C# Class GitForce.App

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
AppHome string
AppLog string
AppPath string
CustomTools GitForce.ClassCustomTools
Diff GitForce.ClassDiff
Git GitForce.ClassGit
GitPasswd GitForce.ClassGitPasswd
Log GitForce.FormLog
MainForm FormMain
Merge GitForce.ClassMerge
PrintLogMessage PrintLogMessageHandler
PrintStatusMessage PrintStatusMessageHandler
Putty ClassPutty
Refresh RefreshDelegate
Repos GitForce.ClassRepos
Ssh ClassSSH
StatusBusy SetBusyStatusHandler
UserHome string
Version ClassVersion

Public Methods

Method Description
DoRefresh ( ) : void

Protect Refresh chain with a simple exit mutex, so that the F5 key (update) does not start a re-entrant refresh chain. Although the main GUI app is single-threaded, some panels refresh functions are calling GitRun() which in turn spawns external async process during which time we can end up with multiple threads trying to refresh.

Private Methods

Method Description
Main ( string args ) : int
VoidBusy ( bool f ) : void
VoidMessage ( string m, MessageType type ) : void

Method Details

DoRefresh() public static method

Protect Refresh chain with a simple exit mutex, so that the F5 key (update) does not start a re-entrant refresh chain. Although the main GUI app is single-threaded, some panels refresh functions are calling GitRun() which in turn spawns external async process during which time we can end up with multiple threads trying to refresh.
public static DoRefresh ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AppHome public static property

Define a path to the application data folder
public static string AppHome
return string

AppLog public static property

If set to a file name, all log text will be mirrored to that file Command line argument '--log' sets it to application data folder, file 'gitforce.log'
public static string AppLog
return string

AppPath public static property

Store a path to the application executing instance
public static string AppPath
return string

CustomTools public static property

Static class containing custom tools
public static ClassCustomTools,GitForce CustomTools
return GitForce.ClassCustomTools

Diff public static property

Static class containing diff tool execution helpers
public static ClassDiff,GitForce Diff
return GitForce.ClassDiff

Git public static property

Static git class helper containing git-execution services
public static ClassGit,GitForce Git
return GitForce.ClassGit

GitPasswd public static property

Static class managing Git HTTPS password helper file
public static ClassGitPasswd,GitForce GitPasswd
return GitForce.ClassGitPasswd

Log public static property

Static form with log output
public static FormLog,GitForce Log
return GitForce.FormLog

MainForm public static property

Static main form class
public static FormMain,GitForce MainForm
return FormMain

Merge public static property

Static class containing merge tool helpers
public static ClassMerge,GitForce Merge
return GitForce.ClassMerge

PrintLogMessage public static property

public static PrintLogMessageHandler PrintLogMessage
return PrintLogMessageHandler

PrintStatusMessage public static property

public static PrintStatusMessageHandler PrintStatusMessage
return PrintStatusMessageHandler

Putty public static property

Static class PuTTY to manage SSL connections on Windows
public static ClassPutty,GitForce Putty
return ClassPutty

Refresh public static property

public static RefreshDelegate Refresh
return RefreshDelegate

Repos public static property

Static class of repos containing operations on a set of repositories
public static ClassRepos,GitForce Repos
return GitForce.ClassRepos

Ssh public static property

Static class SSH to manage SSL connections on Linux
public static ClassSSH,GitForce Ssh
return ClassSSH

StatusBusy public static property

public static SetBusyStatusHandler StatusBusy
return SetBusyStatusHandler

UserHome public static property

Define a path to the user profile.
public static string UserHome
return string

Version public static property

Static class containing code to check for a new version
public static ClassVersion,GitForce Version
return ClassVersion