C# Class Hiro.Implementations.ContainerInstanceCall

Represents an implementation that returns the container instance itself.
Inheritance: IImplementation
Show file Open project: philiplaureano/Hiro

Public Methods

Method Description
Emit ( IDependency dependency, IImplementation>.IDictionary serviceMap, Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition targetMethod ) : void

Emits the instructions that will instantiate the current implementation.

GetMissingDependencies ( IDependencyContainer map ) : IEnumerable

Gets the list of missing dependencies from the current implementation.

GetRequiredDependencies ( IDependencyContainer map ) : IEnumerable

Returns the dependencies required by the current implementation.

Method Details

Emit() public method

Emits the instructions that will instantiate the current implementation.
public Emit ( IDependency dependency, IImplementation>.IDictionary serviceMap, Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition targetMethod ) : void
dependency IDependency The dependency that describes the service to be instantiated.
serviceMap IImplementation>.IDictionary The service map that contains the list of dependencies in the application.
targetMethod Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition The target method.
return void

GetMissingDependencies() public method

Gets the list of missing dependencies from the current implementation.
public GetMissingDependencies ( IDependencyContainer map ) : IEnumerable
map IDependencyContainer The implementation map.
return IEnumerable

GetRequiredDependencies() public method

Returns the dependencies required by the current implementation.
public GetRequiredDependencies ( IDependencyContainer map ) : IEnumerable
map IDependencyContainer
return IEnumerable