C# Class Examples.ClientConsumingRecordTopics.Currency

Encapsulates a base currency and all of its knownn rates.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Currency ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
GetRates ( string currency ) : Rates

Retrieve the rates of a given currency.

SetRate ( string currency, string bid, string ask ) : Rates

Set a currency rate.

UpdateRate ( string currency, string bid, string ask ) : Rates

Update a currency rate.

Method Details

Currency() public method

public Currency ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
return System.Collections.Generic

GetRates() public method

Retrieve the rates of a given currency.
public GetRates ( string currency ) : Rates
currency string The currency.
return Rates

SetRate() public method

Set a currency rate.
public SetRate ( string currency, string bid, string ask ) : Rates
currency string The currency to add.
bid string The 'bid' rate.
ask string The 'ask' rate.
return Rates

UpdateRate() public method

Update a currency rate.
public UpdateRate ( string currency, string bid, string ask ) : Rates
currency string The currency to update.
bid string The 'bid' rate.
ask string The 'ask' rate.
return Rates