C# Class Goedel.Cryptography.RSAKeyPair

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Public Methods

Method Description
FindLocal ( string UDF ) : RSAKeyPair

Find a KeyPair with the specified container fingerprint in the local key store.

GetPrivate ( ) : void

Retrieve the private key from local storage.

Persist ( KeySecurity KeySecurity ) : void

Makes a key persistent on the local machine with the specified level of protection.

RSAKeyPair ( RSACryptoServiceProvider RSACryptoServiceProvider ) : System

Generate a KeyPair from a .NET Provider.

RSAKeyPair ( RSAParameters RSAParameters ) : System

Generate a KeyPair from a .NET set of parameters.

RSAKeyPair ( int KeySize ) : System

Generate an ephemeral RSA key with the specified key size.

RSAKeyPair ( int KeySize, bool Exportable ) : System

Generate an ephemeral RSA key with the specified key size.

RSAKeyPair ( string UDF ) : System

Create a new KeyPair with the specified container fingerprint.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetKeyInfo ( ) : SubjectPublicKeyInfo
GetProvider ( ) : void
PlatformLocateRSAProvider ( string UDF ) : RSACryptoServiceProvider

Locate a key stored in the platform cryptographic key store.

Method Details

FindLocal() public static method

Find a KeyPair with the specified container fingerprint in the local key store.
public static FindLocal ( string UDF ) : RSAKeyPair
UDF string Fingerprint of key.
return RSAKeyPair

GetPrivate() public method

Retrieve the private key from local storage.
public GetPrivate ( ) : void
return void

Persist() public method

Makes a key persistent on the local machine with the specified level of protection.
public Persist ( KeySecurity KeySecurity ) : void
KeySecurity KeySecurity Key protection level to be applied.
return void

RSAKeyPair() public method

Generate a KeyPair from a .NET Provider.
public RSAKeyPair ( RSACryptoServiceProvider RSACryptoServiceProvider ) : System
RSACryptoServiceProvider System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider
return System

RSAKeyPair() public method

Generate a KeyPair from a .NET set of parameters.
public RSAKeyPair ( RSAParameters RSAParameters ) : System
RSAParameters System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters The RSA parameters.
return System

RSAKeyPair() public method

Generate an ephemeral RSA key with the specified key size.
public RSAKeyPair ( int KeySize ) : System
KeySize int Size of key in multiples of 64 bits.
return System

RSAKeyPair() public method

Generate an ephemeral RSA key with the specified key size.
public RSAKeyPair ( int KeySize, bool Exportable ) : System
KeySize int Size of key in multiples of 64 bits.
Exportable bool If true, key may be exported, otherwise machine bound.
return System

RSAKeyPair() public method

Create a new KeyPair with the specified container fingerprint.
public RSAKeyPair ( string UDF ) : System
UDF string Fingerprint of key.
return System