElementName
RULE ElementName
S ElementName
SAMP ElementName
SCRIPT ElementName
SDEV ElementName
SEC ElementName
SECH ElementName
SECTION ElementName
SELECT ElementName
SELECTOR ElementName
SEP ElementName
SET ElementName
SETDIFF ElementName
SIN ElementName
SINH ElementName
SMALL ElementName
SOURCE ElementName
SPAN ElementName
STOP ElementName
STRIKE ElementName
STRONG ElementName
STYLE ElementName
SUB ElementName
SUBSET ElementName
SUM ElementName
SUMMARY ElementName
SUP ElementName
SVG ElementName
SWITCH ElementName
SYMBOL ElementName
TABLE ElementName
TAN ElementName
TANH ElementName
TBODY ElementName
TBREAK ElementName
TD ElementName
TENDSTO ElementName
TEXT ElementName
TEXTAREA ElementName
TEXTPATH ElementName
TFOOT ElementName
TH ElementName
THEAD ElementName
TIME ElementName
TIMES ElementName
TITLE ElementName
TR ElementName
TRACK ElementName
TREF ElementName
TRUE ElementName
TSPAN ElementName
TT ElementName
U ElementName
UL ElementName
UNION ElementName
UPLIMIT ElementName
USE ElementName
VAR ElementName
VARIANCE ElementName
VECTOR ElementName
VIDEO ElementName
VIEW ElementName
VKERN ElementName
WBR ElementName
XMP ElementName
XOR ElementName
flags int

Public Methods

Method Description
CloneElementName ( ) : ElementName

Private Methods

Method Description
BufToHash ( char buf, int len ) : int

This method has to return a unique integer for each well-known lower-cased element name.

ElementName ( [ name ) : System
ElementName ( [ name, [ camelCaseName, int flags ) : System
ElementNameByBuffer ( char buf, int offset, int length ) : ElementName

Method Details

CloneElementName() public method

public CloneElementName ( ) : ElementName
return ElementName

Property Details

A public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core A
return ElementName

ABBR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ABBR
return ElementName

ABS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ABS
return ElementName

ACRONYM public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ACRONYM
return ElementName

ADDRESS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ADDRESS
return ElementName

ALTGLYPH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ALTGLYPH
return ElementName

ALTGLYPHDEF public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ALTGLYPHDEF
return ElementName

ALTGLYPHITEM public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ALTGLYPHITEM
return ElementName

AND public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core AND
return ElementName

ANIMATE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANIMATE
return ElementName

ANIMATECOLOR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANIMATECOLOR
return ElementName

ANIMATEMOTION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANIMATEMOTION
return ElementName

ANIMATETRANSFORM public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANIMATETRANSFORM
return ElementName

ANIMATION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANIMATION
return ElementName

ANNOTATION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANNOTATION
return ElementName

ANNOTATION_XML public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ANNOTATION_XML
return ElementName

APPLET public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core APPLET
return ElementName

APPLY public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core APPLY
return ElementName

APPROX public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core APPROX
return ElementName

ARCCOS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCOS
return ElementName

ARCCOSH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCOSH
return ElementName

ARCCOT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCOT
return ElementName

ARCCOTH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCOTH
return ElementName

ARCCSC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCSC
return ElementName

ARCCSCH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCCSCH
return ElementName

ARCSEC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCSEC
return ElementName

ARCSECH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCSECH
return ElementName

ARCSIN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCSIN
return ElementName

ARCSINH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCSINH
return ElementName

ARCTAN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCTAN
return ElementName

ARCTANH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARCTANH
return ElementName

AREA public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core AREA
return ElementName

ARG public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARG
return ElementName

ARTICLE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ARTICLE
return ElementName

ASIDE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ASIDE
return ElementName

AUDIO public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core AUDIO
return ElementName

B public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core B
return ElementName

BASE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BASE
return ElementName

BASEFONT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BASEFONT
return ElementName

BDO public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BDO
return ElementName

BGSOUND public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BGSOUND
return ElementName

BIG public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BIG
return ElementName

BLOCKQUOTE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BLOCKQUOTE
return ElementName

BODY public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BODY
return ElementName

BR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BR
return ElementName

BUTTON public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BUTTON
return ElementName

BVAR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core BVAR
return ElementName

CANVAS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CANVAS
return ElementName

CAPTION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CAPTION
return ElementName

CARD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CARD
return ElementName

CARTESIANPRODUCT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CARTESIANPRODUCT
return ElementName

CEILING public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CEILING
return ElementName

CENTER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CENTER
return ElementName

CI public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CI
return ElementName

CIRCLE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CIRCLE
return ElementName

CITE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CITE
return ElementName

CLIPPATH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CLIPPATH
return ElementName

CN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CN
return ElementName

CODE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CODE
return ElementName

CODOMAIN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CODOMAIN
return ElementName

COL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COL
return ElementName

COLGROUP public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COLGROUP
return ElementName

COLOR_PROFILE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COLOR_PROFILE
return ElementName

COMMAND public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COMMAND
return ElementName

COMPLEXES public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COMPLEXES
return ElementName

COMPOSE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COMPOSE
return ElementName

CONDITION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CONDITION
return ElementName

CONJUGATE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CONJUGATE
return ElementName

COS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COS
return ElementName

COSH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COSH
return ElementName

COT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COT
return ElementName

COTH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core COTH
return ElementName

CSC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CSC
return ElementName

CSCH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CSCH
return ElementName

CSYMBOL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CSYMBOL
return ElementName

CURL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CURL
return ElementName

CURSOR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core CURSOR
return ElementName

DATATEMPLATE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DATATEMPLATE
return ElementName

DD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DD
return ElementName

DECLARE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DECLARE
return ElementName

DEFINITION_SRC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DEFINITION_SRC
return ElementName

DEFS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DEFS
return ElementName

DEGREE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DEGREE
return ElementName

DEL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DEL
return ElementName

DESC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DESC
return ElementName

DETAILS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DETAILS
return ElementName

DETERMINANT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DETERMINANT
return ElementName

DFN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DFN
return ElementName

DIFF public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DIFF
return ElementName

DIR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DIR
return ElementName

DISCARD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DISCARD
return ElementName

DIV public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DIV
return ElementName

DIVERGENCE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DIVERGENCE
return ElementName

DIVIDE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DIVIDE
return ElementName

DL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DL
return ElementName

DOMAIN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DOMAIN
return ElementName

DOMAINOFAPPLICATION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DOMAINOFAPPLICATION
return ElementName

DT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core DT
return ElementName

ELLIPSE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core ELLIPSE
return ElementName

EM public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EM
return ElementName

EMBED public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EMBED
return ElementName

EMPTYSET public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EMPTYSET
return ElementName

EQ public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EQ
return ElementName

EQUIVALENT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EQUIVALENT
return ElementName

EULERGAMMA public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EULERGAMMA
return ElementName

EXISTS public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EXISTS
return ElementName

EXP public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EXP
return ElementName

EXPONENTIALE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core EXPONENTIALE
return ElementName

FACTORIAL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FACTORIAL
return ElementName

FACTOROF public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FACTOROF
return ElementName

FALSE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FALSE
return ElementName

FEBLEND public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEBLEND
return ElementName

FECOLORMATRIX public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FECOLORMATRIX
return ElementName

FECOMPONENTTRANSFER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FECOMPONENTTRANSFER
return ElementName

FECOMPOSITE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FECOMPOSITE
return ElementName

FECONVOLVEMATRIX public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FECONVOLVEMATRIX
return ElementName

FEDIFFUSELIGHTING public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEDIFFUSELIGHTING
return ElementName

FEDISPLACEMENTMAP public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEDISPLACEMENTMAP
return ElementName

FEDISTANTLIGHT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEDISTANTLIGHT
return ElementName

FEFLOOD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEFLOOD
return ElementName

FEFUNCA public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEFUNCA
return ElementName

FEFUNCB public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEFUNCB
return ElementName

FEFUNCG public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEFUNCG
return ElementName

FEFUNCR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEFUNCR
return ElementName

FEGAUSSIANBLUR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEGAUSSIANBLUR
return ElementName

FEIMAGE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEIMAGE
return ElementName

FEMERGE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEMERGE
return ElementName

FEMERGENODE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEMERGENODE
return ElementName

FEMORPHOLOGY public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEMORPHOLOGY
return ElementName

FEOFFSET public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEOFFSET
return ElementName

FEPOINTLIGHT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FEPOINTLIGHT
return ElementName

FESPECULARLIGHTING public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FESPECULARLIGHTING
return ElementName

FESPOTLIGHT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FESPOTLIGHT
return ElementName

FETILE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FETILE
return ElementName

FETURBULENCE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FETURBULENCE
return ElementName

FIELDSET public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FIELDSET
return ElementName

FIGCAPTION public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FIGCAPTION
return ElementName

FIGURE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FIGURE
return ElementName

FILTER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FILTER
return ElementName

FLOOR public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FLOOR
return ElementName

FN public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FN
return ElementName

FONT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT
return ElementName

FONT_FACE public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT_FACE
return ElementName

FONT_FACE_FORMAT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT_FACE_FORMAT
return ElementName

FONT_FACE_NAME public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT_FACE_NAME
return ElementName

FONT_FACE_SRC public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT_FACE_SRC
return ElementName

FONT_FACE_URI public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FONT_FACE_URI
return ElementName

FOOTER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FOOTER
return ElementName

FORALL public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FORALL
return ElementName

FOREIGNOBJECT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FOREIGNOBJECT
return ElementName

FORM public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FORM
return ElementName

FRAME public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FRAME
return ElementName

FRAMESET public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core FRAMESET
return ElementName

G public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core G
return ElementName

GCD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GCD
return ElementName

GEQ public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GEQ
return ElementName

GLYPH public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GLYPH
return ElementName

GLYPHREF public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GLYPHREF
return ElementName

GRAD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GRAD
return ElementName

GT public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core GT
return ElementName

H1 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H1
return ElementName

H2 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H2
return ElementName

H3 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H3
return ElementName

H4 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H4
return ElementName

H5 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H5
return ElementName

H6 public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core H6
return ElementName

HANDLER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core HANDLER
return ElementName

HEAD public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core HEAD
return ElementName

HEADER public static property

public static ElementName,HtmlParserSharp.Core HEADER
return ElementName

HGROUP public static property

public static ElementName HGROUP
return ElementName

HKERN public static property

public static ElementName HKERN
return ElementName

HR public static property

public static ElementName HR
return ElementName

HTML public static property

public static ElementName HTML
return ElementName

I public static property

public static ElementName I
return ElementName

IDENT public static property

public static ElementName IDENT
return ElementName

IFRAME public static property

public static ElementName IFRAME
return ElementName

IMAGE public static property

public static ElementName IMAGE
return ElementName

IMAGINARY public static property

public static ElementName IMAGINARY
return ElementName

IMAGINARYI public static property

public static ElementName IMAGINARYI
return ElementName

IMG public static property

public static ElementName IMG
return ElementName

IMPLIES public static property

public static ElementName IMPLIES
return ElementName

IN public static property

public static ElementName IN
return ElementName

INFINITY public static property

public static ElementName INFINITY
return ElementName

INPUT public static property

public static ElementName INPUT
return ElementName

INS public static property

public static ElementName INS
return ElementName

INT public static property

public static ElementName INT
return ElementName

INTEGERS public static property

public static ElementName INTEGERS
return ElementName

INTERSECT public static property

public static ElementName INTERSECT
return ElementName

INTERVAL public static property

public static ElementName INTERVAL
return ElementName

INVERSE public static property

public static ElementName INVERSE
return ElementName

ISINDEX public static property

public static ElementName ISINDEX
return ElementName

KBD public static property

public static ElementName KBD
return ElementName

KEYGEN public static property

public static ElementName KEYGEN
return ElementName

LABEL public static property

public static ElementName LABEL
return ElementName

LAMBDA public static property

public static ElementName LAMBDA
return ElementName

LAPLACIAN public static property

public static ElementName LAPLACIAN
return ElementName

LCM public static property

public static ElementName LCM
return ElementName

LEGEND public static property

public static ElementName LEGEND
return ElementName

LEQ public static property

public static ElementName LEQ
return ElementName

LI public static property

public static ElementName LI
return ElementName

LIMIT public static property

public static ElementName LIMIT
return ElementName

LINE public static property

public static ElementName LINE
return ElementName

LINEARGRADIENT public static property

public static ElementName LINEARGRADIENT
return ElementName

LINK public static property

public static ElementName LINK
return ElementName

LIST public static property

public static ElementName LIST
return ElementName

LISTENER public static property

public static ElementName LISTENER
return ElementName

LISTING public static property

public static ElementName LISTING
return ElementName

LN public static property

public static ElementName LN
return ElementName

LOG public static property

public static ElementName LOG
return ElementName

LOGBASE public static property

public static ElementName LOGBASE
return ElementName

LOWLIMIT public static property

public static ElementName LOWLIMIT
return ElementName

LT public static property

public static ElementName LT
return ElementName

MACTION public static property

public static ElementName MACTION
return ElementName

MALIGNGROUP public static property

public static ElementName MALIGNGROUP
return ElementName

MALIGNMARK public static property

public static ElementName MALIGNMARK
return ElementName

MAP public static property

public static ElementName MAP
return ElementName

MARK public static property

public static ElementName MARK
return ElementName

MARKER public static property

public static ElementName MARKER
return ElementName

MARQUEE public static property

public static ElementName MARQUEE
return ElementName

MASK public static property

public static ElementName MASK
return ElementName

MATH public static property

public static ElementName MATH
return ElementName

MATRIX public static property

public static ElementName MATRIX
return ElementName

MATRIXROW public static property

public static ElementName MATRIXROW
return ElementName

MAX public static property

public static ElementName MAX
return ElementName

MEAN public static property

public static ElementName MEAN
return ElementName

MEDIAN public static property

public static ElementName MEDIAN
return ElementName

MENCLOSE public static property

public static ElementName MENCLOSE
return ElementName

MENU public static property

public static ElementName MENU
return ElementName

MENUITEM public static property

public static ElementName MENUITEM
return ElementName

MERROR public static property

public static ElementName MERROR
return ElementName

META public static property

public static ElementName META
return ElementName

METADATA public static property

public static ElementName METADATA
return ElementName

METER public static property

public static ElementName METER
return ElementName

MFENCED public static property

public static ElementName MFENCED
return ElementName

MFRAC public static property

public static ElementName MFRAC
return ElementName

MGLYPH public static property

public static ElementName MGLYPH
return ElementName

MI public static property

public static ElementName MI
return ElementName

MIN public static property

public static ElementName MIN
return ElementName

MINUS public static property

public static ElementName MINUS
return ElementName

MISSING_GLYPH public static property

public static ElementName MISSING_GLYPH
return ElementName

MLABELEDTR public static property

public static ElementName MLABELEDTR
return ElementName

MMULTISCRIPTS public static property

public static ElementName MMULTISCRIPTS
return ElementName

MN public static property

public static ElementName MN
return ElementName

MO public static property

public static ElementName MO
return ElementName

MODE public static property

public static ElementName MODE
return ElementName

MOMENT public static property

public static ElementName MOMENT
return ElementName

MOMENTABOUT public static property

public static ElementName MOMENTABOUT
return ElementName

MOVER public static property

public static ElementName MOVER
return ElementName

MPADDED public static property

public static ElementName MPADDED
return ElementName

MPATH public static property

public static ElementName MPATH
return ElementName

MPHANTOM public static property

public static ElementName MPHANTOM
return ElementName

MPRESCRIPTS public static property

public static ElementName MPRESCRIPTS
return ElementName

MROOT public static property

public static ElementName MROOT
return ElementName

MROW public static property

public static ElementName MROW
return ElementName

MS public static property

public static ElementName MS
return ElementName

MSPACE public static property

public static ElementName MSPACE
return ElementName

MSQRT public static property

public static ElementName MSQRT
return ElementName

MSTYLE public static property

public static ElementName MSTYLE
return ElementName

MSUB public static property

public static ElementName MSUB
return ElementName

MSUBSUP public static property

public static ElementName MSUBSUP
return ElementName

MSUP public static property

public static ElementName MSUP
return ElementName

MTABLE public static property

public static ElementName MTABLE
return ElementName

MTD public static property

public static ElementName MTD
return ElementName

MTEXT public static property

public static ElementName MTEXT
return ElementName

MTR public static property

public static ElementName MTR
return ElementName

MUNDER public static property

public static ElementName MUNDER
return ElementName

MUNDEROVER public static property

public static ElementName MUNDEROVER
return ElementName

NATURALNUMBERS public static property

public static ElementName NATURALNUMBERS
return ElementName

NAV public static property

public static ElementName NAV
return ElementName

NEQ public static property

public static ElementName NEQ
return ElementName

NEST public static property

public static ElementName NEST
return ElementName

NOBR public static property

public static ElementName NOBR
return ElementName

NOEMBED public static property

public static ElementName NOEMBED
return ElementName

NOFRAMES public static property

public static ElementName NOFRAMES
return ElementName

NONE public static property

public static ElementName NONE
return ElementName

NOSCRIPT public static property

public static ElementName NOSCRIPT
return ElementName

NOT public static property

public static ElementName NOT
return ElementName

NOTANUMBER public static property

public static ElementName NOTANUMBER
return ElementName

NOTIN public static property

public static ElementName NOTIN
return ElementName

NOTPRSUBSET public static property

public static ElementName NOTPRSUBSET
return ElementName

NOTSUBSET public static property

public static ElementName NOTSUBSET
return ElementName

NULL_ELEMENT_NAME public static property

public static ElementName NULL_ELEMENT_NAME
return ElementName

OBJECT public static property

public static ElementName OBJECT
return ElementName

OL public static property

public static ElementName OL
return ElementName

OPTGROUP public static property

public static ElementName OPTGROUP
return ElementName

OPTION public static property

public static ElementName OPTION
return ElementName

OR public static property

public static ElementName OR
return ElementName

OTHERWISE public static property

public static ElementName OTHERWISE
return ElementName

OUTERPRODUCT public static property

public static ElementName OUTERPRODUCT
return ElementName

OUTPUT public static property

public static ElementName OUTPUT
return ElementName

P public static property

public static ElementName P
return ElementName

PARAM public static property

public static ElementName PARAM
return ElementName

PARTIALDIFF public static property

public static ElementName PARTIALDIFF
return ElementName

PATH public static property

public static ElementName PATH
return ElementName

PATTERN public static property

public static ElementName PATTERN
return ElementName

PI public static property

public static ElementName PI
return ElementName

PIECE public static property

public static ElementName PIECE
return ElementName

PIECEWISE public static property

public static ElementName PIECEWISE
return ElementName

PLAINTEXT public static property

public static ElementName PLAINTEXT
return ElementName

PLUS public static property

public static ElementName PLUS
return ElementName

POLYGON public static property

public static ElementName POLYGON
return ElementName

POLYLINE public static property

public static ElementName POLYLINE
return ElementName

POWER public static property

public static ElementName POWER
return ElementName

PRE public static property

public static ElementName PRE
return ElementName

PREFETCH public static property

public static ElementName PREFETCH
return ElementName

PRIMES public static property

public static ElementName PRIMES
return ElementName

PRODUCT public static property

public static ElementName PRODUCT
return ElementName

PROGRESS public static property

public static ElementName PROGRESS
return ElementName

PRSUBSET public static property

public static ElementName PRSUBSET
return ElementName

Q public static property

public static ElementName Q
return ElementName

QUOTIENT public static property

public static ElementName QUOTIENT
return ElementName

RADIALGRADIENT public static property

public static ElementName RADIALGRADIENT
return ElementName

RATIONALS public static property

public static ElementName RATIONALS
return ElementName

REAL public static property

public static ElementName REAL
return ElementName

REALS public static property

public static ElementName REALS
return ElementName

RECT public static property

public static ElementName RECT
return ElementName

RELN public static property

public static ElementName RELN
return ElementName

REM public static property

public static ElementName REM
return ElementName

ROOT public static property

public static ElementName ROOT
return ElementName

RP public static property

public static ElementName RP
return ElementName

RT public static property

public static ElementName RT
return ElementName

RUBY public static property

public static ElementName RUBY
return ElementName

RULE public static property

public static ElementName RULE
return ElementName

S public static property

public static ElementName S
return ElementName

SAMP public static property

public static ElementName SAMP
return ElementName

SCALARPRODUCT public static property

public static ElementName SCALARPRODUCT
return ElementName

SCRIPT public static property

public static ElementName SCRIPT
return ElementName

SDEV public static property

public static ElementName SDEV
return ElementName

SEC public static property

public static ElementName SEC
return ElementName

SECH public static property

public static ElementName SECH
return ElementName

SECTION public static property

public static ElementName SECTION
return ElementName

SELECT public static property

public static ElementName SELECT
return ElementName

SELECTOR public static property

public static ElementName SELECTOR
return ElementName

SEMANTICS public static property

public static ElementName SEMANTICS
return ElementName

SEP public static property

public static ElementName SEP
return ElementName

SET public static property

public static ElementName SET
return ElementName

SETDIFF public static property

public static ElementName SETDIFF
return ElementName

SIN public static property

public static ElementName SIN
return ElementName

SINH public static property

public static ElementName SINH
return ElementName

SMALL public static property

public static ElementName SMALL
return ElementName

SOLIDCOLOR public static property

public static ElementName SOLIDCOLOR
return ElementName

SOURCE public static property

public static ElementName SOURCE
return ElementName

SPAN public static property

public static ElementName SPAN
return ElementName

STOP public static property

public static ElementName STOP
return ElementName

STRIKE public static property

public static ElementName STRIKE
return ElementName

STRONG public static property

public static ElementName STRONG
return ElementName

STYLE public static property

public static ElementName STYLE
return ElementName

SUB public static property

public static ElementName SUB
return ElementName

SUBSET public static property

public static ElementName SUBSET
return ElementName

SUM public static property

public static ElementName SUM
return ElementName

SUMMARY public static property

public static ElementName SUMMARY
return ElementName

SUP public static property

public static ElementName SUP
return ElementName

SVG public static property

public static ElementName SVG
return ElementName

SWITCH public static property

public static ElementName SWITCH
return ElementName

SYMBOL public static property

public static ElementName SYMBOL
return ElementName

TABLE public static property

public static ElementName TABLE
return ElementName

TAN public static property

public static ElementName TAN
return ElementName

TANH public static property

public static ElementName TANH
return ElementName

TBODY public static property

public static ElementName TBODY
return ElementName

TBREAK public static property

public static ElementName TBREAK
return ElementName

TD public static property

public static ElementName TD
return ElementName

TENDSTO public static property

public static ElementName TENDSTO
return ElementName

TEXT public static property

public static ElementName TEXT
return ElementName

TEXTAREA public static property

public static ElementName TEXTAREA
return ElementName

TEXTPATH public static property

public static ElementName TEXTPATH
return ElementName

TFOOT public static property

public static ElementName TFOOT
return ElementName

TH public static property

public static ElementName TH
return ElementName

THEAD public static property

public static ElementName THEAD
return ElementName

TIME public static property

public static ElementName TIME
return ElementName

TIMES public static property

public static ElementName TIMES
return ElementName

TITLE public static property

public static ElementName TITLE
return ElementName

TR public static property

public static ElementName TR
return ElementName

TRACK public static property

public static ElementName TRACK
return ElementName

TRANSPOSE public static property

public static ElementName TRANSPOSE
return ElementName

TREF public static property

public static ElementName TREF
return ElementName

TRUE public static property

public static ElementName TRUE
return ElementName

TSPAN public static property

public static ElementName TSPAN
return ElementName

TT public static property

public static ElementName TT
return ElementName

U public static property

public static ElementName U
return ElementName

UL public static property

public static ElementName UL
return ElementName

UNION public static property

public static ElementName UNION
return ElementName

UPLIMIT public static property

public static ElementName UPLIMIT
return ElementName

USE public static property

public static ElementName USE
return ElementName

VAR public static property

public static ElementName VAR
return ElementName

VARIANCE public static property

public static ElementName VARIANCE
return ElementName

VECTOR public static property

public static ElementName VECTOR
return ElementName

VECTORPRODUCT public static property

public static ElementName VECTORPRODUCT
return ElementName

VIDEO public static property

public static ElementName VIDEO
return ElementName

VIEW public static property

public static ElementName VIEW
return ElementName

VKERN public static property

public static ElementName VKERN
return ElementName

WBR public static property

public static ElementName WBR
return ElementName

XMP public static property

public static ElementName XMP
return ElementName

XOR public static property

public static ElementName XOR
return ElementName

flags public property

The lowest 7 bits are the dispatch group. The high bits are flags.
public int flags
return int