C# Class GSF.TimeSeries.Measurement

Inheritance: IMeasurement
Show file Open project: GridProtectionAlliance/gsf Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Undefined Measurement

Private Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AverageAngleValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double

Calculates an average of the specified sequence of IMeasurement phase angle values.

Phase angles wrap, so this algorithm takes the wrapping into account when calculating the average.

AverageValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double

Calculates an average of the specified sequence of IMeasurement values.

Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone ) : Measurement

Creates a copy of the specified measurement.

Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone, Ticks timestamp ) : Measurement

Creates a copy of the specified measurement using a new timestamp.

Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone, double value, Ticks timestamp ) : Measurement

Creates a copy of the specified measurement using a new value and timestamp.

CompareTo ( ITimeSeriesValue other ) : int

Compares the Measurement with an ITimeSeriesValue.

Measurement implementations should compare by hash code.

CompareTo ( object obj ) : int

Compares the Measurement with the specified Object.

Measurement implementations should compare by hash code.

Equals ( ITimeSeriesValue other ) : bool

Determines whether the specified ITimeSeriesValue is equal to the current Measurement.

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Measurement.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Serves as a hash function for the current Measurement.

Hash code based on value of measurement.

MajorityValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double

Returns the majority value of the specified sequence of IMeasurement values.

Measurement ( ) : System

Constructs a new Measurement using default settings.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns a String that represents the current Measurement.

ToString ( IMeasurement measurement, bool includeTagName = true ) : string

Returns a String that represents the specified IMeasurement.

operator ( ) : bool

Compares two Measurement values for equality.

Method Details

AverageAngleValueFilter() public static method

Calculates an average of the specified sequence of IMeasurement phase angle values.
Phase angles wrap, so this algorithm takes the wrapping into account when calculating the average.
public static AverageAngleValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double
source IEnumerable Sequence of values over which to run calculation.
return double

AverageValueFilter() public static method

Calculates an average of the specified sequence of IMeasurement values.
public static AverageValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double
source IEnumerable Sequence of values over which to run calculation.
return double

Clone() public static method

Creates a copy of the specified measurement.
public static Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone ) : Measurement
measurementToClone IMeasurement Specified measurement to clone.
return Measurement

Clone() public static method

Creates a copy of the specified measurement using a new timestamp.
public static Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone, Ticks timestamp ) : Measurement
measurementToClone IMeasurement Specified measurement to clone.
timestamp Ticks New timestamp, in ticks, for cloned measurement.
return Measurement

Clone() public static method

Creates a copy of the specified measurement using a new value and timestamp.
public static Clone ( IMeasurement measurementToClone, double value, Ticks timestamp ) : Measurement
measurementToClone IMeasurement Specified measurement to clone.
value double New value for cloned measurement.
timestamp Ticks New timestamp, in ticks, for cloned measurement.
return Measurement

CompareTo() public method

Compares the Measurement with an ITimeSeriesValue.
Measurement implementations should compare by hash code.
public CompareTo ( ITimeSeriesValue other ) : int
other ITimeSeriesValue The to compare with the current .
return int

CompareTo() public method

Compares the Measurement with the specified Object.
Measurement implementations should compare by hash code.
is not an .
public CompareTo ( object obj ) : int
obj object The to compare with the current .
return int

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified ITimeSeriesValue is equal to the current Measurement.
public Equals ( ITimeSeriesValue other ) : bool
other ITimeSeriesValue The to compare with the current .
return bool

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Measurement.
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object The to compare with the current .
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Serves as a hash function for the current Measurement.
Hash code based on value of measurement.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

MajorityValueFilter() public static method

Returns the majority value of the specified sequence of IMeasurement values.
public static MajorityValueFilter ( IEnumerable source ) : double
source IEnumerable Sequence of values over which to run calculation.
return double

Measurement() public method

Constructs a new Measurement using default settings.
public Measurement ( ) : System
return System

ToString() public method

Returns a String that represents the current Measurement.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

ToString() public static method

Returns a String that represents the specified IMeasurement.
public static ToString ( IMeasurement measurement, bool includeTagName = true ) : string
measurement IMeasurement to convert to a representation.
includeTagName bool Set to true to include measurement's tag name, if defined; otherwise set to false.
return string

operator() public static method

Compares two Measurement values for equality.
public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

Undefined public static property

Represents an undefined measurement.
public static Measurement,GSF.TimeSeries Undefined
return Measurement