C# Class Foundatio.Repositories.Elasticsearch.Configuration.VersionedIndex

Inheritance: IndexBase, IMaintainableIndex
Show file Open project: exceptionless/Foundatio.Repositories

Public Methods

Method Description
ConfigureAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ConfigureDescriptor ( Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor idx ) : Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor
CreateReindexWorkItem ( int currentVersion ) : ReindexWorkItem
DeleteAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
GetCurrentVersionAsync ( ) : Task

Returns the current index version (E.G., the oldest index version).

MaintainAsync ( bool includeOptionalTasks = true ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
ReindexAsync ( Func progressCallbackAsync = null ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
VersionedIndex ( IElasticConfiguration configuration, string name, int version = 1 ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
AliasExistsAsync ( string alias ) : Task
CreateAliasAsync ( string index, string name ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
GetIndexDate ( string name ) : System.DateTime
GetIndexVersion ( string name ) : int
GetIndexesAsync ( int version = -1 ) : Task>
GetVersionFromAliasAsync ( string alias ) : Task

Method Details

AliasExistsAsync() protected method

protected AliasExistsAsync ( string alias ) : Task
alias string
return Task

ConfigureAsync() public method

public ConfigureAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ConfigureDescriptor() public method

public ConfigureDescriptor ( Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor idx ) : Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor
idx Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor
return Nest.CreateIndexDescriptor

CreateAliasAsync() protected method

protected CreateAliasAsync ( string index, string name ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
index string
name string
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CreateReindexWorkItem() public method

public CreateReindexWorkItem ( int currentVersion ) : ReindexWorkItem
currentVersion int
return Foundatio.Repositories.Elasticsearch.Jobs.ReindexWorkItem

DeleteAsync() public method

public DeleteAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

GetCurrentVersionAsync() public method

Returns the current index version (E.G., the oldest index version).
public GetCurrentVersionAsync ( ) : Task
return Task

GetIndexDate() protected method

protected GetIndexDate ( string name ) : System.DateTime
name string
return System.DateTime

GetIndexVersion() protected method

protected GetIndexVersion ( string name ) : int
name string
return int

GetIndexesAsync() protected method

protected GetIndexesAsync ( int version = -1 ) : Task>
version int
return Task>

GetVersionFromAliasAsync() protected method

protected GetVersionFromAliasAsync ( string alias ) : Task
alias string
return Task

MaintainAsync() public method

public MaintainAsync ( bool includeOptionalTasks = true ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
includeOptionalTasks bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ReindexAsync() public method

public ReindexAsync ( Func progressCallbackAsync = null ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
progressCallbackAsync Func
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

VersionedIndex() public method

public VersionedIndex ( IElasticConfiguration configuration, string name, int version = 1 ) : System
configuration IElasticConfiguration
name string
version int
return System