C# Class ForumClientConsole.ClientConsole

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Public Methods

Method Description
ClientConsole ( ) : System


controller_OnUpdateFromServer ( Post p ) : void

This method is called when controller invoked its OnUpdate event

freeConsole ( ) : void

Must to be called when quiting console

startMenu ( ) : int

Menu method

Private Methods

Method Description
AddForum ( ) : void
AddModerator ( ) : void
Back ( ) : void
EditPost ( string command ) : void
FormatPostComponent ( string comp, int lineLength ) : string
GetSubforum ( string subforumname ) : void
GetTrimmedLine ( string str, int maxLength ) : string
InitConsole ( ) : void
ListSubForums ( ) : void
Login ( ) : void
Logout ( ) : void
Post ( ) : void
PrintCurrentLocation ( ) : void
PrintPostList ( Post subForumPosts ) : void
ReadPassword ( ) : string
Register ( ) : void
RemoveForum ( ) : void
RemoveModerator ( ) : void
RemovePost ( string command ) : void
ReplaceAdmin ( ) : void
ReplaceModerator ( ) : void
Reply ( ) : void
ShowReplies ( string command ) : void
SubForumReport ( string subforum ) : void
UserReport ( string username ) : void

Method Details

ClientConsole() public method

public ClientConsole ( ) : System
return System

controller_OnUpdateFromServer() public method

This method is called when controller invoked its OnUpdate event
public controller_OnUpdateFromServer ( Post p ) : void
p ForumShared.SharedDataTypes.Post
return void

freeConsole() public method

Must to be called when quiting console
public freeConsole ( ) : void
return void

startMenu() public method

Menu method
public startMenu ( ) : int
return int