C# Class Composite.Core.ResourceSystem.LocalizationFiles.Composite_C1Console_Trees

Show file Open project: Orckestra/C1-CMS

Public Methods

Method Description
LocalizeData_ShowError_FieldErrorFormat ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string

"The field '{0}' is referencing data of type '{1}' with the label '{2}'"

TreeRanges_IntRange_Closed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"From {0} to {1}"

TreeRanges_IntRange_MaxOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string

"{0} or more"

TreeRanges_IntRange_MinOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string

"{0} or less"

TreeRanges_StringRange_Closed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"From {0} to {1}"

TreeRanges_StringRange_MaxOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string

"{0} and after"

TreeRanges_StringRange_MinOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string

"{0} and before"

TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPoint ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The attachment point '{0}' is unknown"

TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPosition ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The attachment position '{0}' is unknown"

TreeValidationError_Common_MissingAttribute ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The required attribute '{0}' is missing"

TreeValidationError_Common_MissingProperty ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The type '{0}' does not contain a property named '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_Common_NotImplementingIData ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The type '{0}' does not implement the interface '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownElement ( object parameter0 ) : string

"Unknown element '{0}'"

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownException ( object parameter0 ) : string

"Unknown exception happened: '{0}'"

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownInterfaceType ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The type '{0}' could not be found"

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongAttributeValue ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The attribute '{0}' has a value that is not allowed"

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongLocationValue ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The value '{0}' is not allowed as a location value"

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongPermissionValue ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The value '{0}' is not allowed as a permission type value"

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_BadMarkupPath ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The custom markup path '{0}' is wrongly formatted. Use ~/Dir1/Dir2/File.xml"

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_InvalidXml ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The file '{0}' does not contain valid XML markup."

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_MissingFile ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The file '{0}' does not exist"

TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_TooManyPostParameterElements ( object parameter0 ) : string

"Too many '{0}' elements, only one is allowed"

TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_UnknownViewType ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The view type '{0}' is not supported"

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_MoreThanOnParentFilterIsPointingToMe ( object parameter0 ) : string

"More than one parent filter is pointing to the interface '{0}'. Change the Display value to Lazy"

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameInterfaceUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The data interface '{0}' is used more than once as a child under the same parent element and this is not allowed"

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameParentFilterInterfaceUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The same interface '{0}' is used as parent type as parent filter and this is not allowed"

TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_InterfaceNotInParentTree ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The interface '{0}' is not contained in the current element or any of its parents"

TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_WrongFormat ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"'{0}' is in wrong format, use the format: {1}"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetIsMissing ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The property '{0}' is of type Date and this requires the DateFormat attribute to be present"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetNotAllowed ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string

"DateFormat attribute requires that the property '{0}' should be of type '{1}' but is type '{2}'"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_InterfaceTypeSwitchNotAllowed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"Switching from the interface type '{0}' to a different interface type '{1}' is not allowed in the same folder grouping group"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_SameFieldUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string

"Using the field name '{0}' twice in the same grouping tree is not allowed"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongDateChildInterfaceType ( object parameter0 ) : string

"Only data child elements with the same interface type as the folder grouping ('{0}') are allowed"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongFirstLetterOnlyPropertyType ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string

"First-letter-only requires that the property '{0}' should be of type '{1}' but is type '{2}'"

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongInterfaceType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The interface type '{0}' does not match the parent elements interface type '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_OperatorNotSupportedForType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The operator '{0}' is not supported for the type '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_UnknownOperatorName ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The operator '{0}' is unknown or not supported"

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_ValueCouldNotBeConverted ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The string value '{0}' could not be converted to the type '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownDirection ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The direction value '{0}' is wrong, should be either 'ascending' or 'descending'"

TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownField ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The type '{0}' does not contain a field named '{1}'"

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterCount ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The parameter count of expression returned by the function is '{0}', 1 was expected"

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The expressions parameter type returned by the function is '{0}', '{1}' was expected"

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionReturnType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The return type of the expression returned by the function is '{0}', '{1}' was expected"

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongReturnValue ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The function does not return value of the type '{0}'"

TreeValidationError_Markup_SchemaError ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string

"Syntax error: {0} at line {1} position {2}"

TreeValidationError_MessageBoxAction_UnknownDialogType ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The dialog type '{0}' is not supported"

TreeValidationError_ParentIdFilterNode_TypeIsNotInParentTree ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The type '{0}' is not in the parent tree of this node or specified as an attachment points type"

TreeValidationError_Range_MinMaxError ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The value first value ({0}) in a range should be lesser than second value ({1})"

TreeValidationError_Range_UnsupportedType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string

"The property '{0}' is of type '{1}' which does not support ranges"

TreeValidationError_ReportFunctionAction_WrongReturnValue ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The function does not return value of the type '{0}'"

TreeValidationError_SimpleElement_AlreadyUsedId ( object parameter0 ) : string

"The id value '{0}' has already been used in this tree"

Private Methods

Method Description
T ( string key ) : string

Method Details

LocalizeData_ShowError_FieldErrorFormat() public static method

"The field '{0}' is referencing data of type '{1}' with the label '{2}'"
public static LocalizeData_ShowError_FieldErrorFormat ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
parameter2 object
return string

TreeRanges_IntRange_Closed() public static method

"From {0} to {1}"
public static TreeRanges_IntRange_Closed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeRanges_IntRange_MaxOpenEnded() public static method

"{0} or more"
public static TreeRanges_IntRange_MaxOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeRanges_IntRange_MinOpenEnded() public static method

"{0} or less"
public static TreeRanges_IntRange_MinOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeRanges_StringRange_Closed() public static method

"From {0} to {1}"
public static TreeRanges_StringRange_Closed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeRanges_StringRange_MaxOpenEnded() public static method

"{0} and after"
public static TreeRanges_StringRange_MaxOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeRanges_StringRange_MinOpenEnded() public static method

"{0} and before"
public static TreeRanges_StringRange_MinOpenEnded ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPoint() public static method

"The attachment point '{0}' is unknown"
public static TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPoint ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPosition() public static method

"The attachment position '{0}' is unknown"
public static TreeValidationError_AutoAttachments_UnknownAttachmentPosition ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_MissingAttribute() public static method

"The required attribute '{0}' is missing"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_MissingAttribute ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_MissingProperty() public static method

"The type '{0}' does not contain a property named '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_MissingProperty ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_NotImplementingIData() public static method

"The type '{0}' does not implement the interface '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_NotImplementingIData ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownElement() public static method

"Unknown element '{0}'"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownElement ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownException() public static method

"Unknown exception happened: '{0}'"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownException ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownInterfaceType() public static method

"The type '{0}' could not be found"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_UnknownInterfaceType ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongAttributeValue() public static method

"The attribute '{0}' has a value that is not allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_WrongAttributeValue ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongLocationValue() public static method

"The value '{0}' is not allowed as a location value"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_WrongLocationValue ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Common_WrongPermissionValue() public static method

"The value '{0}' is not allowed as a permission type value"
public static TreeValidationError_Common_WrongPermissionValue ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_BadMarkupPath() public static method

"The custom markup path '{0}' is wrongly formatted. Use ~/Dir1/Dir2/File.xml"
public static TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_BadMarkupPath ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_InvalidXml() public static method

"The file '{0}' does not contain valid XML markup."
public static TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_InvalidXml ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_MissingFile() public static method

"The file '{0}' does not exist"
public static TreeValidationError_CustomFormMarkup_MissingFile ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_TooManyPostParameterElements() public static method

"Too many '{0}' elements, only one is allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_TooManyPostParameterElements ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_UnknownViewType() public static method

"The view type '{0}' is not supported"
public static TreeValidationError_CustomUrlAction_UnknownViewType ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_MoreThanOnParentFilterIsPointingToMe() public static method

"More than one parent filter is pointing to the interface '{0}'. Change the Display value to Lazy"
public static TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_MoreThanOnParentFilterIsPointingToMe ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameInterfaceUsedTwice() public static method

"The data interface '{0}' is used more than once as a child under the same parent element and this is not allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameInterfaceUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameParentFilterInterfaceUsedTwice() public static method

"The same interface '{0}' is used as parent type as parent filter and this is not allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_DataElementsTreeNode_SameParentFilterInterfaceUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_InterfaceNotInParentTree() public static method

"The interface '{0}' is not contained in the current element or any of its parents"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_InterfaceNotInParentTree ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_WrongFormat() public static method

"'{0}' is in wrong format, use the format: {1}"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFieldValueHelper_WrongFormat ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetIsMissing() public static method

"The property '{0}' is of type Date and this requires the DateFormat attribute to be present"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetIsMissing ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetNotAllowed() public static method

"DateFormat attribute requires that the property '{0}' should be of type '{1}' but is type '{2}'"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_DateFormetNotAllowed ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
parameter2 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_InterfaceTypeSwitchNotAllowed() public static method

"Switching from the interface type '{0}' to a different interface type '{1}' is not allowed in the same folder grouping group"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_InterfaceTypeSwitchNotAllowed ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_SameFieldUsedTwice() public static method

"Using the field name '{0}' twice in the same grouping tree is not allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_SameFieldUsedTwice ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongDateChildInterfaceType() public static method

"Only data child elements with the same interface type as the folder grouping ('{0}') are allowed"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongDateChildInterfaceType ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongFirstLetterOnlyPropertyType() public static method

"First-letter-only requires that the property '{0}' should be of type '{1}' but is type '{2}'"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongFirstLetterOnlyPropertyType ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
parameter2 object
return string

TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongInterfaceType() public static method

"The interface type '{0}' does not match the parent elements interface type '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_DataFolderElements_WrongInterfaceType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_OperatorNotSupportedForType() public static method

"The operator '{0}' is not supported for the type '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_OperatorNotSupportedForType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_UnknownOperatorName() public static method

"The operator '{0}' is unknown or not supported"
public static TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_UnknownOperatorName ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_ValueCouldNotBeConverted() public static method

"The string value '{0}' could not be converted to the type '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_FieldFilter_ValueCouldNotBeConverted ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownDirection() public static method

"The direction value '{0}' is wrong, should be either 'ascending' or 'descending'"
public static TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownDirection ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownField() public static method

"The type '{0}' does not contain a field named '{1}'"
public static TreeValidationError_FieldOrderBy_UnknownField ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterCount() public static method

"The parameter count of expression returned by the function is '{0}', 1 was expected"
public static TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterCount ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterType() public static method

"The expressions parameter type returned by the function is '{0}', '{1}' was expected"
public static TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionParameterType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionReturnType() public static method

"The return type of the expression returned by the function is '{0}', '{1}' was expected"
public static TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongFunctionReturnType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongReturnValue() public static method

"The function does not return value of the type '{0}'"
public static TreeValidationError_FunctionFilter_WrongReturnValue ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Markup_SchemaError() public static method

"Syntax error: {0} at line {1} position {2}"
public static TreeValidationError_Markup_SchemaError ( object parameter0, object parameter1, object parameter2 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
parameter2 object
return string

TreeValidationError_MessageBoxAction_UnknownDialogType() public static method

"The dialog type '{0}' is not supported"
public static TreeValidationError_MessageBoxAction_UnknownDialogType ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_ParentIdFilterNode_TypeIsNotInParentTree() public static method

"The type '{0}' is not in the parent tree of this node or specified as an attachment points type"
public static TreeValidationError_ParentIdFilterNode_TypeIsNotInParentTree ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Range_MinMaxError() public static method

"The value first value ({0}) in a range should be lesser than second value ({1})"
public static TreeValidationError_Range_MinMaxError ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_Range_UnsupportedType() public static method

"The property '{0}' is of type '{1}' which does not support ranges"
public static TreeValidationError_Range_UnsupportedType ( object parameter0, object parameter1 ) : string
parameter0 object
parameter1 object
return string

TreeValidationError_ReportFunctionAction_WrongReturnValue() public static method

"The function does not return value of the type '{0}'"
public static TreeValidationError_ReportFunctionAction_WrongReturnValue ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string

TreeValidationError_SimpleElement_AlreadyUsedId() public static method

"The id value '{0}' has already been used in this tree"
public static TreeValidationError_SimpleElement_AlreadyUsedId ( object parameter0 ) : string
parameter0 object
return string