C# Class Fusion.Drivers.Graphics.VertexOutputElement

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
ComponentCount byte
OutputSlot byte
SemanticIndex int
SemanticName string
StartComponent byte
Stream int

Public Methods

Method Description
VertexOutputElement ( int stream, string semanticName, int semanticIndex, byte startComponent, byte componentCount, byte outputSlot ) : System

Creates a new instance of VertexOutputElement class

VertexOutputElement ( string semanticName, int semanticIndex, byte startComponent, byte componentCount ) : System

Creates a new instance of VertexOutputElement class

Private Methods

Method Description
Convert ( VertexOutputElement elements ) : SharpDX.Direct3D11.StreamOutputElement[]

Converts VertexOutputElement to StreamOutputElement

Method Details

VertexOutputElement() public method

Creates a new instance of VertexOutputElement class
public VertexOutputElement ( int stream, string semanticName, int semanticIndex, byte startComponent, byte componentCount, byte outputSlot ) : System
stream int Zero-based, stream number.
semanticName string Type of output element; possible values include: "POSITION", "NORMAL", or "TEXCOORD0". Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
semanticIndex int Output element's zero-based index. Should be used if, for example, you have more than one texture coordinate stored in each vertex.
startComponent byte Which component of the entry to begin writing out to. Valid values are 0 to 3. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.
componentCount byte The number of components of the entry to write out to. Valid values are 1 to 4. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2. Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
outputSlot byte The associated stream output buffer that is bound to the pipeline. The valid range for OutputSlot is 0 to 3.
return System

VertexOutputElement() public method

Creates a new instance of VertexOutputElement class
public VertexOutputElement ( string semanticName, int semanticIndex, byte startComponent, byte componentCount ) : System
semanticName string Type of output element; possible values include: "POSITION", "NORMAL", or "TEXCOORD0". Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
semanticIndex int Output element's zero-based index. Should be used if, for example, you have more than one texture coordinate stored in each vertex.
startComponent byte Which component of the entry to begin writing out to. Valid values are 0 to 3. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.
componentCount byte The number of components of the entry to write out to. Valid values are 1 to 4. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2. Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
return System

Property Details

ComponentCount public property

The number of components of the entry to write out to. Valid values are 1 to 4. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2. Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
public byte ComponentCount
return byte

OutputSlot public property

The associated stream output buffer that is bound to the pipeline. The valid range for OutputSlot is 0 to 3.
public byte OutputSlot
return byte

SemanticIndex public property

Output element's zero-based index. Should be used if, for example, you have more than one texture coordinate stored in each vertex.
public int SemanticIndex
return int

SemanticName public property

Type of output element; possible values include: "POSITION", "NORMAL", or "TEXCOORD0". Note that if SemanticName is NULL then ComponentCount can be greater than 4 and the described entry will be a gap in the stream out where no data will be written.
public string SemanticName
return string

StartComponent public property

Which component of the entry to begin writing out to. Valid values are 0 to 3. For example, if you only wish to output to the y and z components of a position, then StartComponent should be 1 and ComponentCount should be 2.
public byte StartComponent
return byte

Stream public property

Zero-based, stream number.
public int Stream
return int