C# Class GeekyBlogs.Services.FeedManagerService

Inheritance: IFeedManagerService
Show file Open project: GeekyTheory/GeekyBlogs

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFeedAsync ( string url ) : Task>

Get the feeds with the SyndicationClient

GetFeedFromMenuItemAsync ( MenuItem menuItem ) : Task>
RemoveUnusedElementsAsync ( string url ) : Task

Removing unused elements on html content

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateFeedItem ( SyndicationItem item, SyndicationFormat format, int i ) : FeedItem

Create each item from the SyndicationItem. Necesary to format the Content property with RemoveUnusedElementsAsync

Method Details

GetFeedAsync() public method

Get the feeds with the SyndicationClient
public GetFeedAsync ( string url ) : Task>
url string
return Task>

GetFeedFromMenuItemAsync() public method

public GetFeedFromMenuItemAsync ( MenuItem menuItem ) : Task>
menuItem MenuItem
return Task>

RemoveUnusedElementsAsync() public method

Removing unused elements on html content
public RemoveUnusedElementsAsync ( string url ) : Task
url string
return Task