C# Class EventStore.ClientAPI.EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase

Represents a persistent subscription connection.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Acknowledge ( IEnumerable events ) : void

Acknowledge that a message have completed processing (this will tell the server it has been processed)

There is no need to ack a message if you have Auto Ack enabled

Acknowledge ( EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent @event ) : void

Acknowledge that a message have completed processing (this will tell the server it has been processed)

There is no need to ack a message if you have Auto Ack enabled

Fail ( IEnumerable events, PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction action, string reason ) : void

Mark nmessages that have failed processing. The server will take action based upon the action parameter

Fail ( EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent @event, PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction action, string reason ) : void

Mark a message failed processing. The server will be take action based upon the action paramter

Stop ( System.TimeSpan timeout ) : void

Disconnects this client from the persistent subscriptions.

Private Methods

Method Description
DropSubscription ( SubscriptionDropReason reason, Exception error ) : void
Enqueue ( EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent resolvedEvent ) : void
EnqueueSubscriptionDropNotification ( SubscriptionDropReason reason, Exception error ) : void
EventStorePersistentSubscriptionBase ( string subscriptionId, string streamId, ResolvedEvent>.Action eventAppeared, Action subscriptionDropped, EventStore.ClientAPI.SystemData.UserCredentials userCredentials, ILogger log, bool verboseLogging, EventStore.ClientAPI.ConnectionSettings settings, int bufferSize = 10, bool autoAck = true ) : System
OnEventAppeared ( EventStore.ClientAPI.EventStoreSubscription subscription, EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent resolvedEvent ) : void
OnSubscriptionDropped ( EventStore.ClientAPI.EventStoreSubscription subscription, SubscriptionDropReason reason, Exception exception ) : void
ProcessQueue ( ) : void
Start ( ) : Task
StartSubscription ( string subscriptionId, string streamId, int bufferSize, EventStore.ClientAPI.SystemData.UserCredentials userCredentials, ResolvedEvent>.Action onEventAppeared, Action onSubscriptionDropped, EventStore.ClientAPI.ConnectionSettings settings ) : Task

Method Details

Acknowledge() public method

Acknowledge that a message have completed processing (this will tell the server it has been processed)
There is no need to ack a message if you have Auto Ack enabled
public Acknowledge ( IEnumerable events ) : void
events IEnumerable The s to acknowledge there should be less than 2000 to ack at a time.
return void

Acknowledge() public method

Acknowledge that a message have completed processing (this will tell the server it has been processed)
There is no need to ack a message if you have Auto Ack enabled
public Acknowledge ( EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent @event ) : void
@event EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent
return void

Fail() public method

Mark nmessages that have failed processing. The server will take action based upon the action parameter
public Fail ( IEnumerable events, PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction action, string reason ) : void
events IEnumerable The events to mark as failed
action PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction The action to take
reason string A string with a message as to why the failure is occurring
return void

Fail() public method

Mark a message failed processing. The server will be take action based upon the action paramter
public Fail ( EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent @event, PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction action, string reason ) : void
@event EventStore.ClientAPI.ResolvedEvent
action PersistentSubscriptionNakEventAction The action to take
reason string A string with a message as to why the failure is occurring
return void

Stop() public method

Disconnects this client from the persistent subscriptions.
public Stop ( System.TimeSpan timeout ) : void
timeout System.TimeSpan
return void