C# Class GoodAI.ToyWorld.Language.Vocabulary

Words and word vectors.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
VectorType WordVectorType

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( string label ) : void

Adds a labeled vector to the vocabulary, assigning a default (random) value to the vector.

Add ( string label, float vector ) : void

Adds a labeled vector to the vocabulary.

FindNearestNeighbors ( LabeledVector vector, int neighborhoodSize ) : LabeledVector>>.List

Finds the vectors most similar to the input vector. If the input is the zero vector, an empty list is returned.

FindNearestNeighbors ( float vector, int neighborhoodSize ) : LabeledVector>>.List

Finds the vectors most similar to the input vector. If the input is the zero vector, an empty list is returned.

IsZero ( float vector ) : bool

Returns true if the argument is the zero vector.

Read ( StreamReader vocabularyReader ) : void

Loads the vocabulary from text using a StreamReader

ReadTextFile ( string path ) : void

Loads the vocabulary from a file in text format (e.g., word2vec)

VectorFromLabel ( string label ) : float[]

Retrieves the vector that corresponds to a label.

Vocabulary ( int vectorDimensions, WordVectorType vectorType = WordVectorType.Random ) : System

Constructs the Vocabulary.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetOOVVector ( string label ) : float[]

Returns a new vector for an out-of-vocabulary word.

MakeNewVector ( ) : float[]

Creates a new vector.

MakeOneOfNVector ( ) : float[]

Creates a new one-of-N vector.

MakeRandomVector ( ) : float[]

Creates a random vector uniformly distributed over the vector space. Components are in [0, 1[.

ReadFileHeader ( StreamReader vocabularyReader ) : void

Reads the first part of a text file. The header consists of a single line with one or two fields: [number_of_vectors] number_of_dimensions The word2vec text format uses both fields.

ReadLabeledVectors ( StreamReader vocabularyReader ) : void

Reads labeled vectors from a text file.

ReadLineFields ( StreamReader vocabularyReader ) : string[]

Reads a line and splits it on whitespace into fields.

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds a labeled vector to the vocabulary, assigning a default (random) value to the vector.
public Add ( string label ) : void
label string The label
return void

Add() public method

Adds a labeled vector to the vocabulary.
public Add ( string label, float vector ) : void
label string The label
vector float The vector
return void

FindNearestNeighbors() public method

Finds the vectors most similar to the input vector. If the input is the zero vector, an empty list is returned.
public FindNearestNeighbors ( LabeledVector vector, int neighborhoodSize ) : LabeledVector>>.List
vector LabeledVector The input vector
neighborhoodSize int The number of neighbors to retrieve
return LabeledVector>>.List

FindNearestNeighbors() public method

Finds the vectors most similar to the input vector. If the input is the zero vector, an empty list is returned.
public FindNearestNeighbors ( float vector, int neighborhoodSize ) : LabeledVector>>.List
vector float The input vector
neighborhoodSize int The number of neighbors to retrieve
return LabeledVector>>.List

IsZero() public static method

Returns true if the argument is the zero vector.
public static IsZero ( float vector ) : bool
vector float The input vector
return bool

Read() public method

Loads the vocabulary from text using a StreamReader
public Read ( StreamReader vocabularyReader ) : void
vocabularyReader System.IO.StreamReader The reader
return void

ReadTextFile() public method

Loads the vocabulary from a file in text format (e.g., word2vec)
public ReadTextFile ( string path ) : void
path string The path to the vocabulary text file
return void

VectorFromLabel() public method

Retrieves the vector that corresponds to a label.
public VectorFromLabel ( string label ) : float[]
label string The label to look up
return float[]

Vocabulary() public method

Constructs the Vocabulary.
public Vocabulary ( int vectorDimensions, WordVectorType vectorType = WordVectorType.Random ) : System
vectorDimensions int The number of word vector dimensions
vectorType WordVectorType The vector type used
return System

Property Details

VectorType public property

The vector type used (see WordVectorType)
public WordVectorType VectorType
return WordVectorType