C# Class ConoHaNet.OpenStackMember

Inheritance: IOpenStackMember
Show file Open project: crowdy/OpenStack-ConoHa Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddBackupService ( string InstanceId ) : BackupService
AddInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : InterfaceAttachment
AddKeypair ( string name, string publickey = null ) : Keypair
AddSubnetForAdditionalIp ( int bitmask ) : Subnet
AddSubnetForLb ( ) : Subnet
AssociateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, string poolId ) : bool
AttachVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId, string devicePath = null ) : ServerVolume
BulkDelete ( string>.IEnumerable items, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
ChangeEmailAddressPassword ( string emailId, string password ) : bool
ChangeNetworkAdapter ( string serverId, string hwVifModel ) : bool
ChangeStorageController ( string serverId, string hwDiskBus ) : bool
ChangeVideoDevice ( string serverId, string hwVideoModel ) : bool
ChangeVncKeymap ( string serverId, string vncKeymap ) : bool
ConfirmServerResized ( string serverId ) : bool
CopyObject ( string sourceContainer, string sourceObjectName, string destinationContainer, string destinationObjectName, string destinationContentType = null, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
CreateContainer ( string container, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ObjectStore
CreateDatabase ( string serviceId, string dbName, string type = null, string charset = null, string memo = null ) : Database
CreateDbGrant ( string databaseId, string userId ) : DbGrant
CreateDbService ( string serviceName ) : DbService
CreateDbUser ( string serviceId, string username, string password, string hostname, string memo = null ) : DbUser
CreateDnsRecord ( string domainId, string name, string type, string data, int priority = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, string gslbRegion = null, int gslbWeight = null, int gslbCheck = null ) : DnsRecord
CreateDomain ( string domainName, string email, int ttl = null, string description = null, int gslb = null ) : Domain
CreateEmailAddress ( string domainId, string emailAddress, string password ) : Email
CreateEmailForwarding ( string emailId, string toForwardAddress ) : EmailForwarding
CreateEmailWebHook ( string emailId, string webhookUrl, string keyword ) : EmailWebHook
CreateFormPostUri ( string container, string objectPrefix, string key, DateTimeOffset expiration, Uri redirectUri, long maxFileSize, int maxFileCount, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : Tuple>
CreateGlanceImageFromInstance ( string serverId, string imageName ) : bool
CreateGlanceImageFromVolume ( string volumeId, string imageName, string diskFormat = null, string containerFormat = null ) : VolumeUploadImage
CreateHealthMonitor ( string monitorType, int delay, int maxRetries, string urlPath = null, string expectedCodes = null ) : HealthMonitor
CreateImageFromBackupRun ( string backupId, string backupRunId, string imageName = null ) : bool
CreateLBMember ( string poolId, string address, string protocolPort, int weight = 1 ) : LBMember
CreateMailDomain ( string serviceId, string domainName ) : MailDomain
CreateMailService ( string serviceName, string defaultSubdomain ) : MailService
CreateNetwork ( string name, bool adminStateUp = true, string networkType = "vxlan", string segmentationId = null ) : Network
CreateNetworkSecurityGroup ( string name, string description ) : NetworkSecurityGroup
CreateNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string securityGroupId, string direction, string etherType, string portRangeMin = null, string portRangeMax = null, string protocol = null, string remoteGroupId = null, string remoteIpPrefix = null ) : NetworkSecurityGroupRule
CreateObject ( string container, Stream stream, string objectName, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
CreateObjectFromFile ( string container, string filePath, string objectName = null, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
CreatePool ( string name, string subnetId, string lbMethod = "ROUND_ROBIN", string protocol = "TCP" ) : Pool
CreatePort ( string networkId, FixedIp fixedIps = null, string>.Dictionary allowedAddressPairs = null, string tenantId = null, string securityGroups = null, string status = null ) : Port
CreateServer ( string cloudServerName, string imageId, string flavor, string adminPass, string keyname = null, string nametag = null, string securityGroupNames = null, string attachVolumeIds = null, DiskConfiguration diskConfig = null, Metadata metadata = null, Personality personality = null, bool attachToServiceNetwork = false, bool attachToPublicNetwork = false, IEnumerable networks = null ) : NewServer
CreateSubnet ( string name, string networkId, int ipVersion, string cidr ) : Subnet
CreateTemporaryPublicUri ( HttpMethod method, string container, string objectName, string key, DateTimeOffset expiration, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : Uri
CreateUserAccess ( ) : UserAccess
CreateUserAccess ( string username, string password, string tenantName = null, string tenantId = null ) : UserAccess
CreateVIP ( string name, string protocol, string protocolPort, string poolId, string subnetId, string address, bool adminStateUp, string description = null, string sessionPpersistence = null, int connectionLimit = null ) : VIP
CreateVolume ( int size, string sourceVolumeId = null, string description = null, string name = null, string snapshotId = null, string volumeType = null, string imageRef = null ) : Volume
DeleteBackupService ( string backupId ) : bool
DeleteContainer ( string container, bool deleteObjects = false, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteContainerMetadata ( string container, IEnumerable keys, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteContainerMetadata ( string container, string key, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteDatabase ( string databaseId ) : bool
DeleteDbGrant ( string databaseId, string userId ) : bool
DeleteDbService ( string serviceId ) : bool
DeleteDbUser ( string userId ) : bool
DeleteDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId ) : bool
DeleteDomain ( string domainId ) : bool
DeleteEmailAddress ( string emailId ) : bool
DeleteEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId ) : bool
DeleteEmailWebHook ( string emailId ) : bool
DeleteGlanceImage ( string imageId ) : bool
DeleteHealthMonitor ( string monitorId ) : bool
DeleteInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : bool
DeleteKeypair ( string name ) : bool
DeleteLBMember ( string memberId ) : bool
DeleteMailDomain ( string domainId ) : bool
DeleteMailMessage ( string emailId, string messageId ) : bool
DeleteMailService ( string serviceId ) : bool
DeleteNetwork ( string networkId ) : bool
DeleteNetworkSecurityGroup ( string networkSecurityGroupId ) : bool
DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string networkSecurityRuleId ) : bool
DeleteObject ( string container, string objectName, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool deleteSegments = true, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, IEnumerable keys, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, string key, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeleteObjects ( string container, IEnumerable objects, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DeletePool ( string poolId ) : bool
DeletePort ( string portId ) : bool
DeleteServer ( string serverId ) : bool
DeleteSubnet ( string subnetId ) : bool
DeleteVIP ( string vipId ) : bool
DeleteVolume ( string volumeId ) : bool
DetachVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId ) : bool
DisableCDNOnContainer ( string container ) : string>.Dictionary
DisableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
DisassociateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, string poolId ) : bool
EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, bool logRetention ) : string>.Dictionary
EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, long timeToLive ) : string>.Dictionary
EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, long timeToLive, bool logRetention ) : string>.Dictionary
EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string css, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, string css, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
ExportZone ( string zoneId ) : string
ExtractArchive ( Stream stream, string uploadPath, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ExtractArchiveResponse
ExtractArchiveFromFile ( string filePath, string uploadPath, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ExtractArchiveResponse
GetAccountHeaders ( bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetAccountMetaData ( bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetBackupService ( string backupId ) : BackupService
GetBillingInvoice ( int invoiceId ) : BillingInvoice
GetCPUGraph ( string serverId, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
GetCloudImageTask ( string taskId ) : CloudImageTaskDetail
GetContainerCDNHeader ( string container ) : ContainerCDN
GetContainerHeader ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetContainerMetaData ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetDatabase ( string databaseId ) : Database
GetDbService ( string serviceId ) : DbService
GetDbServiceQuota ( string serviceId ) : DbServiceQuota
GetDbUser ( string userId ) : DbUser
GetDiskIOGraph ( string serverId, string deviceName = null, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
GetDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId ) : DnsRecord
GetDnsServiceDetails ( string domainId ) : IEnumerable
GetDomain ( string domainId ) : Domain
GetEmailAddress ( string emailId ) : Email
GetEmailBlackList ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
GetEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId ) : EmailForwarding
GetEmailWebHook ( string emailId ) : EmailWebHook
GetEmailWhiteList ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
GetFlavor ( string flavorid ) : FlavorDetails
GetGlanceImage ( string imageId ) : CloudImage
GetHealthMonitor ( string monitorId ) : HealthMonitor
GetHttpConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
GetImage ( string imageId ) : ServerImage
GetImageAmount ( ) : long
GetInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : InterfaceAttachment
GetKeypair ( string keyName ) : Keypair
GetLBMember ( string memberId ) : LBMember
GetMailAttachment ( string emailId, string messageId, string attachmentId ) : Attachment
GetMailBoxQuota ( string serviceId ) : MailBoxQuota
GetMailDomainDedicatedIp ( string domainId ) : string
GetMailMessage ( string emailId, string messageId ) : MailMessage
GetMailService ( string serviceId ) : MailService
GetNetwork ( string networkId ) : Network
GetNetworkGraph ( string serverId, string portId, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
GetNetworkSecurityGroup ( string groupId ) : NetworkSecurityGroup
GetNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string ruleId ) : NetworkSecurityGroupRule
GetNotification ( int notificationCode, string lang = "en" ) : Notification
GetNovaConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
GetObject ( string container, string objectName, Stream outputStream, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool verifyEtag = false, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
GetObjectHeaders ( string container, string objectName, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetObjectMetaData ( string container, string objectName, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
GetObjectSaveToFile ( string container, string saveDirectory, string objectName, string fileName = null, int chunkSize = 65536, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool verifyEtag = false, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
GetOrderItem ( string itemid ) : OrderItem
GetPaymentSummary ( ) : PaymentSummary
GetPool ( string poolId ) : Pool
GetPort ( string portId ) : Port
GetServer ( string serverId ) : Server
GetServerVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId ) : ServerVolume
GetSubnet ( string subnetId ) : Subnet
GetSwiftRequestGraph ( DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
GetSwiftSizeGraph ( DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
GetVIP ( string vipId ) : VIP
GetVncConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
GetVolume ( string volumeId ) : Volume
GetVolumeType ( string volumeId ) : VolumeType
ImportImage ( string name, string importFromUrl ) : bool
ImportZone ( string zoneContent ) : Zone
ListAddresses ( string serverId ) : ServerAddresses
ListBackupServices ( ) : IEnumerable
ListBillingInvoices ( int offset, int limit = 1000 ) : IEnumerable
ListCDNContainers ( int limit = null, string markerId = null, string markerEnd = null, bool cdnEnabled = false ) : IEnumerable
ListCloudImageTasks ( ) : IEnumerable
ListContainers ( int limit = null, string marker = null, string markerEnd = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : IEnumerable
ListDatabases ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListDbBackups ( string databaseId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListDbGrant ( string databaseId, int lineCount = null, int pageNo = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListDbServices ( int lineCount = null, int pageNo = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListDbUsers ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListDnsRecords ( string domainId ) : IEnumerable
ListDomains ( ) : IEnumerable
ListEmailAddresses ( string domainId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListEmailForwardings ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListEndpoints ( ) : IEnumerable

Gets the list of endpoint

ListFlavors ( int minDiskInGB = null, int minRamInMB = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null ) : IEnumerable
ListFlavorsDetails ( int minDiskInGB = null, int minRamInMB = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null ) : IEnumerable
ListGlanceImages ( int limit = null, string marker = null, string name = null, string visibility = null, string memberStatus = null, string owner = null, string status = null, int sizeMin = null, int sizeMax = null, string sortKey = null, string sortDir = null, string tag = null ) : IEnumerable
ListHealthMonitors ( ) : IEnumerable
ListImages ( string server = null, string imageName = null, ImageState imageStatus = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, ImageType imageType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListImagesDetails ( string server = null, string imageName = null, ImageState imageStatus = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, ImageType imageType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListInterfaceAttachments ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
ListKeypairs ( ) : IEnumerable
ListLBMembers ( string subnetId = null, string poolId = null, string protocolPort = null ) : IEnumerable
ListMailDomains ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListMailMessageHeaders ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListMailServices ( int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
ListNetworkSecurityGroupRules ( ) : IEnumerable
ListNetworkSecurityGroups ( ) : IEnumerable
ListNetworks ( ) : IEnumerable
ListNotifications ( string lang = "en", int offset, int limit = 1000 ) : IEnumerable
ListObjects ( string container, int limit = null, string marker = null, string markerEnd = null, string prefix = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : IEnumerable
ListOrderItems ( ) : IEnumerable
ListPaymentHistory ( ) : IEnumerable
ListPools ( ) : IEnumerable
ListPorts ( ) : IEnumerable
ListProducts ( ) : IEnumerable
ListServerIps ( string serverId ) : ServerIps
ListServerSecurityGroups ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
ListServerVolumes ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
ListServers ( string imageId = null, string flavorId = null, string name = null, ServerState status = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null ) : IEnumerable
ListServersDetails ( string imageId = null, string flavorId = null, string name = null, ServerState status = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null ) : IEnumerable
ListSubnets ( ) : IEnumerable
ListTenantUsers ( string tenantId = null ) : IEnumerable

Get Tenant Users

ListVIPs ( ) : IEnumerable
ListVolumeTypes ( ) : IEnumerable
ListVolumes ( ) : IEnumerable
ListVolumesDetails ( ) : IEnumerable
MoveObject ( string sourceContainer, string sourceObjectName, string destinationContainer, string destinationObjectName, string destinationContentType = null, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
OpenStackMember ( ) : Objects.Identity

Initializes a new instance of the OpenStackMember class.”

PurgeObjectFromCDN ( string container, string objectName, IEnumerable emails = null ) : void
RebuildServer ( string serverId, string imageRef, string adminPassword, string keyName = null ) : Server
ResizeServer ( string serverId, string flavorid, DiskConfiguration diskconfig ) : bool
RestartServer ( string serverId, RebootType rebootType ) : bool
RestoreDatabase ( string databaseId, string backupId ) : bool
RestoreFromBackupRun ( string backupId, string backupRunId ) : bool
RevertResizeServer ( string serverId ) : bool
SetDbServiceBackup ( string serviceId, bool enabled ) : bool
SetDefaultRegion ( string region ) : void

Sets default region

SetEmailForwardingCopy ( string emailId, bool enabled ) : bool
SetEmailSpamFilter ( string emailId, bool enabled, string type = null ) : bool
SetEmailVirusCheck ( string emailId, bool enabled ) : bool
SetImageQuota ( string quota ) : string>.Dictionary
SetMailDomainDedicatedIpStatus ( string domainId, bool enabled ) : string
SetMailServiceBackup ( string serviceId, bool enabled ) : bool
SetNotification ( int notificationCode, string status ) : Notification
SetWebShare ( string imageId, bool sharing ) : bool
ShutdownServer ( string serverId ) : bool
StartServer ( string serverId ) : bool
StopServer ( string serverId ) : bool
UpdateAccountMetadata ( string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
UpdateBlackList ( string emailId, EmailFilterDetails targets ) : IEnumerable
UpdateContainerCdnHeaders ( string container, string>.Dictionary headers ) : void
UpdateContainerMetadata ( string container, string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
UpdateDatabase ( string databaseId, string memo = null ) : Database
UpdateDbService ( string serviceId, string serviceName ) : DbService
UpdateDbServiceQuota ( string serviceId, int quota ) : DbServiceQuota
UpdateDbUser ( string userId, string password = null, string memo = null ) : DbUser
UpdateDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId, string name, string type, string data, int priority = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, string gslbRegion = null, int gslbWeight = null, int gslbCheck = null ) : DnsRecord
UpdateDomain ( string domainId, string domainName = null, string email = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, int gslb = null ) : Domain
UpdateEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId, string toForwardAddress ) : EmailForwarding
UpdateEmailWebHook ( string emailId, string webhookUrl, string keyword ) : EmailWebHook
UpdateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, int delay, int maxRetries, string urlPath ) : HealthMonitor
UpdateLBMember ( string memberId, int weight ) : LBMember
UpdateMailBoxQuota ( string serviceId, int quota ) : MailBoxQuota
UpdateMailService ( string serviceId, string serviceName ) : MailService
UpdateObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
UpdatePool ( string poolId, string name = null, string lbMethod = null ) : Pool
UpdatePort ( string portId, bool adminStateUp = null, string securityGroups = null, FixedIp fixedIps = null, AllowedAddressPair allowedAddressPairs = null ) : Port
UpdateSubnet ( string subnetId, string name ) : Subnet
UpdateVIP ( ) : VIP
UpdateWhiteList ( string emailId, EmailFilterDetails targets ) : IEnumerable
WaitForVolumeAvailable ( string volumeId, int refreshCount = 600, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : Volume
WaitForVolumeDeleted ( string volumeId, int refreshCount = 360, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : bool
WaitForVolumeState ( string volumeId, VolumeState expectedState, VolumeState errorStates, int refreshCount = 600, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : Volume

Protected Methods

Method Description
SetProviders ( ) : void

Sets the default behavior

toUnixTime ( DateTime pcTime ) : string

Convert DateTime to UnixTime

Private Methods

Method Description
AttachSecurityGroup ( string serverId, string groupName ) : bool
ChangeServerName ( string serverId, string name ) : bool
DetachSecurityGroup ( string serverId, string groupName ) : bool
OpenStackMember ( string username, string password, string tenantName = null, string tenantId = null, string defaultregion = "tyo1", bool bLazyProviderSetting = false ) : Objects.Identity

Method Details

AddBackupService() public method

public AddBackupService ( string InstanceId ) : BackupService
InstanceId string
return BackupService

AddInterfaceAttachment() public method

public AddInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : InterfaceAttachment
serverId string
portId string
return InterfaceAttachment

AddKeypair() public method

public AddKeypair ( string name, string publickey = null ) : Keypair
name string
publickey string
return Keypair

AddSubnetForAdditionalIp() public method

public AddSubnetForAdditionalIp ( int bitmask ) : Subnet
bitmask int
return Subnet

AddSubnetForLb() public method

public AddSubnetForLb ( ) : Subnet
return Subnet

AssociateHealthMonitor() public method

public AssociateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, string poolId ) : bool
monitorId string
poolId string
return bool

AttachVolume() public method

public AttachVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId, string devicePath = null ) : ServerVolume
serverId string
volumeId string
devicePath string
return ServerVolume

BulkDelete() public method

public BulkDelete ( string>.IEnumerable items, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
items string>.IEnumerable
headers string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

ChangeEmailAddressPassword() public method

public ChangeEmailAddressPassword ( string emailId, string password ) : bool
emailId string
password string
return bool

ChangeNetworkAdapter() public method

public ChangeNetworkAdapter ( string serverId, string hwVifModel ) : bool
serverId string
hwVifModel string
return bool

ChangeStorageController() public method

public ChangeStorageController ( string serverId, string hwDiskBus ) : bool
serverId string
hwDiskBus string
return bool

ChangeVideoDevice() public method

public ChangeVideoDevice ( string serverId, string hwVideoModel ) : bool
serverId string
hwVideoModel string
return bool

ChangeVncKeymap() public method

public ChangeVncKeymap ( string serverId, string vncKeymap ) : bool
serverId string
vncKeymap string
return bool

ConfirmServerResized() public method

public ConfirmServerResized ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

CopyObject() public method

public CopyObject ( string sourceContainer, string sourceObjectName, string destinationContainer, string destinationObjectName, string destinationContentType = null, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
sourceContainer string
sourceObjectName string
destinationContainer string
destinationObjectName string
destinationContentType string
headers string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

CreateContainer() public method

public CreateContainer ( string container, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ObjectStore
container string
headers string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return ObjectStore

CreateDatabase() public method

public CreateDatabase ( string serviceId, string dbName, string type = null, string charset = null, string memo = null ) : Database
serviceId string
dbName string
type string
charset string
memo string
return Database

CreateDbGrant() public method

public CreateDbGrant ( string databaseId, string userId ) : DbGrant
databaseId string
userId string
return DbGrant

CreateDbService() public method

public CreateDbService ( string serviceName ) : DbService
serviceName string
return DbService

CreateDbUser() public method

public CreateDbUser ( string serviceId, string username, string password, string hostname, string memo = null ) : DbUser
serviceId string
username string
password string
hostname string
memo string
return DbUser

CreateDnsRecord() public method

public CreateDnsRecord ( string domainId, string name, string type, string data, int priority = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, string gslbRegion = null, int gslbWeight = null, int gslbCheck = null ) : DnsRecord
domainId string
name string
type string
data string
priority int
ttl int
description string
gslbRegion string
gslbWeight int
gslbCheck int
return DnsRecord

CreateDomain() public method

public CreateDomain ( string domainName, string email, int ttl = null, string description = null, int gslb = null ) : Domain
domainName string
email string
ttl int
description string
gslb int
return Domain

CreateEmailAddress() public method

public CreateEmailAddress ( string domainId, string emailAddress, string password ) : Email
domainId string
emailAddress string
password string
return Email

CreateEmailForwarding() public method

public CreateEmailForwarding ( string emailId, string toForwardAddress ) : EmailForwarding
emailId string
toForwardAddress string
return EmailForwarding

CreateEmailWebHook() public method

public CreateEmailWebHook ( string emailId, string webhookUrl, string keyword ) : EmailWebHook
emailId string
webhookUrl string
keyword string
return EmailWebHook

CreateFormPostUri() public method

public CreateFormPostUri ( string container, string objectPrefix, string key, DateTimeOffset expiration, Uri redirectUri, long maxFileSize, int maxFileCount, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : Tuple>
container string
objectPrefix string
key string
expiration DateTimeOffset
redirectUri System.Uri
maxFileSize long
maxFileCount int
useInternalUrl bool
return Tuple>

CreateGlanceImageFromInstance() public method

public CreateGlanceImageFromInstance ( string serverId, string imageName ) : bool
serverId string
imageName string
return bool

CreateGlanceImageFromVolume() public method

public CreateGlanceImageFromVolume ( string volumeId, string imageName, string diskFormat = null, string containerFormat = null ) : VolumeUploadImage
volumeId string
imageName string
diskFormat string
containerFormat string
return VolumeUploadImage

CreateHealthMonitor() public method

public CreateHealthMonitor ( string monitorType, int delay, int maxRetries, string urlPath = null, string expectedCodes = null ) : HealthMonitor
monitorType string
delay int
maxRetries int
urlPath string
expectedCodes string
return HealthMonitor

CreateImageFromBackupRun() public method

public CreateImageFromBackupRun ( string backupId, string backupRunId, string imageName = null ) : bool
backupId string
backupRunId string
imageName string
return bool

CreateLBMember() public method

public CreateLBMember ( string poolId, string address, string protocolPort, int weight = 1 ) : LBMember
poolId string
address string
protocolPort string
weight int
return LBMember

CreateMailDomain() public method

public CreateMailDomain ( string serviceId, string domainName ) : MailDomain
serviceId string
domainName string
return MailDomain

CreateMailService() public method

public CreateMailService ( string serviceName, string defaultSubdomain ) : MailService
serviceName string
defaultSubdomain string
return MailService

CreateNetwork() public method

public CreateNetwork ( string name, bool adminStateUp = true, string networkType = "vxlan", string segmentationId = null ) : Network
name string
adminStateUp bool
networkType string
segmentationId string
return Network

CreateNetworkSecurityGroup() public method

public CreateNetworkSecurityGroup ( string name, string description ) : NetworkSecurityGroup
name string
description string
return NetworkSecurityGroup

CreateNetworkSecurityGroupRule() public method

public CreateNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string securityGroupId, string direction, string etherType, string portRangeMin = null, string portRangeMax = null, string protocol = null, string remoteGroupId = null, string remoteIpPrefix = null ) : NetworkSecurityGroupRule
securityGroupId string
direction string
etherType string
portRangeMin string
portRangeMax string
protocol string
remoteGroupId string
remoteIpPrefix string
return NetworkSecurityGroupRule

CreateObject() public method

public CreateObject ( string container, Stream stream, string objectName, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
stream Stream
objectName string
contentType string
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return void

CreateObjectFromFile() public method

public CreateObjectFromFile ( string container, string filePath, string objectName = null, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
filePath string
objectName string
contentType string
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return void

CreatePool() public method

public CreatePool ( string name, string subnetId, string lbMethod = "ROUND_ROBIN", string protocol = "TCP" ) : Pool
name string
subnetId string
lbMethod string
protocol string
return Pool

CreatePort() public method

public CreatePort ( string networkId, FixedIp fixedIps = null, string>.Dictionary allowedAddressPairs = null, string tenantId = null, string securityGroups = null, string status = null ) : Port
networkId string
fixedIps FixedIp
allowedAddressPairs string>.Dictionary
tenantId string
securityGroups string
status string
return Port

CreateServer() public method

public CreateServer ( string cloudServerName, string imageId, string flavor, string adminPass, string keyname = null, string nametag = null, string securityGroupNames = null, string attachVolumeIds = null, DiskConfiguration diskConfig = null, Metadata metadata = null, Personality personality = null, bool attachToServiceNetwork = false, bool attachToPublicNetwork = false, IEnumerable networks = null ) : NewServer
cloudServerName string
imageId string
flavor string
adminPass string
keyname string
nametag string
securityGroupNames string
attachVolumeIds string
diskConfig DiskConfiguration
metadata Metadata
personality Personality
attachToServiceNetwork bool
attachToPublicNetwork bool
networks IEnumerable
return NewServer

CreateSubnet() public method

public CreateSubnet ( string name, string networkId, int ipVersion, string cidr ) : Subnet
name string
networkId string
ipVersion int
cidr string
return Subnet

CreateTemporaryPublicUri() public method

public CreateTemporaryPublicUri ( HttpMethod method, string container, string objectName, string key, DateTimeOffset expiration, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : Uri
method HttpMethod
container string
objectName string
key string
expiration DateTimeOffset
useInternalUrl bool
return Uri

CreateUserAccess() public method

public CreateUserAccess ( ) : UserAccess
return UserAccess

CreateUserAccess() public method

public CreateUserAccess ( string username, string password, string tenantName = null, string tenantId = null ) : UserAccess
username string
password string
tenantName string
tenantId string
return UserAccess

CreateVIP() public method

public CreateVIP ( string name, string protocol, string protocolPort, string poolId, string subnetId, string address, bool adminStateUp, string description = null, string sessionPpersistence = null, int connectionLimit = null ) : VIP
name string
protocol string
protocolPort string
poolId string
subnetId string
address string
adminStateUp bool
description string
sessionPpersistence string
connectionLimit int
return VIP

CreateVolume() public method

public CreateVolume ( int size, string sourceVolumeId = null, string description = null, string name = null, string snapshotId = null, string volumeType = null, string imageRef = null ) : Volume
size int
sourceVolumeId string
description string
name string
snapshotId string
volumeType string
imageRef string
return Volume

DeleteBackupService() public method

public DeleteBackupService ( string backupId ) : bool
backupId string
return bool

DeleteContainer() public method

public DeleteContainer ( string container, bool deleteObjects = false, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
deleteObjects bool
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteContainerMetadata() public method

public DeleteContainerMetadata ( string container, IEnumerable keys, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
keys IEnumerable
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteContainerMetadata() public method

public DeleteContainerMetadata ( string container, string key, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
key string
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteDatabase() public method

public DeleteDatabase ( string databaseId ) : bool
databaseId string
return bool

DeleteDbGrant() public method

public DeleteDbGrant ( string databaseId, string userId ) : bool
databaseId string
userId string
return bool

DeleteDbService() public method

public DeleteDbService ( string serviceId ) : bool
serviceId string
return bool

DeleteDbUser() public method

public DeleteDbUser ( string userId ) : bool
userId string
return bool

DeleteDnsRecord() public method

public DeleteDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId ) : bool
domainId string
recordId string
return bool

DeleteDomain() public method

public DeleteDomain ( string domainId ) : bool
domainId string
return bool

DeleteEmailAddress() public method

public DeleteEmailAddress ( string emailId ) : bool
emailId string
return bool

DeleteEmailForwarding() public method

public DeleteEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId ) : bool
forwardingId string
return bool

DeleteEmailWebHook() public method

public DeleteEmailWebHook ( string emailId ) : bool
emailId string
return bool

DeleteGlanceImage() public method

public DeleteGlanceImage ( string imageId ) : bool
imageId string
return bool

DeleteHealthMonitor() public method

public DeleteHealthMonitor ( string monitorId ) : bool
monitorId string
return bool

DeleteInterfaceAttachment() public method

public DeleteInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : bool
serverId string
portId string
return bool

DeleteKeypair() public method

public DeleteKeypair ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

DeleteLBMember() public method

public DeleteLBMember ( string memberId ) : bool
memberId string
return bool

DeleteMailDomain() public method

public DeleteMailDomain ( string domainId ) : bool
domainId string
return bool

DeleteMailMessage() public method

public DeleteMailMessage ( string emailId, string messageId ) : bool
emailId string
messageId string
return bool

DeleteMailService() public method

public DeleteMailService ( string serviceId ) : bool
serviceId string
return bool

DeleteNetwork() public method

public DeleteNetwork ( string networkId ) : bool
networkId string
return bool

DeleteNetworkSecurityGroup() public method

public DeleteNetworkSecurityGroup ( string networkSecurityGroupId ) : bool
networkSecurityGroupId string
return bool

DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule() public method

public DeleteNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string networkSecurityRuleId ) : bool
networkSecurityRuleId string
return bool

DeleteObject() public method

public DeleteObject ( string container, string objectName, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool deleteSegments = true, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objectName string
headers string>.Dictionary
deleteSegments bool
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteObjectMetadata() public method

public DeleteObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, IEnumerable keys, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objectName string
keys IEnumerable
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteObjectMetadata() public method

public DeleteObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, string key, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objectName string
key string
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeleteObjects() public method

public DeleteObjects ( string container, IEnumerable objects, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objects IEnumerable
headers string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DeletePool() public method

public DeletePool ( string poolId ) : bool
poolId string
return bool

DeletePort() public method

public DeletePort ( string portId ) : bool
portId string
return bool

DeleteServer() public method

public DeleteServer ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

DeleteSubnet() public method

public DeleteSubnet ( string subnetId ) : bool
subnetId string
return bool

DeleteVIP() public method

public DeleteVIP ( string vipId ) : bool
vipId string
return bool

DeleteVolume() public method

public DeleteVolume ( string volumeId ) : bool
volumeId string
return bool

DetachVolume() public method

public DetachVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId ) : bool
serverId string
volumeId string
return bool

DisableCDNOnContainer() public method

public DisableCDNOnContainer ( string container ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
return string>.Dictionary

DisableStaticWebOnContainer() public method

public DisableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
useInternalUrl bool
return void

DisassociateHealthMonitor() public method

public DisassociateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, string poolId ) : bool
monitorId string
poolId string
return bool

EnableCDNOnContainer() public method

public EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, bool logRetention ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
logRetention bool
return string>.Dictionary

EnableCDNOnContainer() public method

public EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, long timeToLive ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
timeToLive long
return string>.Dictionary

EnableCDNOnContainer() public method

public EnableCDNOnContainer ( string container, long timeToLive, bool logRetention ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
timeToLive long
logRetention bool
return string>.Dictionary

EnableStaticWebOnContainer() public method

public EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string css, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
css string
listing bool
useInternalUrl bool
return void

EnableStaticWebOnContainer() public method

public EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
index string
error string
useInternalUrl bool
return void

EnableStaticWebOnContainer() public method

public EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
index string
error string
listing bool
useInternalUrl bool
return void

EnableStaticWebOnContainer() public method

public EnableStaticWebOnContainer ( string container, string index, string error, string css, bool listing, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
index string
error string
css string
listing bool
useInternalUrl bool
return void

ExportZone() public method

public ExportZone ( string zoneId ) : string
zoneId string
return string

ExtractArchive() public method

public ExtractArchive ( Stream stream, string uploadPath, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ExtractArchiveResponse
stream Stream
uploadPath string
archiveFormat ArchiveFormat
contentType string
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return ExtractArchiveResponse

ExtractArchiveFromFile() public method

public ExtractArchiveFromFile ( string filePath, string uploadPath, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, string contentType = null, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : ExtractArchiveResponse
filePath string
uploadPath string
archiveFormat ArchiveFormat
contentType string
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return ExtractArchiveResponse

GetAccountHeaders() public method

public GetAccountHeaders ( bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetAccountMetaData() public method

public GetAccountMetaData ( bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetBackupService() public method

public GetBackupService ( string backupId ) : BackupService
backupId string
return BackupService

GetBillingInvoice() public method

public GetBillingInvoice ( int invoiceId ) : BillingInvoice
invoiceId int
return BillingInvoice

GetCPUGraph() public method

public GetCPUGraph ( string serverId, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
serverId string
startDate DateTime
endDate DateTime
mode string
return string

GetCloudImageTask() public method

public GetCloudImageTask ( string taskId ) : CloudImageTaskDetail
taskId string
return CloudImageTaskDetail

GetContainerCDNHeader() public method

public GetContainerCDNHeader ( string container ) : ContainerCDN
container string
return ContainerCDN

GetContainerHeader() public method

public GetContainerHeader ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetContainerMetaData() public method

public GetContainerMetaData ( string container, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetDatabase() public method

public GetDatabase ( string databaseId ) : Database
databaseId string
return Database

GetDbService() public method

public GetDbService ( string serviceId ) : DbService
serviceId string
return DbService

GetDbServiceQuota() public method

public GetDbServiceQuota ( string serviceId ) : DbServiceQuota
serviceId string
return DbServiceQuota

GetDbUser() public method

public GetDbUser ( string userId ) : DbUser
userId string
return DbUser

GetDiskIOGraph() public method

public GetDiskIOGraph ( string serverId, string deviceName = null, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
serverId string
deviceName string
startDate DateTime
endDate DateTime
mode string
return string

GetDnsRecord() public method

public GetDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId ) : DnsRecord
domainId string
recordId string
return DnsRecord

GetDnsServiceDetails() public method

public GetDnsServiceDetails ( string domainId ) : IEnumerable
domainId string
return IEnumerable

GetDomain() public method

public GetDomain ( string domainId ) : Domain
domainId string
return Domain

GetEmailAddress() public method

public GetEmailAddress ( string emailId ) : Email
emailId string
return Email

GetEmailBlackList() public method

public GetEmailBlackList ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

GetEmailForwarding() public method

public GetEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId ) : EmailForwarding
forwardingId string
return EmailForwarding

GetEmailWebHook() public method

public GetEmailWebHook ( string emailId ) : EmailWebHook
emailId string
return EmailWebHook

GetEmailWhiteList() public method

public GetEmailWhiteList ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

GetFlavor() public method

public GetFlavor ( string flavorid ) : FlavorDetails
flavorid string
return FlavorDetails

GetGlanceImage() public method

public GetGlanceImage ( string imageId ) : CloudImage
imageId string
return CloudImage

GetHealthMonitor() public method

public GetHealthMonitor ( string monitorId ) : HealthMonitor
monitorId string
return HealthMonitor

GetHttpConsole() public method

public GetHttpConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
serverId string
return VncConsole

GetImage() public method

public GetImage ( string imageId ) : ServerImage
imageId string
return ServerImage

GetImageAmount() public method

public GetImageAmount ( ) : long
return long

GetInterfaceAttachment() public method

public GetInterfaceAttachment ( string serverId, string portId ) : InterfaceAttachment
serverId string
portId string
return InterfaceAttachment

GetKeypair() public method

public GetKeypair ( string keyName ) : Keypair
keyName string
return Keypair

GetLBMember() public method

public GetLBMember ( string memberId ) : LBMember
memberId string
return LBMember

GetMailAttachment() public method

public GetMailAttachment ( string emailId, string messageId, string attachmentId ) : Attachment
emailId string
messageId string
attachmentId string
return Attachment

GetMailBoxQuota() public method

public GetMailBoxQuota ( string serviceId ) : MailBoxQuota
serviceId string
return MailBoxQuota

GetMailDomainDedicatedIp() public method

public GetMailDomainDedicatedIp ( string domainId ) : string
domainId string
return string

GetMailMessage() public method

public GetMailMessage ( string emailId, string messageId ) : MailMessage
emailId string
messageId string
return MailMessage

GetMailService() public method

public GetMailService ( string serviceId ) : MailService
serviceId string
return MailService

GetNetwork() public method

public GetNetwork ( string networkId ) : Network
networkId string
return Network

GetNetworkGraph() public method

public GetNetworkGraph ( string serverId, string portId, DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
serverId string
portId string
startDate DateTime
endDate DateTime
mode string
return string

GetNetworkSecurityGroup() public method

public GetNetworkSecurityGroup ( string groupId ) : NetworkSecurityGroup
groupId string
return NetworkSecurityGroup

GetNetworkSecurityGroupRule() public method

public GetNetworkSecurityGroupRule ( string ruleId ) : NetworkSecurityGroupRule
ruleId string
return NetworkSecurityGroupRule

GetNotification() public method

public GetNotification ( int notificationCode, string lang = "en" ) : Notification
notificationCode int
lang string
return Notification

GetNovaConsole() public method

public GetNovaConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
serverId string
return VncConsole

GetObject() public method

public GetObject ( string container, string objectName, Stream outputStream, int chunkSize = 4096, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool verifyEtag = false, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objectName string
outputStream Stream
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
verifyEtag bool
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return void

GetObjectHeaders() public method

public GetObjectHeaders ( string container, string objectName, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
objectName string
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetObjectMetaData() public method

public GetObjectMetaData ( string container, string objectName, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : string>.Dictionary
container string
objectName string
useInternalUrl bool
return string>.Dictionary

GetObjectSaveToFile() public method

public GetObjectSaveToFile ( string container, string saveDirectory, string objectName, string fileName = null, int chunkSize = 65536, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool verifyEtag = false, Action progressUpdated = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
saveDirectory string
objectName string
fileName string
chunkSize int
headers string>.Dictionary
verifyEtag bool
progressUpdated Action
useInternalUrl bool
return void

GetOrderItem() public method

public GetOrderItem ( string itemid ) : OrderItem
itemid string
return OrderItem

GetPaymentSummary() public method

public GetPaymentSummary ( ) : PaymentSummary
return PaymentSummary

GetPool() public method

public GetPool ( string poolId ) : Pool
poolId string
return Pool

GetPort() public method

public GetPort ( string portId ) : Port
portId string
return Port

GetServer() public method

public GetServer ( string serverId ) : Server
serverId string
return Server

GetServerVolume() public method

public GetServerVolume ( string serverId, string volumeId ) : ServerVolume
serverId string
volumeId string
return ServerVolume

GetSubnet() public method

public GetSubnet ( string subnetId ) : Subnet
subnetId string
return Subnet

GetSwiftRequestGraph() public method

public GetSwiftRequestGraph ( DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
startDate DateTime
endDate DateTime
mode string
return string

GetSwiftSizeGraph() public method

public GetSwiftSizeGraph ( DateTime startDate = null, DateTime endDate = null, string mode = null ) : string
startDate DateTime
endDate DateTime
mode string
return string

GetVIP() public method

public GetVIP ( string vipId ) : VIP
vipId string
return VIP

GetVncConsole() public method

public GetVncConsole ( string serverId ) : VncConsole
serverId string
return VncConsole

GetVolume() public method

public GetVolume ( string volumeId ) : Volume
volumeId string
return Volume

GetVolumeType() public method

public GetVolumeType ( string volumeId ) : VolumeType
volumeId string
return VolumeType

ImportImage() public method

public ImportImage ( string name, string importFromUrl ) : bool
name string
importFromUrl string
return bool

ImportZone() public method

public ImportZone ( string zoneContent ) : Zone
zoneContent string
return Zone

ListAddresses() public method

public ListAddresses ( string serverId ) : ServerAddresses
serverId string
return ServerAddresses

ListBackupServices() public method

public ListBackupServices ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListBillingInvoices() public method

public ListBillingInvoices ( int offset, int limit = 1000 ) : IEnumerable
offset int
limit int
return IEnumerable

ListCDNContainers() public method

public ListCDNContainers ( int limit = null, string markerId = null, string markerEnd = null, bool cdnEnabled = false ) : IEnumerable
limit int
markerId string
markerEnd string
cdnEnabled bool
return IEnumerable

ListCloudImageTasks() public method

public ListCloudImageTasks ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListContainers() public method

public ListContainers ( int limit = null, string marker = null, string markerEnd = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : IEnumerable
limit int
marker string
markerEnd string
useInternalUrl bool
return IEnumerable

ListDatabases() public method

public ListDatabases ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
serviceId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListDbBackups() public method

public ListDbBackups ( string databaseId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
databaseId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListDbGrant() public method

public ListDbGrant ( string databaseId, int lineCount = null, int pageNo = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
databaseId string
lineCount int
pageNo int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListDbServices() public method

public ListDbServices ( int lineCount = null, int pageNo = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
lineCount int
pageNo int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListDbUsers() public method

public ListDbUsers ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
serviceId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListDnsRecords() public method

public ListDnsRecords ( string domainId ) : IEnumerable
domainId string
return IEnumerable

ListDomains() public method

public ListDomains ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListEmailAddresses() public method

public ListEmailAddresses ( string domainId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
domainId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListEmailForwardings() public method

public ListEmailForwardings ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListEndpoints() public method

Gets the list of endpoint
public ListEndpoints ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListFlavors() public method

public ListFlavors ( int minDiskInGB = null, int minRamInMB = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null ) : IEnumerable
minDiskInGB int
minRamInMB int
markerId string
limit int
return IEnumerable

ListFlavorsDetails() public method

public ListFlavorsDetails ( int minDiskInGB = null, int minRamInMB = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null ) : IEnumerable
minDiskInGB int
minRamInMB int
markerId string
limit int
return IEnumerable

ListGlanceImages() public method

public ListGlanceImages ( int limit = null, string marker = null, string name = null, string visibility = null, string memberStatus = null, string owner = null, string status = null, int sizeMin = null, int sizeMax = null, string sortKey = null, string sortDir = null, string tag = null ) : IEnumerable
limit int
marker string
name string
visibility string
memberStatus string
owner string
status string
sizeMin int
sizeMax int
sortKey string
sortDir string
tag string
return IEnumerable

ListHealthMonitors() public method

public ListHealthMonitors ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListImages() public method

public ListImages ( string server = null, string imageName = null, ImageState imageStatus = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, ImageType imageType = null ) : IEnumerable
server string
imageName string
imageStatus ImageState
changesSince DateTimeOffset
markerId string
limit int
imageType ImageType
return IEnumerable

ListImagesDetails() public method

public ListImagesDetails ( string server = null, string imageName = null, ImageState imageStatus = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, ImageType imageType = null ) : IEnumerable
server string
imageName string
imageStatus ImageState
changesSince DateTimeOffset
markerId string
limit int
imageType ImageType
return IEnumerable

ListInterfaceAttachments() public method

public ListInterfaceAttachments ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
serverId string
return IEnumerable

ListKeypairs() public method

public ListKeypairs ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListLBMembers() public method

public ListLBMembers ( string subnetId = null, string poolId = null, string protocolPort = null ) : IEnumerable
subnetId string
poolId string
protocolPort string
return IEnumerable

ListMailDomains() public method

public ListMailDomains ( string serviceId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
serviceId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListMailMessageHeaders() public method

public ListMailMessageHeaders ( string emailId, int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListMailServices() public method

public ListMailServices ( int offset = null, int limit = null, string sortKey = null, string sortType = null ) : IEnumerable
offset int
limit int
sortKey string
sortType string
return IEnumerable

ListNetworkSecurityGroupRules() public method

public ListNetworkSecurityGroupRules ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListNetworkSecurityGroups() public method

public ListNetworkSecurityGroups ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListNetworks() public method

public ListNetworks ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListNotifications() public method

public ListNotifications ( string lang = "en", int offset, int limit = 1000 ) : IEnumerable
lang string
offset int
limit int
return IEnumerable

ListObjects() public method

public ListObjects ( string container, int limit = null, string marker = null, string markerEnd = null, string prefix = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : IEnumerable
container string
limit int
marker string
markerEnd string
prefix string
useInternalUrl bool
return IEnumerable

ListOrderItems() public method

public ListOrderItems ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListPaymentHistory() public method

public ListPaymentHistory ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListPools() public method

public ListPools ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListPorts() public method

public ListPorts ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListProducts() public method

public ListProducts ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListServerIps() public method

public ListServerIps ( string serverId ) : ServerIps
serverId string
return ServerIps

ListServerSecurityGroups() public method

public ListServerSecurityGroups ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
serverId string
return IEnumerable

ListServerVolumes() public method

public ListServerVolumes ( string serverId ) : IEnumerable
serverId string
return IEnumerable

ListServers() public method

public ListServers ( string imageId = null, string flavorId = null, string name = null, ServerState status = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null ) : IEnumerable
imageId string
flavorId string
name string
status ServerState
markerId string
limit int
changesSince DateTimeOffset
return IEnumerable

ListServersDetails() public method

public ListServersDetails ( string imageId = null, string flavorId = null, string name = null, ServerState status = null, string markerId = null, int limit = null, DateTimeOffset changesSince = null ) : IEnumerable
imageId string
flavorId string
name string
status ServerState
markerId string
limit int
changesSince DateTimeOffset
return IEnumerable

ListSubnets() public method

public ListSubnets ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListTenantUsers() public method

Get Tenant Users
public ListTenantUsers ( string tenantId = null ) : IEnumerable
tenantId string
return IEnumerable

ListVIPs() public method

public ListVIPs ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListVolumeTypes() public method

public ListVolumeTypes ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListVolumes() public method

public ListVolumes ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

ListVolumesDetails() public method

public ListVolumesDetails ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

MoveObject() public method

public MoveObject ( string sourceContainer, string sourceObjectName, string destinationContainer, string destinationObjectName, string destinationContentType = null, string>.Dictionary headers = null, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
sourceContainer string
sourceObjectName string
destinationContainer string
destinationObjectName string
destinationContentType string
headers string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

OpenStackMember() public method

Initializes a new instance of the OpenStackMember class.”
public OpenStackMember ( ) : Objects.Identity
return Objects.Identity

PurgeObjectFromCDN() public method

public PurgeObjectFromCDN ( string container, string objectName, IEnumerable emails = null ) : void
container string
objectName string
emails IEnumerable
return void

RebuildServer() public method

public RebuildServer ( string serverId, string imageRef, string adminPassword, string keyName = null ) : Server
serverId string
imageRef string
adminPassword string
keyName string
return Server

ResizeServer() public method

public ResizeServer ( string serverId, string flavorid, DiskConfiguration diskconfig ) : bool
serverId string
flavorid string
diskconfig DiskConfiguration
return bool

RestartServer() public method

public RestartServer ( string serverId, RebootType rebootType ) : bool
serverId string
rebootType RebootType
return bool

RestoreDatabase() public method

public RestoreDatabase ( string databaseId, string backupId ) : bool
databaseId string
backupId string
return bool

RestoreFromBackupRun() public method

public RestoreFromBackupRun ( string backupId, string backupRunId ) : bool
backupId string
backupRunId string
return bool

RevertResizeServer() public method

public RevertResizeServer ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

SetDbServiceBackup() public method

public SetDbServiceBackup ( string serviceId, bool enabled ) : bool
serviceId string
enabled bool
return bool

SetDefaultRegion() public method

Sets default region
public SetDefaultRegion ( string region ) : void
region string
return void

SetEmailForwardingCopy() public method

public SetEmailForwardingCopy ( string emailId, bool enabled ) : bool
emailId string
enabled bool
return bool

SetEmailSpamFilter() public method

public SetEmailSpamFilter ( string emailId, bool enabled, string type = null ) : bool
emailId string
enabled bool
type string
return bool

SetEmailVirusCheck() public method

public SetEmailVirusCheck ( string emailId, bool enabled ) : bool
emailId string
enabled bool
return bool

SetImageQuota() public method

public SetImageQuota ( string quota ) : string>.Dictionary
quota string
return string>.Dictionary

SetMailDomainDedicatedIpStatus() public method

public SetMailDomainDedicatedIpStatus ( string domainId, bool enabled ) : string
domainId string
enabled bool
return string

SetMailServiceBackup() public method

public SetMailServiceBackup ( string serviceId, bool enabled ) : bool
serviceId string
enabled bool
return bool

SetNotification() public method

public SetNotification ( int notificationCode, string status ) : Notification
notificationCode int
status string
return Notification

SetProviders() protected method

Sets the default behavior
protected SetProviders ( ) : void
return void

SetWebShare() public method

public SetWebShare ( string imageId, bool sharing ) : bool
imageId string
sharing bool
return bool

ShutdownServer() public method

public ShutdownServer ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

StartServer() public method

public StartServer ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

StopServer() public method

public StopServer ( string serverId ) : bool
serverId string
return bool

UpdateAccountMetadata() public method

public UpdateAccountMetadata ( string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
metadata string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

UpdateBlackList() public method

public UpdateBlackList ( string emailId, EmailFilterDetails targets ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
targets EmailFilterDetails
return IEnumerable

UpdateContainerCdnHeaders() public method

public UpdateContainerCdnHeaders ( string container, string>.Dictionary headers ) : void
container string
headers string>.Dictionary
return void

UpdateContainerMetadata() public method

public UpdateContainerMetadata ( string container, string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
metadata string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

UpdateDatabase() public method

public UpdateDatabase ( string databaseId, string memo = null ) : Database
databaseId string
memo string
return Database

UpdateDbService() public method

public UpdateDbService ( string serviceId, string serviceName ) : DbService
serviceId string
serviceName string
return DbService

UpdateDbServiceQuota() public method

public UpdateDbServiceQuota ( string serviceId, int quota ) : DbServiceQuota
serviceId string
quota int
return DbServiceQuota

UpdateDbUser() public method

public UpdateDbUser ( string userId, string password = null, string memo = null ) : DbUser
userId string
password string
memo string
return DbUser

UpdateDnsRecord() public method

public UpdateDnsRecord ( string domainId, string recordId, string name, string type, string data, int priority = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, string gslbRegion = null, int gslbWeight = null, int gslbCheck = null ) : DnsRecord
domainId string
recordId string
name string
type string
data string
priority int
ttl int
description string
gslbRegion string
gslbWeight int
gslbCheck int
return DnsRecord

UpdateDomain() public method

public UpdateDomain ( string domainId, string domainName = null, string email = null, int ttl = null, string description = null, int gslb = null ) : Domain
domainId string
domainName string
email string
ttl int
description string
gslb int
return Domain

UpdateEmailForwarding() public method

public UpdateEmailForwarding ( string forwardingId, string toForwardAddress ) : EmailForwarding
forwardingId string
toForwardAddress string
return EmailForwarding

UpdateEmailWebHook() public method

public UpdateEmailWebHook ( string emailId, string webhookUrl, string keyword ) : EmailWebHook
emailId string
webhookUrl string
keyword string
return EmailWebHook

UpdateHealthMonitor() public method

public UpdateHealthMonitor ( string monitorId, int delay, int maxRetries, string urlPath ) : HealthMonitor
monitorId string
delay int
maxRetries int
urlPath string
return HealthMonitor

UpdateLBMember() public method

public UpdateLBMember ( string memberId, int weight ) : LBMember
memberId string
weight int
return LBMember

UpdateMailBoxQuota() public method

public UpdateMailBoxQuota ( string serviceId, int quota ) : MailBoxQuota
serviceId string
quota int
return MailBoxQuota

UpdateMailService() public method

public UpdateMailService ( string serviceId, string serviceName ) : MailService
serviceId string
serviceName string
return MailService

UpdateObjectMetadata() public method

public UpdateObjectMetadata ( string container, string objectName, string>.Dictionary metadata, bool useInternalUrl = false ) : void
container string
objectName string
metadata string>.Dictionary
useInternalUrl bool
return void

UpdatePool() public method

public UpdatePool ( string poolId, string name = null, string lbMethod = null ) : Pool
poolId string
name string
lbMethod string
return Pool

UpdatePort() public method

public UpdatePort ( string portId, bool adminStateUp = null, string securityGroups = null, FixedIp fixedIps = null, AllowedAddressPair allowedAddressPairs = null ) : Port
portId string
adminStateUp bool
securityGroups string
fixedIps FixedIp
allowedAddressPairs AllowedAddressPair
return Port

UpdateSubnet() public method

public UpdateSubnet ( string subnetId, string name ) : Subnet
subnetId string
name string
return Subnet

UpdateVIP() public method

public UpdateVIP ( ) : VIP
return VIP

UpdateWhiteList() public method

public UpdateWhiteList ( string emailId, EmailFilterDetails targets ) : IEnumerable
emailId string
targets EmailFilterDetails
return IEnumerable

WaitForVolumeAvailable() public method

public WaitForVolumeAvailable ( string volumeId, int refreshCount = 600, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : Volume
volumeId string
refreshCount int
refreshDelay TimeSpan
return Volume

WaitForVolumeDeleted() public method

public WaitForVolumeDeleted ( string volumeId, int refreshCount = 360, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : bool
volumeId string
refreshCount int
refreshDelay TimeSpan
return bool

WaitForVolumeState() public method

public WaitForVolumeState ( string volumeId, VolumeState expectedState, VolumeState errorStates, int refreshCount = 600, TimeSpan refreshDelay = null ) : Volume
volumeId string
expectedState VolumeState
errorStates VolumeState
refreshCount int
refreshDelay TimeSpan
return Volume

toUnixTime() protected method

Convert DateTime to UnixTime
protected toUnixTime ( DateTime pcTime ) : string
pcTime DateTime
return string