C# Class GlobalSight.Office2003Converters.ExcelConverterImpl

Excel2003ConverterImpl is responsible for converting a MS Excel file to HTML and vice versa.
Inheritance: GlobalSight.Common.Converter
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Public Methods

Method Description
Convert ( string p_fileName, string p_language ) : void

Converts the file from one format to another.

ExcelConverterImpl ( ConversionType p_conversionType ) : System

Creates an Excel2003ConverterImpl to be used for import or export.

GetFileExtensionToWatch ( ) : string

See Converter interface for details. This either return ".im_command" or ".ex_command" depending on whether the converter is used for import or export.

QuitExcel ( ) : void

Quits the Excel Application.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateExcelAppClass ( ) : void

Creates the Excel Application Class and sets the default web options

DeleteInputFile ( string p_fileName ) : void

Deletes the command file

DetermineConversionValues ( string p_fileName ) : void

Reads the command file to figure out specific values for the conversion such as the new filename, / the format type, whether to track changes, etc.

HandleTrackedChanges ( ) : void

This method will either accept or reject tracked changes.

OpenDocument ( ) : void

Opens the original word file and initializes the Word.Document object. The original file may be HTML, DOC, or RTF

ResetState ( ) : void

Sets all internal state back to null

SaveDocument ( ) : void

Saves the document out with the appropriate new filename and format. Also does any special handling such as accepting/rejecting changes before saving.

_DetermineConversionValues ( string p_fileName ) : void

Reads the command file to figure out specific values for the conversion such as the new filename, the format type, whether to track changes, etc.

setConversionType ( string p_convertFrom, string p_convertTo, string p_fileName ) : void

Sets the conversion type (html,doc,rtf)

setTrackedChangesHandling ( string p_acceptChanges ) : void

Sets how to handle tracked changes

Method Details

Convert() public method

Converts the file from one format to another.
public Convert ( string p_fileName, string p_language ) : void
p_fileName string
p_language string the language of the directory the file was written in
return void

ExcelConverterImpl() public method

Creates an Excel2003ConverterImpl to be used for import or export.
public ExcelConverterImpl ( ConversionType p_conversionType ) : System
p_conversionType ConversionType the type of conversion (import or export)
return System

GetFileExtensionToWatch() public method

See Converter interface for details. This either return ".im_command" or ".ex_command" depending on whether the converter is used for import or export.
public GetFileExtensionToWatch ( ) : string
return string

QuitExcel() public method

Quits the Excel Application.
public QuitExcel ( ) : void
return void