Pattern based way to specify storage and location for tables.
Key of this dictionary must contain table pattern e.g. Article$/Items# or Car456 or Items*
Value, if is String.Empty, means that table will be located in memory.
Value, if not empty, means physical storage folder path, where table should reside.
If table doesn't intersect any pattern then default DB configuration will be overriden for the storage.
If table intersects more the one pattern then first found will be applied.
Help for patterns:
$ * #
"U" symbol in the following examples means intersection
* - 1 or more of any symbol kind (every symbol after * will be cutted): Items* U Items123/Pictures
# - symbols (except slash) followed by slash and minimum another symbol: Items#/Picture U Items123/Picture
$ - 1 or more symbols except slash (every symbol after $ will be cutted): Items$ U Items123; Items$ !U Items123/Pictures