C# Class CustomBuild.AdminModule.SDataClientEntityDeploymentPackage

Inheritance: MSBuildDeploymentPackage
Show file Open project: jboyce/LinqToSData

Protected Methods

Method Description
ConfigureProject ( Microsoft proj ) : void
GenerateInternal ( OperationStatus op, BuildType buildType ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
BuildProject ( IEnumerable buildItemFiles, Engine engine ) : void
CopyEntityInterfacesAssembly ( ) : void

Copies the entity interfaces assembly and it's associated satellite assemblies.

Method Details

ConfigureProject() protected method

protected ConfigureProject ( Microsoft proj ) : void
proj Microsoft
return void

GenerateInternal() protected method

protected GenerateInternal ( OperationStatus op, BuildType buildType ) : void
op OperationStatus
buildType BuildType
return void