C# Class Google.GData.Apps.AuditService

Service class to allow Google Apps administrators to audit users' emails, drafts and archived chats, retrieve account login information and download users' mailboxes.
Inheritance: Google.GData.Apps.AppsPropertyService
Show file Open project: moljac/MonoMobile.Google.GData Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AuditService ( String domain, String applicationName ) : System
CreateAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser ) : Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo

Creates a new Account Information request. When completed, the account info is available for download.

CreateMailMonitor ( String sourceUser, Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor mailMonitor ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor

Creates a new monitoring task to begin an audit.

CreateMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest mailboxDumpRequest ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest

Creates a new request for obtaining a user mailbox dump. The mailbox files are encrypted using the key uploaded and are available in mbox format.

DeleteAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : void

Removes an account info request for the given user.

DeleteMailMonitor ( String sourceUser, String destUser ) : void

Removes the monitor configured for the given source and destination user.

DeleteMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : void

Removes the mailbox dump request for the given ID and user.

RetrieveAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo

Retrieves a previously created account/services related information request for the given user.

RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests ( ) : GenericFeed

Retrieves all account info requests.

RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests ( System.DateTime fromDate ) : GenericFeed

Retrieves all account info requests.

RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests ( ) : GenericFeed

Retrieves all mailbox dump requests.

RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests ( System.DateTime fromDate ) : GenericFeed

Retrieves all mailbox dump requests.

RetrieveMailMonitors ( String sourceUser ) : GenericFeed

Retrieves all monitors for a given user.

RetrieveMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest

Retrieves the mailbox dump request for the given ID and user.

UploadPublicKey ( String base64encodedKey ) : Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedEntry

Upload a public key for signing mailbox dump archives. This public encryption key should be a PGP format ascii-encoded RSA key. Before uploading the public key, convert it to a base64 encoded string.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnParsedNewFeed ( object sender, Google.GData.Client.ServiceEventArgs e ) : void

Feed handler. Instantiates a new GenericFeed.

getFeed ( Uri uri, IService service ) : Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedFeed

Method Details

AuditService() public method

public AuditService ( String domain, String applicationName ) : System
domain String
applicationName String
return System

CreateAccountInfoRequest() public method

Creates a new Account Information request. When completed, the account info is available for download.
public CreateAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser ) : Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo
sourceUser String The user whose account information is to be audited
return Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo

CreateMailMonitor() public method

Creates a new monitoring task to begin an audit.
public CreateMailMonitor ( String sourceUser, Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor mailMonitor ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor
sourceUser String The user who receives or sends messages that are being audited
mailMonitor Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor The details of the monitoring task
return Google.GData.Apps.MailMonitor

CreateMailboxDumpRequest() public method

Creates a new request for obtaining a user mailbox dump. The mailbox files are encrypted using the key uploaded and are available in mbox format.
public CreateMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest mailboxDumpRequest ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest
sourceUser String The user to export the mailbox for
mailboxDumpRequest Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest The details of the request
return Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest

DeleteAccountInfoRequest() public method

Removes an account info request for the given user.
public DeleteAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : void
sourceUser String The user whose account info request needs to be deleted
requestId String The id of the mailbox dump request to be deleted
return void

DeleteMailMonitor() public method

Removes the monitor configured for the given source and destination user.
public DeleteMailMonitor ( String sourceUser, String destUser ) : void
sourceUser String The user who is being monitored
destUser String The user who receives the audited email messages
return void

DeleteMailboxDumpRequest() public method

Removes the mailbox dump request for the given ID and user.
public DeleteMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : void
sourceUser String The user whose dump requests need to be deleted
requestId String The id of the mailbox dump request to be deleted
return void

OnParsedNewFeed() protected method

Feed handler. Instantiates a new GenericFeed.
protected OnParsedNewFeed ( object sender, Google.GData.Client.ServiceEventArgs e ) : void
sender object the object that's sending the event
e Google.GData.Client.ServiceEventArgs ServiceEventArgs, holds the feed
return void

RetrieveAccountInfoRequest() public method

Retrieves a previously created account/services related information request for the given user.
public RetrieveAccountInfoRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo
sourceUser String The user whose account info needs to be retrieved
requestId String The id of the account info request
return Google.GData.Apps.AccountInfo

RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests() public method

Retrieves all account info requests.
public RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests ( ) : GenericFeed
return GenericFeed

RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests() public method

Retrieves all account info requests.
public RetrieveAllAccountInfoRequests ( System.DateTime fromDate ) : GenericFeed
fromDate System.DateTime The starting date for the account info requests to be retrieved
return GenericFeed

RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests() public method

Retrieves all mailbox dump requests.
public RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests ( ) : GenericFeed
return GenericFeed

RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests() public method

Retrieves all mailbox dump requests.
public RetrieveAllMailboxDumpRequests ( System.DateTime fromDate ) : GenericFeed
fromDate System.DateTime The starting date for the mailbox dump requests to be retrieved
return GenericFeed

RetrieveMailMonitors() public method

Retrieves all monitors for a given user.
public RetrieveMailMonitors ( String sourceUser ) : GenericFeed
sourceUser String The user whose monitors are to be retrieved
return GenericFeed

RetrieveMailboxDumpRequest() public method

Retrieves the mailbox dump request for the given ID and user.
public RetrieveMailboxDumpRequest ( String sourceUser, String requestId ) : Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest
sourceUser String The user whose dump requests need to be retrieved
requestId String The id of the mailbox dump request
return Google.GData.Apps.MailboxDumpRequest

UploadPublicKey() public method

Upload a public key for signing mailbox dump archives. This public encryption key should be a PGP format ascii-encoded RSA key. Before uploading the public key, convert it to a base64 encoded string.
public UploadPublicKey ( String base64encodedKey ) : Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedEntry
base64encodedKey String The base64-encoded, PGP format ASCII read RSA key
return Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedEntry

getFeed() protected method

protected getFeed ( Uri uri, IService service ) : Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedFeed
uri System.Uri
service IService
return Google.GData.Apps.AppsExtendedFeed