C# Class HaloMap.Render.SpawnInfo.SpecialSpawn

The special spawn (Unused?).
Inheritance: BoundingBoxSpawn
Show file Open project: troymac1ure/Entity

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Name string
specialSpawnType SpecialSpawnType

Public Methods

Method Description
Read ( Map map ) : void

Reads the Special Spawn meta chunk info from the map MemoryStream.

map.BR.BaseStream.Position must be set to start of chunk data.

SpecialSpawn scnr offst = ?

SpecialSpawn chunk size = ?

SpecialSpawn ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SpecialSpawn class.

Write ( Map map ) : void

Writes the Special Spawn meta chunk info to the map MemoryStream.

SpecialSpawn scnr offst = ?

SpecialSpawn chunk size = ?

Method Details

Read() public method

Reads the Special Spawn meta chunk info from the map MemoryStream.

map.BR.BaseStream.Position must be set to start of chunk data.

SpecialSpawn scnr offst = ?

SpecialSpawn chunk size = ?

public Read ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map The HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

SpecialSpawn() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SpecialSpawn class.
public SpecialSpawn ( ) : System
return System

Write() public method

Writes the Special Spawn meta chunk info to the map MemoryStream.

SpecialSpawn scnr offst = ?

SpecialSpawn chunk size = ?

public Write ( Map map ) : void
map HaloMap.Map.Map The HaloMap.Map.Map
return void

Property Details

Name public property

The name.
public string Name
return string

specialSpawnType public property

The special spawn type.
public SpecialSpawnType specialSpawnType
return SpecialSpawnType